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Posts posted by slavstark

  1. Just had a 2nd FUE procedure 20 days ago. These are the immediate post op pictures Exactly 2002 grafts distribuited on my hairline, resulting in 4207 hairs.

    Also had a bunch of misplaced and weird-angled grafts from the previously failed transplant removed.

    I obviously chose a different doctor this time, with over 10+ years of experience, who has performed over 2k+ hair transplants throughout his carreer.

    Also know at least 3 people, and have witnessed their sucessfull transplants with him, in person. Unlike last time, I'm pretty optimistic about the results on this one. Doctor was there the whole time, had no swelling, no pain while doing it (fell asleep a bunch of times during it), and the post-care has been great.

    Done in Brazil. Thoughts?

    pics are: before the cirurgy, right after the cirurgy, the day after the cirurgy, 3 days after the cirurgy.

    Thanks guys in advance!


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  2. To sum it up for you guys:

    I went more than one time in different hair doctors to get my hair checked. None found any signs of hair miniaturizations. I always had a big forehead. Since I was a kid.

    Knowing that, I decided to get a HT to fill areas I never had hair to begin with.

    Since my case was "easy", I decided to go with the cheaper HT doctor available in my city. The second one, who gave the opinion mention on my topic title, is a reknown doctor here in Brazil. But charges 2-3x more. I thought it wasnt worth it.

    Im 1 week away from my 3 month mark and im getting mixed reviews from ppl. Some say Its fine, a solid 5/10, that will look decent enough, and others say i will DEFINITELY need a 2nd procedure.

    What do you guys think?

    Thanks in advance.


    1st pic: from last sunday. A week ago.

    2nd and 3rd pic: 10 days after the procedure, scabs coming off.

    4th, 5th and 6th pic: 13 days later for a doctor check-up.

    I dont have any immediate post op pics. The clinic posted on their IG stories but I forgot to save it.9BC2352C-5C9B-4AA8-8E96-135758096199.thumb.jpeg.7b74c203c5fa5e28a9ec39ab4538f5c9.jpeg








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