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Judge Holden

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Posts posted by Judge Holden

  1. Well I used to think it was funny until it happened to me. Alot of people don't realize how much it affects people. I remember one incident where an overweight girl in my class said "you're going bald!" I really had to bite my tongue not to say something rude, but the double standard is annoying because bald men are just supposed to shrug off the insults, and we have absolutly no control over it, as opposed to an overweight person. On the positive side, it has made me much more sensitive to other peoples feelings and I make a point of never joking about someones appearance because I don't know how much it might bother them

  2. And the best coverup I have seen on a strip scar if anyone is interested was a gentlemen who had repeated fraxel and v beam laser treatments on his scar. It really blended in to the point that it only looked like a crease and this is something I may consider in the future if things go to hell for me. However you would obviously have to be quite regular with your head shaving or laser out all your hair which could get annoying

  3. Well you can't do a normal tattoo on scar tissue, it would have to be permanent makeup/ micropigmentation. I know some guys have had this done to simulate stubble but I have heard problems with ink bleeding. I don't see a scar anywhere on Jaime foxes head either, I think because of the ht rumors, and now the odd location of that (fake?) tattoo people think its a coverup

  4. I agree that most dr's would not get a hair transplant. One of the most recommended doctors "dr berstein" is bald for heavens sake! In I'm not making fun of his appearance, he looks fine its just ironic that a hair transplant dr. Is bald. When I had my first ht dr Armani told me he had a one done. I can't confirm if this was a lie (wouldnt surprise me) but if he did it was very minor temple fill in on a slightly mature hairline.

  5. I really only care about my own balding head. When I notice someone else balding I quickly forget about it and it is not a big deal. Half the guys I work with are bald/balding and I think that they all look fine and should be perfectly happy with their lives. Two guys I work with have shaved heads and have never been seen without hats on. One time the one guys hat was bumped and fell off revealing his bald head, he quickly scrambled to get his hat back on over his bald spot, obviously embarrased. I actually thought this guy looked quite sharp bald and never would have suspected it would have bothered him so much. It kind of shows that much worse than the actual aestetic aspect of losing your hair Is the phychological, but in reality nobody else cares unless they are a loser. They are too worried about their own appearance to pay much attention to yours.

  6. Im going to share a little information about my hairloss/transplant history. I stated before that I had 3k done at Armani at age 25. This was only partially true, I had my first transplant at Armani at 19 for 1200 grafts and the second at 25 for 2k. I suppose the reason I left out this information was I feel I was misled with my first operation and I would have a hard time explainly why I would return to someone with questionable ethics. ( at the time I researched I heard he was the best at strip and I was honestly worried about going to someone worse) Let me say that I absolutely regret having my first hair transplant done, I actually shaved my head for a few years after and was comfortable with the look although I was conscious of the scar. Right now I actually appear to have more hair than my senior year of high school, however as I see more and more friends balding it has become less of an issue for me and I would prefer the freedom of shaving with no scar and not having to be on drugs. Having said all of that, things have worked out okay so far however I must say my hair causes me more grief than it did before any surgery.

  7. Originally posted by coscanoer:
    Originally posted by dakota3:

    Dr. Charles,

    Did this reasonable plan include a HT? If so why? That bald, that young should be turned away IMO!


    Why? The concern with doing HTs young is the fear of having more hairloss in the future. If this guy's already Kojak then I'm not sure what's the difference. I'm sure Dr. Charles would appropriately go conservative and there can't be much more to lose.

    Its not really as simple as it sounds. Just because a guy appears to be close to totally bald it does not mean there is no risk in giving a transplant at that young of age. His sides could drop, his hair will end up being very thin leading to a bizarre appearance with no donor left and no options to shave. Add to that that he is just getting used to the idea of being bald, his opinion could change in a few years and he may not want to be a hair transplant guy. I'm not knocking hair transplants but they will certainly complicate his life more than just shaving his head will.
  8. I find what helps me when I get down about hair loss is I think of some bad ass bald guy like a Jason Staham or such. Then I say to myself "what would I think of this guy if he were moping around all the time worrying about his hairloss?"Point is that we notice someones attitude far more than their hair. You have to find a way to make it work for you. Its great that you go to the gym, keep that up. Maybe pick up some other hobbies that will help build your self esteem, like boxing or something. I'd be cautious of hair transplants with your mentality, they will cause you to think about hair more, trust me. You may be best just shaving, telling yourself you look good like that, then moving on with your life.

