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Posts posted by LandWhale

  1. 3 minutes ago, Killian said:

    The scar improvement worked as a classic scar improvement does, there was nothing phenomenal from verteporfin. The early days looked very promising as the healing was absolutely deviating from standard, but ultimately amounted to the standard. 

    As I suspected prior, tension will win. 

    The FUE into virginal areas is where things look better than my previous FUE harvest as a comparison. Punctate scar vs punctate scar. Here, I believe it warrants further cases. 

    That's basically it guys. This is not a scientific study but private research for my own case and it's trajectory. It is not governed by robust parameters and the aim was to visually assess does this have application to my goals. Ultimately, I have the answers I require for the path forward. 


    Nice of you to give a personal update. Very appreciated. Good luck in your journey of reaching your goals.

  2. 32 minutes ago, Ricco said:

    Of course, I can summarise for you:

    Verteporfin is an extraordinary breakthrough, not only regenerating hair but also rejuvenating humans, curing cancer and AIDS with a single shot. This advancement means that humans can now live indefinitely. Dr. Barghoutti has been awarded the Nobel Prize for this discovery. Melvin is currently the frontrunner in the polls for the 2024 presidential US elections.

    It also gives you a really pleasant smell.

    • Like 1
  3. 15 minutes ago, Fox243 said:

    That isn't true. They just noticed the start of hair appendages forming at 4 months for pigs, but didn't track anything beyond that. No mention of what happened to those appendages or what percent of original hair would grow.

    Thank you for clarifying that. I guess I got the 50% number for pigs from this post, but this was from a YAP inhibitor (not Verteporfin).

  4. 1 hour ago, Rasputin said:

    What about the experiment on mice and pig?

    I don't remember if it did regenerate a certain percentage of hair specifically or different results randomly?

    As far as I remember – and I could be wrong here – the skin regeneration was close to 100% in mice, but the preliminary findings in pigs showed 50-80% hair regeneration with skin which was something between a scar and normal skin (closer to normal skin though).

    • Like 1
  5. 20 hours ago, Berba11 said:

    Honestly… a lot of people in this thread need to calm down and massively lower their expectations. 

    We have no idea if verteporfin will work in the way we hope it will yet, let alone to the levels required to start talking about “cures” and “limitless donor areas”.

    We have a tiny, tiny amount of encouraging evidence that warrants further investigation in both human and non-human animal cases. And that’s about where we are - no further. 

    It’s going to take a long time before we know with any certainty if there are testable and demonstrable benefits from using vert in HT patients, and an even longer way away from widespread adoption among surgeons. 

    The results from the trials will speak for themselves. Having very high or very low expectations won't change anything.

    • Like 2
  6. 56 minutes ago, LandWhale said:

    He simply said that he was interested in conducting the experiments. 

    here is one clip where he said he's interested in testing Verteporfin in a completely bald area: https://youtu.be/-5yn_v6AeWw?t=1055.

    I also remember it being discussed in this video, but it's too long to find the exact timestamp, maybe some other members remember the exact timestamp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydyvBRa3GI4

    I found the timestamp for the second video: https://youtu.be/ydyvBRa3GI4?t=2630

    • Like 1
  7. 38 minutes ago, Dragonsphere said:

    This is what you would call an appeal to authority fallacy, coupled with a strawman. 

    My second to last post on this forum talked about dermarolling, the depth of miniaturized follicles and why I don't recommend it. I have never said it doesn't damage follicles. However as the average miniaturised follicle is only 0.65mm deep and most people derma roll around 1 -1.5mm, trauma to the follicle is caused. Almost certainly this trauma is very mild as we have yet to receive reports of permeant damage. The trauma will not be enough, however, to cause any appreciable improvement with Verteporfin. Please point me to the post on Realself proving me wrong. 

    In regards to Dr Bargouthi, please could you kindly show me this posts and where he states that it will result in the 'the original hairline and density back' are you so enthusiastically believe. 

