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Posts posted by Yomommyz

  1. Hi all,


    To keep these short and sweet for now let me explain my situation and experience.


    I went t o Colerain Hair Image Salon in Cincinnati Ohio. I was thinking of getting a hair transplant one day because I was so discouraged about my hair. I am 27 years old. I started losing my hair at age 23.


    About 9 months ago I stopped taking propecia because Mark from colerain Image Salon the owner of this hair Proffesional image salon. Said that this program would bring back 2 years of hairloss and he almost gauranteed me that I was the most perfect candidate. His program costs $2,981.00 for ONE YEAR on his program. You get the following : 4 bottles of minoxidil, 4 bottles of dexpanthenol, 4 bottles of shampoo and conditioner, and 4 bottles of pills. and a hand held lazer at 6 months, and in salon lazer visits.


    Now let me tell you how my scalp reacted to this and how it went.


    For the first 6 months my scalp was totally irritated. He didnt tell me until about 6 months that I should then start applying the dexpanthenol in the mornings separate to when I applied the minoxidil. My hair shed so badly I cried for many nights because I gave this man 1800$ to start with. He ruined my hair so much, and then when I told him about it he would try avoiding me for as long as possible, he told me it was "ok" to itch when my scalp was irritated. ((((He also told me once I bought Nizoral and HEAD and Shoulders Shampoo that I "threw a bomb in the program" Because those shampoo's have the same ingredient as concrete acid and it is irritating the follicle." I confronted him about all of this and showed him this site and the thread before this I posted and he told me he wasn't gonna get on here and comment just so you guys can tear him up with your questions, comments, and concerns.


    I've did the lazer therapy for 9 months in the salon, hand held at home, minoxidil once a night. My scalp is clean as it was when I was born. I believe my hair went into total shock from the stress I was under and the products it wasn't used to. My hair shed for 6 months!! I believe my hair went into a total TE.


    I do not have the money or faith in this guy any more. He told me a bunch of sh** to try and calm me down, which I will not say just now. For now I wanna know:


    1) Should I stay on this program and keep paying him?

    2) should I start telling more people about this?

    3) Did I make the biggest mistake of my life almost?

    4) what do you think happened to my hair to make it shed for 6 months? It says all over the internet do not take if shedding last more than 2 weeks, or if experienced continued irritation!!

    5) Is my hair ever gonna come back


    Please only comment if you are experienced. I've read just about every thing on the internet so I would really like to hear some experts opinions. I will disclose my email to any doctors so we can talk about this further.


    I do not know what to do.


    Sincerely and God Bless

  2. Ya I appreciate the comments guys, and ya I dont care if you post new theories for hair loss in my thread.


    I'm so fruastrated with hair loss drugs. My hair scalp/hair went into shock after 6 months of using this minox with carrier lotion. My hair pro guy said his products + lazer would bring back years of hairloss, and it has only created wwayyyyy moooooreee and frustration, and depression. People are asking me "what happened to your hair?" I 'm so sad, and dont know whast to do.

    I asked him if he thought I should start taking proscar 1/4 tablets like some experienced people on here suggested, however, he said no. I also asked him if I stopped taking the minox would all the hair that shed come back? He said no. SO IM SCREWED , THIS GUYS GOT ME BY THE BALLS, IT WOULD SEEM. No matter what I lose, he got 2300$ of my money, and I cant stop going to him because I want my hair to grow back.


    I talked with my mom and aunt who is a lawyer. My mother said that I cant do anything about it. I will not disclose what my aunt said at this time.


    LAstly, My mother has been taking minox for over ten years. It has helped her. She said when she uses minox too much her hair will get unbarebly irritated. So what do I do? This hair pro guy has told me to apply this stuff EVERY NIGHT, then after 6 months he finally told me to wash my hair i the morning to reduce irrtation I was like "Wow! could of used this info from the start!!!! I went through crazy amounts of horrible days at school trying not to itch my scalp.


    Comments, to help me??

