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Posts posted by S5089

  1. 18 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    There is no best, only best for your situation. I would strongly reconsider getting surgery if you're not on medication. You are very young, and the chances are you will lose a lot more hair in the years to come. You need to treat the root cause before getting a hair transplant. Think of it this way, you have a hole in a boat which has caused damage. You wouldn't fix the damage until you stop the leak would you? The same thing with hair loss. 

    What do you mean by my situation, is it age? medication? I think I have mentioned that. Can yo please mention in detail what other information I need to provide. I just want to know based on your knowledge about the doctors I mentioned, which one have had consistent good results for NW3.

    Regarding your statement on reconsidering getting a surgery, I completely understand the example you give and your 100% correct. But honestly I don't have intention to take Finasteride, I have consulted couple of doctors in my country and they advised me to avoid it.

    My plan following my hair transplant is to take vitamins and PRP sessions every maybe 6 month. Is there any other treatment which can help in your opening?

  2. Hello Gents

    I’m NW3 and looking for the best doctor for my hair transplant operation. I am stuck between the below options which i got as of now but i am open to more options.

    1) Dr. Bicer

    2) Fue capillar (Dr. turan or Gur) 

    3) Dr. Resul Yaman

    4) Eugenix

    Fyi, I am 32 years old and not on medication.

    Also, please if you could write down any other option who you believe might do best for my case.




  3. Hello Experts,

    I would like to ask about DHI clinics, I have approached one in my country based on a friend who had his hair transplant and the results looked really good.

    The DHI advisor explained to me that they do not have a specific doctor doing the procedure but rather its the specialist who does it. And he said usually they travel from country to country depending on the load as they have many branches world wide. But what he said is that the results are consistent    And all of the specialists are the same. Because i asked about the name of the specialist who will perform the hair transplant on me but he asked me to confirm the date first then they will be able to tell the name. But in all cases, they are not famous i think. 


    They questions I have 

    1) What do you think of DHI method in general? Does it give consistent good result? 

    2) Do you think for DHI clinics, the specialist name is not important and all of them are the same as the advisor claimed? 

    3) Considering my budget around 8k dollar maximum, where is the best clinic you recommend me to have my hair transplant - I live in middle east and i am norwood 2 or 3 and i am 32 years old.  I am planning to have my hair transplant on mid November 2022.



  4. 21 hours ago, GoliGoliGoli said:

    I am also curious to know why you stopped using Minox and wish you never used it. I've been on it 4-5 months and have gotten some pretty serious improvement. 

    I mentioned in one of the comments above, if its working on you its great and if you are happy to use it for the rest of your life why not. For me it didn't work well and caused more hair fall. 

  5. 14 hours ago, NARMAK said:

    OP, welcome to the forum and hopefully you find good advice here like the above to stay away from hair mills. 

    I know you said you used Minoxodil and regret it, but i would like to understand why that is. 

    Now another point you raised is not taking Finasteride because you have a fear of side affects. That's understandable but there are things you can do to mitigate it and imo, it's folly to say you won't consider it before a hair transplant but maybe after. 

    Dr Cuoto i could be wrong, but is by far and away the absolute best name you mentioned. The only issue however, is that i believe he doesn't operate on patients not having already been on Finasteride perhaps 6 to 12 months prior. 

    Hair loss is progressive and the only weapons we have against it don't even guarantee we stop it completely but can slow it down with Finasteride to inhibit DHT and then Minoxodil to work on whatever mechanism of action it seems to in order to help regrow hair, albeit, only for as long as you continue to use it indefinitely and it only masks DHT hair loss for so long. 

    Thanks Narmak for sharing your experience. I am still investigating to find other options and I hope I can find the one where I feel comfortable to proceed with. 

    I was using Hairgain Minoxodil 5% for like 6-8month at the very early stage of my hair fall, but it increased my hair fall over the period I was using. And I didn't really know how to stop as I knew things will get worse. But I managed to gradually stop anyhow. I remember the first month using it, I could see some small hairs growing but then the next day they disappear. It had also its psychological problems. I realized the more I stand by mirror and watch my hair, the more stressful  I get. I just didn't feel something I would want to do on daily basis for the rest of my life. I didn't have headaches or any other side effects as far as I remember.




  6. Hi Experts,

    I am a new member here. Have been reading a lot of articles recently which helped me a lot to think twice before having my first hair transplant. 

    As there are many hair transplant clinics out there, I am not sure which one to pick for my case. My budget is around 8k dollar. 

    I am 32 years old, I am not taking any medication - used to take minoxidil like 6-7 years back when I started noticing hair fall but I stopped after 1 year - I wish I never used minoxidill. Anyway, I had 4-5 sessions of PRP like 2 years back which I think helped to control my hair fall. However I have notice my hair fall started again recently and I started again the PRP from this month. I am not considering taking fenestrate at the moment due to the side effects- maybe after the hair transplant? 

    My plan was to do my hair transplant on November 2022 - really soon - but now after I came across this forum and reading about all those hair mill clinics, I am thinking to reconsider it for a while - unless someone really guides me here so I can take the advance of my long upcoming holidays. 

    My initial plan was in Turkey and i contacted below clinics 

    - Smile Hair Clinic - recommended 2600-3100 grafts (2390Euro for primary - 3290Euro for Exclusive package) - Sapphire FUE 

    - Vera Clinic - recommended 2480-2745 grafts (3200Euro for primary - 32550Euro for Exclusive package)  - Sapphire FUE - Norwood type 2 

    - Asmed Clinic - Recommended 3000-3300 Grafts ( 1.9 Euro per transplanted unit or 3Euros per transplanted unit for procedure by Dr. Koray himself) DES FUE 

    And then I found about FUExpert (Dr. Juan Couto) from this forum and contacted them. They told me that they are fully booked for the next 1.5 years - tbh I don't mind postponing my hair transplant but I prefer to do it now again due to my long holiday on November 2022. 

    So any advise if you think i should better wait or proceed with the hair transplant - and if you think i shall do it which clinics do you recommend? 



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