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Posts posted by aussietbk

  1. 19 minutes ago, Rawkerboi said:

    It's just four months and you want to jump for second HT?

    After four months, real growth starts so I will advise to wait for atleast 12 months before drawing any conclusion.

    Right now, you just need to focus on next 8 months. 

    Plenty of growth and maturity on your way

    It’s been 9 months, not 4, and I understand what you’re saying but I haven’t had any work done on my crown where I want my next HT, I’m more than fine with how my first HT has gone, I’m not looking for more work in that area. I went into it knowing I’d always need two, one for the hairline, one for the crown, so was just curious if anyone had any experience in how long is recommended between procedures.

  2. Hi everyone, 

    Here to share my experience and results after my HT with Dr Bicer. I've been balding/receeding since my late teens so I've been super self conscious about my hair loss ever since, to say it's affected my young adult years is an understatement. I hopped on finasteride and minoxidil in my early twenties but it was probably too late, I'd tried topical versions of both, oral versions of both and while they most definitely helped, it wasn't enough so I decided to take the plunge and look into getting a HT

    It was a pretty tough process trying to find a suitable clinic being from Australia, but an unrelated overseas trip last year gave me the opportunity to look at better options. I had a few clinics tell me I wasn't a suitable canditate at first due to my hair loss pattern, my donor pattern, and minaturisation of hairs above my ears + nape, and it was pretty late notice for when I would've been travelling, but I finally settled on Dr Bicer in Turkey after messaging and a video consultation; as well as seeing a lot of positive reviews. Due to the extent of my hair loss, I knew I likely would need two HTs to get my desired result, so with this first one, we decided to focus on my hairline and ignore the crown, for now.

    The planning and the procedure itself went extremely smoothly (although it was probably the longest day of my life), originally planned for 3000 grafts but were able to squeeze out another 500 during extraction; I also paid the extra costs to stay in the same building as the clinic which I would highly recommend for anyone thinking of going to Dr Bicer.

    I'll post some photos below of 4 months before the procedure, straight after, two weeks after, and right now, in that order. I'm extremely happy with the results, and since the procedure, I've also added Nizoral to my process, aswell as swapped from finasteride to dutasteride, which I feel has helped the overall health of my hair, the back looks noticably better imo. Now, as you can see, my crown area needs some work still, and I'd like to add a little bit more to my hairline along my temples too. If I could have another HT tomorrow I would but I'm not sure if there's a recommended wait time between procedures so would love if anyone has any insight, thanks!

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  3. 16 hours ago, duckling said:

    If you do fut then you can get 3200-3500 grafts. More can be extracted but looking at the thinning hair in donor. Its going to look bad later if they take big strip.

    If you do fue then you can get max 2700-2800 grafts with them taking 500 from areas which may not be dht resistant. 

    fut+fue can be used to give you 4000 grafts. But still what worries me is that donor looking depleted if you cut your hair short even a little bit. 

    Regardless of which method is used, your implantation has to be restricted to the front and middle part. Ignore crown completely.

    Honestly at this point I’m totally okay with my crown being ignored for the time being, ideally that would be through FUE and just getting the most amount of grafts as possible to fill in the front and middle. Would Dr Bicer be a good option? Currently have the offer from them.

  4. Hello everyone, I've posted previously in August last year about wanting to travel to get a hair transplant, but only recently have I started putting proper research into it due to an upcoming holiday where I was hoping to get it done in Europe. I've spoken with multiple clinics which are part of the recommended forum surgeons and so far I've had multiple different opinions

    1. Not a suitable canditate with the minaturising of hair above my ears and on my nape = not enough donor area with an estimation of 5000~ grafts needed

    2. FUT is only possible option for me

    3. An estimation ~4000-5000 grafts, and while they didn't think there was enough donor area, due to same reasons as above, for that amount, still willing to do the surgery if we only focused on the frontal region first and may need to ignore crown

    4. An estimation of 2500-3000 grafts with an FUE operation, no issues with donor area

    Now I understand and see the minaturising of hair above my ears + on my nape, but when I compare my photos to others, the estimation of 4000~+ feels excessive but I could be wrong which is why I'm here. I don't want to have surgery at a clinic that doesn't have my best interests and only wants my money which I'm worried could be the case with the clinic(s)' estimations being only ~3000 compared to others. The clinic who has quoted me the ~3000 does have amazing reviews and seems to be one of the more recommended ones so that does keep my mind a little at ease but I am still quite worried about my situation.