  3. Although, I'm thank ful for you stepping uo and saying that, at the same time I wanna cry. I experienced an itchy scalp right away. Tried to force taking these drugs because of how much money this program costed. He told me that the dexpanthenal would decrease the amount of irritation because it cleans the scalp. After going through 6 totasl months of applyin it at night, all my hair has shed and I doesnt seem to be growing any hair back. None. I know growing hair is slow, and everything. But holy shit, what did I do to myself. When I weasnt taking this monix my scalp wasnt dried out and irritable. Its tooken me 6 months to finally get the hang of putting this stuff on. I put it on at night, then wash it the next moring or around 4:30 if I can. The irritation will come back after applying it 3 days in a row.


    I asked my hair pro, if I should take proscar 1/4 a day, and he said no. I asked hi when I first signed up, and he said propecia has side effects and is just a vascidialtor. He told me that miox was a better solution, and the lazer therapy would accelerate the hair regrowth thicker hair process. He told me that the nutritional supplements I take twice a day for the first 6 months, its says Alternative to propecia on the bottle. Where did my hair go . com, I started using nizoral again, once every 4 days, head and shoulders every other night, since the shampoo and conditioner wont sooth the irritation as well it wouild seeem to me.


    My mom knows all about this, and so do my friends and family now. Every one is telling me this hair pro is a scammer. Every one. All's I know is all of this work, and my hair looks like s.h.i.t. The picture above was the start of this program. I told my hair pro that I was gonna email him this, I havent yet.


    Comments please?


    sincerely yomommyz

  4. Thanks for the replies.


    I am loosing my hair badly. The picture above is me 5 months ago. My hair is a comb over, a very good one. That picture is my hair before I started this program I am now, the one that costs 2300$ so far like Ive been explaining. This minox I have been applying had made my hair shed massive amounts than usual. The hair pro you guys are telling me scammed me, is telling me this hair will come back. what do you think.


    also, I asked him, "What if I stop treating my scalp with these products?" He said the hair that I shedded : ( would nevcer come back : ( . I'm so mad at my decision. What should I do? Should I go on proscar and cut the tablets to save cost? Does proscar need a script just like propecia? Should I send this link to my hair pro and have him join in in this forum??? Spankers, You think I should just cut my losses? Shouldn't I tell the world what this mans is doing to people?


    IS MY HAIR NEVER GONNA COME BACK?? Why, did I do this to my self.

  5. That picture was the one month after I signed up for this program like 4 months ago. All my hair shed and it doesnt look like that anymore. I took propecia for 18 months I said. I said month 5 is when i decided to start the minox combo all over my head, and it gave me dermititis so I stopped you using minox, not propecia. I took propecia for 13 more months before I talked with this hair pro guy, I'm yet to disclose it information.

  6. Ok so like I said, I'm frustrated and am gonna write more in this post of why I am frustrated and how much money I spent for hair loss drugs, reasons for switching from propecia to this new program, and every thing before, how I'm loosing MY hair as we know is different from hoe EVERYONE loses hair. As we all know everyones different. My hormones are much higher than others , and at age 22 when it started losing hair, didnt slow down. My hair then was beautiful. I 'm going to put up pics if this uploading system will allow it mb wise. I started taking minoxidil first then but it was worst thiing ever it made me shed hair. I thought I was prparing for the future if anything a positive result would come out of it, but it was such a pain!!


    Twice or once a day applying that stuff!!! Egh , so stoppe, well my hair was thinner at age 23 cuz of it. accepted it for a year, hair looked healthy and great 6 inch long hair on scalp. I then started propecia was on it for 5 months, when I the special COmbo of propecia plus minoxidil ALL OVER MY SCALP twice or once a day, it gave me dermatitis :mad: , so after nizarol and a little black tar, my hair was destroyed. Thats where the depression came on hard. I got through the depression by getting a good job traveling a lot. AND Since I stopped applying the Minox , Hopefully the Hair that lost by me Trying Minox and Giving up!! Will come back!! I mean every hair that sheds when your on Minoxidil is thick beautful hairs :mad: .


    After 18 months on propecia I was like this shit aint strong enough to do squat. So I went to hair Pro. He is a smooth talker, but he sells a item that engrossedly is proven to help with your hair loss, I mean I Graduated with Civil Engineering Degree, I'm not a scientist. This mans program is 3,000 a year, is how much I've paid 2300 after 5 months. And My hair on my scalp has always been at least 5 inches, this sucks.


