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Posts posted by JdSaunders

  1. I’ve just seen Dr Mani after what seems to have flown by in terms of time almost 18 months since surgery. And for one reason or another have not had the chance to really catch up in person with him. I thought it would be good for me to share my experience across a number of platforms because this Dr Really is the business. 

    I’d been contemplating a hair transplant for a while, speaking to my hair dresser about and in all honesty he recommended going to Turkey from the experience of his clientele. I had initially planned to, speaking with Hair of Istanbul I had arranged dates etc and it was only due to the covid flight restrictions on my birthday in January I didn’t fly.

    I decided to put the transplant on the back burner for a while until I saw a friends IG. I had no idea he was going ahead with the procedure so I got in contact and fired him a few questions about it, from our conversation he put me in touch with Dr Mani Mittal.

    I had a consultation set up with Dr Mani very quickly where we ran through the standard screening, with Dr Mani having the opportunity to tell me a bit more about himself and his background whilst learning about mine and why I wanted to go ahead with a transplant.

    From this consultation I immediately felt a lot more relaxed about the procedure and felt my confidence in Dr Mani grow. I have a few close friends who have had work done previously and they carried out some due diligence for me, the results they came back with from the reviews about  Dr Mani only strengthened my confidence.

    The only uncertainty I had was sending someone I had meet off IG 5 minutes ago and had only a virtual consultation with sending the deposit without having met them, Dr Mani was extremely understanding towards this and invited me to visit him in the Holborn clinic on a day he was operating. He took the time to go through the procedure again and make sure I was clear and confident in what I was about to commit to.
    As soon as I left the clinic that day I knew I would be going ahead with him and only him


    From having the consultation in Mid January to finding my self in the chair Late February I was both excited and nervous.  All the pr-op instructions had been followed I’d restarted the finasteride as instructed and was ready to go

    I was welcomed as I arrived and instantly made to feel at ease. Dr Mani’s teams initially treated me shortly after the main Man arrived and we went through the first few processes. He marked the hair line, made sure I was still happy with the conservative approach and then began shaving the hair down. I opted for a full shave as Dr Mani recommended it to be easier to clean the scalp after and to allow the hairs to grow in a more uniform way after the procedure. I wasn’t to self consious.

    I was face down in the chair preparing for the injections, whoever tells you they don’t hurt is lying! However this is the only pain during the whole procedure.. unless you decide to not notify them when the painkillers wear off, Dr Mani won’t be impressed if you do this.. I found out the hard way.

    I was face down in the chair for around 5 hours having around 2000 grafts taken.

    After a short stop for lunch (Don’t offer to pay of Dr Mani will laugh at you) I was face up in the chair for remainder of the procedure, taking around 4 hours.

    I was discharged with the aftercare information and followed the instructions to the final T. 

    I have got complacent and stopped taking finasteride for the last 5 months or so. So when dr mani saw me he wasn’t impressed investigates my hair and had noticed some thinning occurring behind the transplant. Early stages which hopefully can be reversed so I have restarted the process again as per his instruction. 

    one thing I will add, is my father had plug surgery in the late 80’s and he advised not to go down this route. After he’s seen my results he only wished he had more hair to be able to get another one. I suppose it shows how far modern techniques have come and how refined surgeries can truly be. 

    I’ve put all pre-op and post op pics for you guys to have a look at. I’m a normal guy I don’t work for Dr Mani I do my own thing but if you have any questions feel free to ask me on here or on Instagram. 

    For anyone contemplating a hair transplant I would encourage you to reach out to his team and atleast get a consultation. I think I ended up going with him because of his personality as I really liked him as a person and he genuinely cared. He also focuses on one patient a day but that may also have been because mine was a slightly bigger case.  

    My IG is Johnsaunders_ feel free to DM me any further questions if I don’t get back to you on here quickly, or if you’d like assistance in getting in touch with Dr Mani.

    Have a conversation with Dr Mani no harm can come of it, I’m sure he will leave you feeling the same way as i did!

    virtual consult picture


    day of surgery


    post op some swellingC392421B-6212-495C-B3D1-9AE716FB1F98.thumb.jpeg.b21385fa2cb9907f0c56717d6ec480ff.jpegonce all scabs were off


    54F05985-2E90-41EA-B4AB-8CAA743B8D9F.thumb.jpeg.4ab61413e818f5eb321cb457411a5481.jpegthe ugly duckling phase .


    around month 7




    And this is how it looks now. 

    confidnece is back!!!



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