  9. This is kind of random but I was just watching a poker show when I noticed a young player with a shaved head (looked to be #1 guard or lower) and a visible strip scar. You know what? It didnt look that bad at all. The reason I am posting this is because I'm sure many guys here including myself feel like they want to shave their heads but cant because of the scar. Because I don't wish to have another procedure I will be shaving my head when my hair no longer looks good. It is comforting to know I can always look good with a shaved head. (plus I bet 99.9% of people don't know that that is an ht scar anyway, I had to look close to realize it was)

  10. "stimpy" what you have said is true however Im not sure "lost my swagger" means that we need hair or we need to be attractive to reach our potential. The bottom line is most of us aren't destined to be movie stars or date models or anything like that but if there is something that consumes us so much that it affects the decisions we make, and our enjoyment of life than absolutly, we are not living up to our potential.

  11. You should definitely try shaving your head, you will probably look fine. Think about all these guys with shaved heads that look great, Jason Statham, Bruce Willis, Andre Agassi, Kelly Pavlik(boxer). If anything it's not really what you will look like it just might help take your mind off of it. Besides at 35 I would bet about 35% of men have some form of hair loss.

  12. Thanks for all the advice guys. I think I need to try to stay busy and really improve other aspects of my life. Getting older I can deal with fact that I don't have a full head of hair, i just need that assurance that i will always look alright. I need to set up a plan for the future that is realistic, and then try to forget about my hair as much as possible. There really are far more important things I should focus my energy on.

  13. I have been having crippling anxiety lately about my future regarding hair loss/hair transplants and am looking for some advice. First off I am 27 had a 3000 graft procedure done 3 years ago with decent results( looks natural, wouldnt mind more density however I still look attractive to females) I was satisfied at first but lately my mind is always consumed about future loss, donor hair remaining, whether or not it will look good when I'm 40. I have been dealing with some mild depression lately and being laid off I have a little to much time to stew over things. Anyone else worry excessively about the future? Any advice? Thank you.

  14. I got to thinking about me not being completely satisfied with my HT and was wondering if my expectations were too high? I mean I wasn't expecting to look like Ronald Reagan or anything but is it not possible for a norwood 3 to get a look similar to that of a oh I don't know, chris martin from coldplay? Could this be achieved with another procedure?

  15. I got to thinking about me not being completely satisfied with my HT and was wondering if my expectations were too high? I mean I wasn't expecting to look like Ronald Reagan or anything but is it not possible for a norwood 3 to get a look similar to that of a oh I don't know, chris martin from coldplay? Could this be achieved with another procedure?

  16. I think the problem with me is that I look different in every mirror. I did keep my hair line pretty low so that is probably a good thing. If I was being honest I would say my hair looks pretty similar to Keifer Sutherlands which isn't that bad of a look. The problem with me is the anxiety about losing more hair in the future. Ill post some pics of myself when I find my camera to give you guys a better idea. Anyways I called my gf to tell her I shaved my head and she said she thought my hair looked great before so who knows, we tend to look at these things much closer than anyone else( friends and family included) thanks for all the help and encouragement guys it is appreciated.

  17. Thanks Lostmyswagger it definetly helps to hear about others in the same boat as you. I think you will agree that sometimes you will see a young balding guy with a buzzed/shaved head who has some style and confidence and be quite jealous. I think right now I can relax a little knowing that I still look good buzzed( apart from that scar) and I might talk to a good doc about maybe revising and Fueing the scar in the future. Anyways thanks for all the help guys it is greatly appreciated.

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