    Depression here we come. Ya you' read the stories about how hairloss makes you feel when we got girls like Lady Gaga toda, so many beautiful girls, and here My hair is falling out as we speak, We shed like 50 to 100 hairs a day they say. WEll (sum) of my hair are troopers hangin in there. My next option is a transplant, which I will pay for if it comes to that. However, why am I doing this to myself.


    This is the part in the story when I tell you what this hair pro says. and those products he gave me. I'm on (where did my hair go) products now. and on a lazer right now at home, hand held. I ve been going and sitting in a nice respectible loving salon who I'm growing to thank god for. And sitting for thirty minutes under a lazer, like getting a perm. I would post his website but, I want to see if my storie comes out good in the end and not terribly wrong. After 5 months on this program, in which I take minox topical, and pills like vitamins , you can research the program for your self, the hair pro told me fin is just not doing anything, And to get on this immediately. So I Did, I saved up money from that traveling job 5 k,, and I was gonna get a transplant last winter but this guy said, I should do this program for about two years then get a transplant.


    So after 5 months of this program batteling the itching and irritation of minoxidil my hair has been shedding like crazy, Its pretty much hell :mad: I wear hat every chance I can, ya you know the stories on the internet, I've been drown to that. I'm doing this to myself. So this is right where I am 5 months later into this program. My hair is not coming back, this lazer therapy aint gonna stop them from falling out. The pills I'm taking is the key. I've been taking these pills and eating the most perfect food you can eat. I dont smoke, I dont hardly drink. My hair was meant to fall out, and I think all the hair that is falling out in the first 6 months of this program Aint coming back. I paid him 2300 so far, to basicaly fuck up my hair. It's all cuz of minoxidl theory, I do dexpanthenol for the scalp to clean it, for the minox with carrier lotion i it, and this lazer combo + pills twice a day, My follicle, ya I can see down it with this micro scope they have at this salon. Every thing sounds good except my hair is still falling out!!


    This is the part where you state your thoughts in a nice way, who wouldnt be frustrated after this. My hair pro guy calms me down because he thinks the hair is going to return , but he cant guarantee that now can he.


    Sorry so long, thoughts?:confused:

  7. """""This is probably the worst and most uneducated posts I have ever read""""




    Well sir, every one has there own opinion!!! If you would like to insult my intelegence please enlighten us on your hairloss story, since I've took the time to enlighten and give awarness to others. Mine is an educated and experienced opinion as well, as yours could be.However; You think fin is the wonder drug because the fda approved it?????.


    Also, where are you loosing your hair from sir? Just the front? And how long have you been on fin? When did you start losing your hair? Some peoples testosteromes levels are higher than others. My posts sir are not incorrect and are not innaccurate. Just because one person says this world or drug isnt a happy little marshmellow world some of you live in, you want to kick me out of the forum just for sharing (my) hairloss experience.Also I'm not the only one who has experienced the same thigs I've mentioned in all of my posts. You can click on my profile and read about everything and the topics I've brought up. But please sir enlighten us with your story since you want to slander my post. And you did prove my statement above that when you finally do give up on the cost and pain of these hairlossd rugs that your hair does fall out, However; you cannot prove why. Only by what you have read. And as we know everything you read is true!!


    God bless

  8. It says o the top of the forum" Hair Loss Drugs Share your opinions and experiences regarding drugs like Propecia (finasteride), Minoxidil and others." So here ya go, and hope this help. You can veiw my profile to see everything I've ever posted about hair loss drugs.


    Read some of my posts and get sum of the truth before you "take the plunge"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, your hair becomes dependent on these drugs kid. You have to keep taking them for the rest of your living hair days. They say the younger the better, what they dont say is. The schedule and constant hassel of bringing your hairloss products where ever you go, because heaven forbid you miss a doseage of your hailoss juice.O, And thats exactly what I wanted to do when I was 21 coming home from the bars, is to put my hairloss medicin on after having sex with my girlfriend, that really gets the confidence/swag in her view of me going.


