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Posts posted by Gobrel

  1. 23 hours ago, McTickles said:

    NW6 here, going to him in March.  I'm getting pretty much the same as you.  Op is on a Tues and I decided to stay until Sat to give grafts a chance lock in some before flying back to the US.

    How was he about irregularities in the hairline, did he discuss that at all with you?

    Any other advice, especially regarding hanging around that hotel for several days afterwards?  Is room service decent / affordable?




    When in March? I will also go there mid march? Maybe we can grab a coffee. I plan to stay 3 days after the transplanation. I even consider to buy a Nintendo Switch or Steam Deck to have something for the spare time.

  2. 7 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    Basing surgery on price and geography is never a good idea. 

    Yes, you are right. I now read for months here and based on my observatios here Dr.Gür seems to be the doctor to go for me. On the money side what is more important is value for the money for me. Paying 5000€ or 11000€ makes a little difference sadly for me.

    The most important part was to go to the doctor for an in office consultation and let him check my hair whether it is possible for me to have a HT done and the result was positive.

  3. 1 hour ago, Gatsby said:

    I would forget about body hair and be looking at beard hair as a secondary source as a donor supply. Body hair has a much shorter anagen phase than beard hair as beard hair does to scalp hair. How is your beard?

    My focus on the body hair especially my back was because I want to get rid of it as much as I can, I hate it.:)

    I attached a picture of my beard, I shave the hair on the throat most of the time and wear a beard on my cheek.

    Regarding a doctor I will focus in Dr. Bicer and Dr. Gur and Turan because I saw there some high norwood work. Nevertheless I will visit Basinga and check what will it cost for me since there I can travel by car.

    Foto 30.08.22, 12 37 59.jpg

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  4. 16 hours ago, mister_25 said:

    I’m going to be honest, I don’t think there are doctors in turkey that I would say have consistent results and a great portfolio for Norwood 6.

    There have been some results in Norwood 6 level patients in Turkey before. But they aren’t as consistent and really fall below the elite clinics that have built reputations for Norwood 6 level patients.

    Stay away from Turkey. 

    Somewhere I saw results from Dr Bicer in Turkey with high NW and it was good, they focused on the front and also used body hair.

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  5. On 8/23/2022 at 10:24 AM, mister_25 said:

    No doctor in Turkey has the skills for Norwood 6. And most doctors that do have the skills are not going to be in your budget range.

    Norwood 6 will need a lot of grafts, which will make the cost higher. The difficulty of your case also goes up so you want to go to someone who has a strong portfolio of Norwood 6 levels.

    If you really want hair, you should increase your budget by a large amount and go to a doctor with the reputation for similar cases as yourself.

    Can you name some doctors in turkey with skills for NW6?

  6. 21 minutes ago, LookMaxx said:

    Nice why not go for full head of hair with bisinga , he can make it happen with beard hair. 

    I understand being conservative but bisinga is world class and he can do wonders 😁


    I am far from an expert. But my donor looks not like it will make 3000 grafts thus I would look for the front third. I guess the missing parts should come from body hair. I really would prefer hair from my back, I really want to get rid of most of them. You can't imagine how much hair I got on my back.:D


    Any chance you know how much bisinga charges per graft?

  7. 1 hour ago, ML488 said:

    Hard to say without actually seeing and measuring the scalp, but it looks like ballpark 3000 for frontal third, 2500 for midscalp and crown.

    I have an in person conultation with basinga in brussels in one month. When he says HT is possible I will only focus on the frontal third. When it is dark outside it looks ok on the front, but in the sun it is like there is nothing. If I can get that to NH4 it would be great.

    Are there any visible marks on the transplanted place when someone with a HT decides after years to shave his head?

  8. 17 hours ago, LookMaxx said:

    I see what you mean you want to look like a receded nw3 like Jude law

    It also seems you’re a nw6 and not progressing to nw7 or at least will do slowly. 

    I think what you’re asking should be achievable for any good doc easily. However those miniaturised hairs might not make it after HT due to shockloss

    The doctor probably will have a better idea. 



    Getting to nw 4 already would be enough for me. :)

    Which part of my head do you mean with minituarised hair? The top?

    4 hours ago, alopeciaphobia said:

    Good point. To reduce the extent of that happening, best would be to be on finasteride for 10-12 months before the procedure so those hairs get stronger. Which is what I think a lot of doctors would recommend.

    I really fear the side effects of this drug and can't decide if I should give it a try. A friend recommended me Minoxidil foam, I will give it a try.

    The blue line looks quite good. Since I got plenty of body hair, and I really mean plenty like a bear, there should be enough to cover the parts below the blue line I guess.

  9. Hello,

    I am male and 36. Over the last years my hair loss progressed and I am thinking about an hair transplation. If it is possible with my hair. Now I see many people get new hairlines and I thought maybe I could only just thicken the existing hair. Especially if the donor is not suited for more. And what also is in my mind to use body hair, I really have plenty of hair on my chest and back, really dense too. I messaged some clinics, basinga, bicer and erdogan. HM 4-5 would be great I guess.


    What are your thoughts on just thickening the existing hair?





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