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Posts posted by spiral

  1. Got my HT done a few days ago with Gur (who is actually known to be more conservative with hairlines) but am having some buyer's regret that I didn't push for a bit more of a recessed/mature hairline. I don't anticipate this being my only HT in my life and I figure it's easier to move the hairline lower than higher. 

    It's likely I'll be perfectly happy with my new hairline once I grow it out but to satisfy my curiosity, I was wondering if this was at all possible to move the hairline back without wasting the grafts by lasering them off or something. 

    I vaguely remember someone had some poor work done who than had a repair with Mwamba and moved some grafts from temple to somewhere else. I just don't understand how this is feasible because it seems like it would leave FUE scars very visibly on the forehead. 



  2. I'm getting my HT in Istanbul and will be staying there for a week before flying back. 

    Is there anything I can pack that will improve my quality of life while recovering?

    1. Sleep - should I bring a neck pillow for upright sleeping first few days?

    2. Rain - how damaging could rain be, should I bring an umbrella just in case?

    Anything else?

  3. 10 hours ago, StillAlive said:

    No sightseeing post procedure, you'll want to shut yourself in your cave and heal/grow, not worry about e-passes on your phone and grabbing lunch at packed counters. If it makes more sense financially to you, just hole up in the hotel and enjoy the room service for the extra days. 

    Fair enough, 2nd question, back home I have a pretty urban lifestyle, I walk to work, to the grocery store, etc.

    When can I start resuming my normal lifestyle in that sense?

  4. Have my ht booked for early January. Flight prices drop a ton at 8 days after the procedure so after airfare and accommodation, staying longer is the same overall cost as flying out 2-4 days after the ht

    Not planning on doing any swimming, hot air baloon rides, treks are anything crazy, just wondering if I'll be able to walk around and check out the Hagia Sophia, The Grand Bazaar, etc. Unfortunately I have no time to check out these places before the procedure. 

    Would this be dangerous for the success of my hair transplant or will I be fine?

  5. I've consulted a few clinics and a couple have suggested re-evaluating the crown after a 1-2 years after the first hair transplant and a couple have suggested putting ~500 grafts in the crown. I'm leaning towards one of the clinics that offered the crown work but I'm wondering if I should tell them I don't want it. 

    I forget the exact reason, but I've read a couple different people saying not to do it either too young or with not a super bare crown yet. 


    Age 26, on fin. 


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  6. Interesting, sent them the video, odd, but I guess it's good they're being diligent? 

    I was asked and already sent a video of me running a comb through my donor area which makes sense to me but yeah no clue how the pen helps or what I'm supposed to do with it besides hold it next to my head. 

    I would think they could rule out a troll after the comb video as well but who knows. Maybe they also just want to filter out non-serious inquiries. 


  7. If I can't get a transplant done by March, I'll probably have to wait another ~3 years just because of upcoming life events. 

    I have reached out to the following in the past few days. Is there anyone else worth reaching out to? Is there anyone on this list I shouldn't have added? I know some of these like Bicer are booked way past March, just figured I'd add everyone who has good reviews under 3$/graft. 

    Short List

    Turkey: Pekiner, Bicer, HLC, Fuecapilar

    Europe: De Freitas, Ximena Vila, Bruno Pinto

    India: Eugenix (Exclusive?/Premium)

    Mexico: Nader


    Also would love to get general advice and a maybe some graft estimates (was expecting 2k-3k depending on how much doctor wants to work on the crown)

    Details: Age 26, started noticing recession at 19, started taking finasteride 6 months ago and haven't seen any recession since. Really my hairline has been mostly the same since 22 but noticed my crown thinning last year which is when I finally hopped on fin. 


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