    Just remember bud, when you take the plunge theirs no going back. they will tell you on the bottles, once you stop you will loose it all. Think about it all. Just trying to help say, what no one said to me. The people that give up after failed trials with these drugs, the drug companies made that money regardless, butt those people accepted it and stopped researchig and reporting like me. However, I will report my journey since I believe it has helped many of my friends and co workers , fellow students, church friends , family, etc. etc. The people that know me come to me for advice, I guesss you would say God blessed me with the ability to reach out to people, who ever it is!! any ways, back to post.


    I've spent around 5, 000 $ on hairloss drugs, and my hair has gotten worse, their is no guarantee the drugs will work for you. If anything the lucky few who say it works for dont have pictures to back it up. And most of the people who do document like I do, come out to be fake because they had a transplant done on the front region or etc.and tried to say the drugs did it. That is no secret to you I suspect. Hair loss companies are just like health and fitness experts, for years they have been telling us to eat power bars and do this and that.

    Sorry if your not able to see the comparison in the two, I dont feel like writing a comparison paper on hairloss companies and health and fitness companies such as gyms and weight loss programs, but you can use your intellect.


    All opinions and views shared are my own.


    god bless

  9. Gasto's comment"""""Propecia has helped me in maintaining the hair quantity though(although no improvements are seen""""


    I took propecia for a year and half experienced the shed around 3 or 4 month mark, my hair never got thicker, if anything it stabalized after the sheds and nothing happened. I never seen any change after the 4 month mark, if anything my normal hair loss rate slowly kept going. The DHT hormone is built up in your sytem, propecia or Fin may try to combat that, however is just not the wonder drug we hoped it would be. I spent 70$ a month for 18 months, never seen anything good to report about this drug.


    Hope this helps. Remember the hair loss companies will say whatever they can so you buy their products. I am in contact with hair experts now on a weekly basis, I pad them a lot of money, so I record the conversations, I document every opinion or statement they say. I've did my research.


    If their was a hair loss treatment that was worth it, you would see it on commercials on every channel. Don't let the hair companies waste your money or your time, and dont let them treat you like a lab rat. Their are no guarantee's that their products will work. The FDA approved minoxidil, that drug can give you sever demertitis, which can ruin your hair. And still they approved it . Thats what I call greedy. Giving you a glimmer of hope, just so they can make billions! Minoxidil only has the potential to grow a couple of hairs for the price of more than a couple of dollars. O and if you do take minoxidil, make sure your combating the sebum at the top of your head, if the drug cant even penetrate inside down into the papella, it cant even do its job. Also, when it does do its job, your hair follicle thickens up, thus making all your hair shed. I mean almost all.


    All my statments are from my experience with hair loss drugs. I'm saying all my thoughts so you can make a wise decision about your choice of action.


    God bless

  10. Have you ever heard of any one regrowing hair or thivkening up the existing hair with Propecia? No you havent. I've seen people try to use hair transplant pictures for minoxidil in the front progress but they were fake. I've seen videos where they say propecia regrew hair in one year. This was also a hair transplant hokes. A lot of people will tell you about the sides of propecia, how once you get passed the testicular pain, and then some of the (testosteron changes) such as increased appetite- depression sympotoms/mood changes- Also there is no getting around the fact that your libido will decrease significantly.


    Well take it from me, I took it for a year and half and nothing happened. I say it stabalized my hair (but my hair was already slowly loosing) plus propecia looses affects in 4 years (if it did anything positive after 4 years = 12 X 4 X 70$ a month); (thats a lot of money folks), but then again I shed from it at the 3 month mark, and never really got that hair back. Propecia is not a wonder drug, its a vascadilator. Remember the hairloss companies bank off you. O and dont take minoxidil unless you want your hair to shed and shed andd shed, making your situation worse, (and there is NO gaurantee you will EVER regrow that hair). Look up the minoxidil deffinition.


    Just helping from experience, so you dont have to make the same mistakes I made. The only way to combat hairloss is to kill that hormone in which DHT builds up. There is an massive amount already built up in your body. Good luck.


    Just trying to help out the consumer,,I've spent over 5,000 $ on just hair loss DRUGS, in 3.5 years. your welcome hair loss industries

  11. I've spent over 5,000 $ on hairloss products in the last 3.5 years, and it has oly made it progress at a faster rate. Do not take minoxidil if you unless u want your hair to shed lots and lots and lots.