    I'll post some current photos for reference. Feel free to look at my previous topic to compare differences in ~6 months.

    Is there any clinics or doctors in Europe that specialise in high norwood levels like mine? I know some people don't recommend FUT but if it is my only option, does anyone know of any recommended doctors for that procedure in Europe as well?


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  5. On 8/11/2022 at 6:41 PM, Eugenix Hair Sciences said:

    Greetings of the day @aussietbk,

    Age seems to be a factor in your case as Male patterned baldness is more progressive in 20-30s. It is good that you were taking Fin. & Min. for the past two years. 

    More pictures of your scalp will help to evaluate what kind of hairs you have plus to know the exact NW grade, specially your donor area as you mentioned it's quite good. I can arrange a one-to-one session with the doctor and  If you want to know about the cost and other factors like accommodations' you can send me personalized message and I will be happy to assist you.


    Eugenix Hair Science. 

    Hello, thanks for your reply

    I've uploaded a few more photos in my message above this if you wanted to have a look, I'd love a one on one doctor session as well as more information about cost etc, hopefully the photos help with the latter, feel free to DM me :)

  6. On 8/11/2022 at 2:26 PM, mister_25 said:

    This is where a massive misconception comes in, most clinics everywhere are poor quality. Turkey is known in the public eye for having high quality of work when in actuality its the most dangerous country to get a HT due to how risky it is and has the most hair mills out of all countries. Just because Spain has some good doctors doesn't mean that its "the place to go to get your hair back" its more like "this place has some of the best choices to go and get your hair back"


    Same applies to India, There are plenty of poor doctors in India, but India also has Eugenix which is one of the better options.

    They charge per graft, first you should consult with the doctors that you are interested in. Get cost per graft, and how many grafts you are going to need. Then convert to AUD if needed.

    Since you are a advanced case, you are going to need to spend more money. If they charge per graft, and you are a higher norwood you are going to need more grafts. More Balding = More Grafts. More Grafts = More Money

    I would say you are a Norwood 5 and you would probably need around 6500-8000 grafts if you maintain your existing hair and strengthen it with medication. You should get on Finasteride/Minoxidil if you haven't. You should share some photos of your donor to get a good idea of what we are looking at. For example do you have Retrograde Alopecia? Is your hair fine/medium/coarse? How much does your crown dip? Any signs of thinning into a further pattern? These will all factor in how many grafts you can get out of your donor, how many grafts you will need, etc.

    If you do FUE, you will probably need two-three procedures to get something really strong in your current state. If you do FUT and you go to someone that has mastered that craft like Hattingen. You could probably get away with one procedure.

    I think you would fair well at Bisanga in Belgium for your case.

    I can't answer your questions too accurately cause I have only one photo to go off. But based in this one photo you have good skin/hair colour contrast (this will help with your result) and you are currently around a Norwood 5. If you could provide a photo of your crown and your donor from the back + side (specifically so we can see above your ears) then we can tell what type of situation you are in.


    Thankyou for your very detailed reply, I really do appreciate it.

    I must say I wasn't expecting anywhere near that amount of grafts but I know that was only off the one photo, so I've taken a few more as you've requested, keep in mind these were taken in extremely harsh lighting (also that dead bit of hair on the back of my head I've always had)






  7. Hey everyone, I'm a 24 year old male from Australia interested in getting a HT done, I've been on Minoxidil and Finasteride for about two years now and while I've seen definite improvement, there's still more room for it.

    I know getting the procedure done in Australia is nowhere near the quality as it would be travelling overseas, not to mention the price, so that's what I'm willing to do, but I'm feeling extremely overwhelmed seeing all the recommended options from India to Turkey to Belgium. I'm hoping someone can give me a bit of guidance, money isn't a huge issue but I wouldn't want to be spending more than 10k and even that's a stretch, maybe I'm too optimistic. I've attatched a photo of how my hair currently looks so you can get a gauge on my NW scale and how many grafts you may think I need (I believe my donor area is quite strong also).

    Thanks everyone! 😊


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