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Posts posted by BigFoot

  1. Hey people i would like to just share my experience and hope it contributes to this community. 

    Booked through Fuecapilar who were amazing in every aspect and would highly recommend.

    Dr Gur is a lovely man and highly knowledgeable and will makes you feel at ease , His team are professional and his clinic is spotless. 

    I chose the 2500 euro option ( underpriced imo ) where the team does the exctractions and Gur opened the channels ( Money was not an issue but i felt the team do extractions every day and i was comfortable picking this option )

    Basically everything from start to finish in booking to now has been straight forward with no issues ( i feel i should balance my views with some negatives but i have not really got any  but maybe that will change after my review in a couple of months lol ). Now it is a waiting game to see how my body takes to the grafts and how good of a job was performed by Gur and his team.

    Donor available  - 6-8k

    Donor density - Above Average

    I have attached some photos i have taken over the last 2 weeks but will send in report with pictures from clinic when i get it.

    Any questions feel free to ask

    Thanks for reading.









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