    I am on lazer therapy at salon once a week, lazer comb at home twice a week. Hair nutritional supplements twice a day, I cleaned my scalp of all the sebum build up, So the minoxidil I'm on would penetrate the scalp better. MY HAIR HAS NEVER LOOKED MORE THIN. ALL MY HAIR SHED, BECAUSE THEY SAY THATS THE PROCESS OF THE NEW HAIRS COMING IN THICKER, BUT I HAVENT GOT THAT FAR YET, AND DOUBT IT WILL EVER HAPPEN. MY SCALP IS SO IRRITATED ALL THE TIME, AND I HAVE TO SOOTH IT BY TAKING SPECIAL CONDITIONERS OR SHAMPOO,S..


    Hope this helps you , god bless hair loss victims, & I'm just a dumb EXPERIENCED consumer with a civil engineering degree, not a doctor...........

  12. Just so you know, If you go to minoxidil just for your frontal region , you will shed for 6 months (all over) the earlier you start loosing the faster the rate. Your hair by the lok of your pics is where I am at . I took propecia for a year and half, if anything it stabelized the hair (if anything) never seen any type of positive result such as regrowth or thickeing of the hair density. Remember, hairloss companies bank on you. If you go to minoxidil you chance loosing whats left over your hair. And remember you only get two years with minoxidil before you become immune to it, and have to go to a hair transplant whicxh can cost 10, 000$ and more. The only way to fight off the DHT that has been building up in your body since you hit pubity is to fight it by nutritional supplements and finasteride, however finasteride gives you side effects that dont go away. I would accept your hairloss and start looking for nice caps, save your money , or just do more research. Whatever the case, my advise to myself at the beginning of my hairloss journey would be, dont take minoxidil, and maybe start taking oral supplements early stages of my hair loss, at this point its useless man. You'll just be wasting time, hairs, stress, and money. This would be my advice to myself at age 22 when I started loosing mine. However, I hit puberty late. Comments?

  13. I also didnt say that the hair that shed, he said it was gonna shed eventually anyways. He said that the whole lazer treatments + hairloss drug I am taking is speeding up the hair cycle, thus making it fall out. the minox type product is suppossed to enlarge the follicles and make way for thicker hair. We already to know this about minox.


    So what is missing? I'd say that I/m doing everything possible to fix my hairloss problem. Ggrsnted im not taking Fin (propecia) anymore but I dikd take it for a year and half + im taking the alternative pill supplements to propecia now. It's hair nutritional with DHT blockers. like i said if you have any comments research wheredidmyhairgo.com . I know hairloss companies make billions of us, but I've seen Minoxidil work on my mother! Once she hit menapoze her hair thickened up even more. So I know this stuff can work. i'm just trying to do something about it and keep a positive outlook on this. comments please

  14. Oh, and I stopped taking propecia because this new program seemed promiseing and propecia wasnt gonna regrow my hair just stabalize it if that. Trust me I took it for a year and half, and it never regrew anything. I switched to this new program which has DHT blocking supplents i take twice a day, and lazers and dexpanthenol to take care of the sebum, which it did, I went under a microscope attached to a computer and my scalp looks great.


    This new program hasn't regrew any of my hair either, in fact my jhair looks worse now. However, the hair proguy said the hair will come back and the hair from previous years will too. Now Thats the kind of talk sold me. Sound like a scam? I gues it does. However when your desperate to save your hair at age 26 you'll jump on that boat.


    The products I'm using are from wheredidmyhairgo.com you can research there if you 'd like.



  15. I talked with the hair pro guy today, when i went in for my lazer appointment. I've asked him every question known to man about hairloss and my situation. You rquestion "why did I stop taking Propecia" Well it never regrew any of my hair, if anything it did nothing. The positive side to nothing is, I guess you could say my hairloss was stable. Out of all the hariloss treatments I've tried propecia would be the safest when it comes to sheds. I mean for all we know the placebo effect could be doing the work.


    This new program is based off products from wheredidmyhairgo.com I asked the hair pro today how much irritation is to much. He said its okay to scratch if there are no red spots or scabs occuring. He then related that to scratching your arm. He said all my hair is sheding because the prodducts are doing what they intend to do.