    He simply said that he was interested in conducting the experiments. 

    here is one clip where he said he's interested in testing Verteporfin in a completely bald area: https://youtu.be/-5yn_v6AeWw?t=1055.

    I also remember it being discussed in this video, but it's too long to find the exact timestamp, maybe some other members remember the exact timestamp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydyvBRa3GI4

    • Like 3
  8. 26 minutes ago, ijustbethinkin said:

    If you feel this confidently then please try it out yourself :) You can source Vertoporfin as many individuals have and Microneedle your scalp so deeply you scar your head and see what happens. No need to waste a Hair transplant doctors time/reputation with this. 

    The doctor have previously stated that he is interested in eventually trying to wound the recipient area combined with Verteporfin. He is of course free to change his mind about this.

    You are the one that for some reason is trying to prevent these experiments from doing done. None of the people who prefer recipient area wounding + Verteporfin is trying to prevent the hair transplant experiments from being done. 

    Let's first see if Verteporfin indeed regenerate hair in the latest hair transplant experiments. If it does, then it should be noted that there are many people who would prefer a protocol to regrow their native hairs instead. Then we as community would have to figure out what the best wounding method is for maximizing hair regrowth while minimizing the potential for scarring. 

    • Like 2
  9. 46 minutes ago, ijustbethinkin said:

    With the mechanism of this drug, it doesnt send hair through cycles of regrowth like Min/fin, it wont work with microneedling. It theoretically regrowths whatever is there prior to physical damage to the area i.e a miniturised follicle. Also if you are willing to microneedle so deep that it will potentially cause scar tissue to destroy a follicle... at that point just get a hair transplant. Also even if no scar tissue at all is formed you will have to be on heavy medication forever to maintain your newly grown hair when you could just get a transplant of DHT resistant hairs... we are like two step approach away from a cure like model for hair loss and the people advocating for this want to add an extra 5 steps to consider i dont get it at all

    It's good that the doctors test Verteporfin combined with hair transplants first. I don't think anyone have an issue with that, but there is obviously a huge market for regrowing lost hair as well. I personally consider wounding + verteporfin superior if it actually works, and the guy who regrew most of his hair after a burn accident proves that there might be a mechanism that can make it work.

    Some advantages (if it does work):
    1) Potentially getting your natural density back
    2) Getting your natural growth patterns back
    3) Takes way less time to regrow your hair
    3) Can address retrograde alopecia and DUPA

    1) You will likely have to be on aggressive treatments to retain the results

    • Like 2
  10. Verteporfin + wounding for the win if it actually works. That would actually be the closest thing to a real cure in terms of aesthetic results even if you have to combine it with Dutasteride.

    If the sides and back were actually DHT-immune then maybe hair transplants + Verteporfin would be preferable since it would remove the need for medication, but it's not.

    So if I need a DHT-blocker anyway, I would prefer to have my hair back with its natural growth pattern and density. 

    • Like 2
  11. 18 hours ago, Gatchpt said:

    He was ready and sat a date until you woke up one morning with the idea of contacting Dr Longkar who we all know wont share anything, so somehow you created this frustration with the continuous delay and people calling out Dr.B . Also all the “we shouldn’t pressure Dr.B” talk is fine when he was funding the trial from his own pocket as a favor for hair loss community (which we all appreciated and still do) but lets not forget someone here donated 15k for this … I myself donated 20$ which I know is nothing but since he or whoever in this group went the donations route and actually got what they asked for then it becomes a different type of obligation and priority and doesn’t fall under doing us a favor anymore. 

    I just want to say that I'm very greatful for the work of both Melvin and Dr. Barghouthi! They started this initiative when other physicians just sat on the sideline; let's not forget that. They are our allies. They are doing the best they can with the information available to them, and I'm confident they will overcome these hurdles in due time.

    I would appreciate if some of our community members stopped acting like children because they can't deal with uncertainty. 

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