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Posts posted by wolfowl

  1. 2 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    If you are researching for surgery you will be making a regrettable mistake if you are basing it on geography and price. Also I know it’s a very personal decision but if your father had side effects their is literally no way of knowing if you will also get them without taking meds (which as I said is a personal choice). Look at surgeons who turn out excellent results on a regular basis on patients with the same hair loss as yourself. All the best. 

    Thank you. I agree that basing this important decision on geo and price is not the best approach.

    However, in a world with tradeoffs and obligations (employment, family, limited $$$) I'm trying to optimize for what I can i.e. getting the best what I can under my budget. Would love to spend $30k and go to the best surgeon in the world but I don't have that kind of dough for this (nor time off), unfortunately.

    Agreed on the finasteride point as well - I'm probably worried in excess about the side effects.

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  2. Hi - I'm 35 years old. US west coast based. Been battling with hair loss since my mid twenties. I use Rogaine 5% almost daily. Don't use finasteride cuz my father had nasty side effects so better to be safe I guess.

    I have saved some money for finally getting FUE (like short-hair so the FUT scar is a no). I would like to get better coverage on both crown and front hairline although I understand my crown might require a lot of grafts.

    My main question:

    What doctors do you recommend? I understand the US is very expensive so I'm willing to travel not that far away. Mexico or LATAM would be ideal (I speak some Spanish) or even Canada if not super expensive. Looking for a not super long flight away from LAX.

    I have looked at Dr Jorge Cortez in Tijuana. Seems most people are satisfied but a few folks are not happy with their density. He quoted me 2,800 grafts for ~$6,500.

    My budget is around ~$12k USD all in. Is there any other doctors I should look at?

    Attaching photos of my head. Please let me know. Appreciate your help brothers.



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