    I already gave up the money, so I dont care about it anymore. I was gonna get a HT but this man told me I should stabalize my hair before I did that. When it comes to the lazer! He said that the studies have shown that propecia vs. lazer treatments, lazer treaments won by double the hair density and hair counts after one year.


    In my case after 5 months the irritation has subsided, andf the shedding has also decreased. I havenet lost all my hair but a significant amount. He told me again today that I am at my turning point. He also said that another girl reacted to the products like me and shed for 6 months before it subsided.


    I agree that this guy took a lot of money from me, butt the statements are strong in this post. Agree or disagree?

  16. I have been using wheredidmyhairgo products for the last 5 months. I also have been using lazer treatments at the hair salon and at home witha lazer comb.


    I paid over 2300 dollars for this program, because this hair specialist expert man at a image salon. He said he has been doing this for over 40 years.


    When I went in for an orientation the secretary and hair expert, told me that this program was scientificaly proven to bring back the hair I lost for the past two years.


    this is the program I have been on for the last 5 months. I take dexpanthenol to get rid of the sebum on top of my scalp. I do lazer therapy at home and at the salon frequently. I take vitamin supplements twice a day. And he gave me some minoxidil with carrier klotion in it. He said it doesnt have all the alcohal regular minox does. I told him from the beginning that my scalp didnt like monoxidil and I had a bad reaction to it previously.


    Any ways, I desperately signed up for this any ways. I have been using this wheredidmyhairgo products and my scalp has been very irritable. I asked the gexpert if I couold scratch it and he said ya as long as you dont scratch to hard and leave scars type thing. AS of now, my hair looks so bad I am so depressed about my horrible decision. I paid this man 2300 dollars just to fuck up my hair. Every where the scalp irritation occured I had top scratch and the hairloss increased so much in those areas. I thought If I would just get through this my hair would get used to this topical product and the theory behind it would work. I think I made the most horrible decision ever. At the five month mark, I still put this topical solution on my head. It's minoxidil with a little tweak I guess you'd say. I have been using moisterizing shampoo + head and shoulders to give my scalp some moisture and reliefe from the product drying my scalp out so much. I wear a hat all the time now becuz my hair loss has increased so much and my hair looks so crappy because minoxidil as every one knows from experience makes your hair look like shit.


    It's been 5 months and I put the topical solution on my scalp at night, it isnt until the next evening where the irritation starts again.


    Did I get scammed? What would you do if you were me? I think I wanna tell the world about my hairloss experoience it has been a shitty ride. I was on propecia for a year and half, and the only reason I would recomend people to doing that option is becasue minodil is horrible experience to go through and I dont know if my hair is going to come back. Every one complains about the sheds not coming back, but they say if your head sheds then that is indication of the drug working. Thats what my hair expert scammer guys says too. He tells me that my hair will return if I just stick with the program. Or is this irritation telling me that I should stop, and I'm not that lucky someone. I think I need to make every one aware of what this man did to me.

  17. What do you do about the itching? If you itch do you see more hair fall out? Do you think your scalp itches because the minox just sits on your scalp because it cannot penetrate through the sebum build up to reach the papilla?

  18. Spanker hairs around the hairline are usually little, even on many females. Could these hairs be hairs that were gonna regrow anyways before you start taking DHT blocking/via diasaleting medicine. You started taking fin 3 months ago, how long does it take hair to grow an inch. Almost the same time. I doubt it has anything to do with the medicine. What do you think.

  19. The hairs that I shed are thick hairs from all over the scalp.


    Under the microscope I can see little fine hairs, the hair pro people said that those hairs will come back thicker as well as thicken up the existing hair.


    My delema is now , all the hair that has fell out this last two months is from the products. The weaker hair has fell out and hopefully a new hair will sprout up? Right? Or the thick hairs that I shed there cycle is ended and I'll never see them again?


    If tit is true the weaker hair fell out, and the stronger hair will regrow, about how long will I be able to see these new hairs coming out of the scalp after they fall from my head.? If someone got a HT how long would you be able to see those hairs break throught the scalp? I imagine they would be about the same time period wouldnt you think.?

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