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Posts posted by Hairtodaygonetommoro

  1. On 7/28/2022 at 6:27 AM, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


    The crown is one of the most controversial and difficult areas of the scalp to transplant with any real degree of density.  In fact, the crown is often referred to as the “black hole“ for grafts because of this.   Well I can’t speak for Dr. Rahal personally, I agree that you may not see much benefit from transplanting the crown at the stage. Allow me to explain.

    The crown is a very strange area of a scalp. those who are completely bald in the crown, a little can go along way. But for those who already have a covering in the crown, it will take a significantly large number of follicular units to achieve any real density.  

    And then you have the risk of temporary and permanent shock loss. While most shock loss is temporary, any hair that’s on its way out anyway due to male pattern bonus may be permanently shocked and may not grow back.

    At this stage, you are only 7 months into using finasteride and thus, it’s too early to tell just how beneficial this medication will be for you.  It’s recommended to take finasteride for at least a year to determine whether or not it’s affective. But in order to reverse the miniaturization process completely, assuming it’s even going to do that, but take more time. Many of the hairs on your scalp and in the crown are currently fragile and transplanting in the area may result in permanent loss of some of the natural hair.

    Long story short, I concur with Dr. Rahal that it is likely a bit too early for you and in my opinion, you should give finasteride more time to see just how effective it will be prior to undergoing her transplant surgery.

    I also want to say this. I know I’ll tempting it is to blow off a doctors advice because it goes against what you want to do. I’m sure you’re not happy with the thinning you’re experiencing and you want to do anything you can do reverse it. Just keep in mind that top doctors like Dr. Rahal have your best interest in mind and ultimately his advice is for your long-term benefit.

    Sure it would be easy for him or any clinic to take your money and perform surgery on you.  But you have to truly respect the doctors that tell you to wait   They are the ones looking out for you and making sure that you obtain a net gain in hair over the long term rather than simply giving you what you ask for which may result in an overall net loss of viable hair   

    In my opinion, stay on the medication for another year or two and then reevaluate. By then, if the medication is working, it’ll be working to its max capacity and any miniaturized hairs that exist today will likely be terminal.  As a result, you will experience much less permanent shock loss and then result will be a net gain of viable, terminal hairs instead of a potential net loss.

    Best wishes,

    Rahal Hair Transplant 

    What if the hair on the crown is not native? Is there still a concern of shock loss in the crown area that already has transplanted hairs?

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