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Posts posted by BobbyZ36

  1. I would go with the Shapiro Hariline. I too started out with a high forhead and think I can relate a little bit. Like me, your hair is so much the problem as is the increased size of the forehead. Your priority should be moving that hairline to a level that better balances out your face. Moving the hairline down to H&W level although an improvement, might not really solve your problem.


    I think the bigger issue you will have is with the softness of the hairline due to your skin and hair color/texture (the same as mine). Even if the hairline is well placed and designed it may still look fake. Take a look at this thread



  2. Ok...so the question is... Are docs just not using nape hair because there is a risk it will fall out or do they think it won't look better at the hairline?


    If it is shown to look better at the hairline, and the particular doctor thinks there is no chance of his/her patient progressing, lets say, past a NW4..shouldn't docs defintely be giving patients this option?


    I'm a NW2-3, 40 years old, with extremely slow hairloss and a family history of noone more than a NW3. In my opinion, the chance of me losing my nape hair is minimal to none and a risk I'm willing to take.


    Here's another way to look at it. If Shapiro/H&W/others can create very good hairlines now..what would be wrong with one of these doccs creating one of their good hairlines..but then go a step further and make it awesome by adding nape hair? What's the risk? That the nape hair will fall out eventually and just leave their original good hairline. Seems like a no brainer to get the finer nape hair too. I'd love to hear from Janna as to why Dr. Shapiro wouldn't be open to trying this. Or..from any doc on the board willing to chime in. thank you.

  3. I can't believe this issue doesn't get more attention. In my opinion it's the single biggest problem with transplants today.


    I would think nape of neck hair is the solution for most. Yes I understand it's been said that this hair is not totally immune to DHT and may fall out later, but I've yet to see concrete proof of this. I've never seen a study about this subject... and I also have made a point to look at the neck of balding men over the past few months and I've yet to see one who has lost this neck hair.


    Are there other threads discussing this subject? I did a search but couldn't find anything. Thank you.


    * I apologize..I just saw the reply stating Dr.Umar and Dr.Cole use neck hair. Now my question is..if they do..why doesn't Shapiro or H&W? Are they just behind the curve?

  4. I appreciate the responses but neither of you answered my question. Do any doctors use neck or body hairs for hairlines?


    I understand hair characteristics play an important role. My hair is very thick in the donor area and yes my surgeon did try to use my finer hairs for the hairline. The problems is, my thinnest hairs still do not look natural at the hairline.


    So..do any docs use finer hair not from the donor area? And if the answer is no can you Jana or Spex give me your respective doctors reason as to why? Appreciate the help.

  5. Hi everyone. I had a transplant over 5 years ago just to my hairline and everything looks good... density, direction of hair, hairline pattern...EXCEPT for the "hardness" of the hairline.


    By hardness I mean that the hair is just not fine enough to look natural. I remember posts years ago (when I used to frequent the boards)that doctors were experimenting with neck and/or body hair for the hairline as this hair was finer. Has this become common practice? If so, which docs have perfected this? I noticed Ron Shapiro's hairlines looked very good, so I assume he's doing something with finer hairs. Anyone?

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