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Posts posted by Bluumann

  1. 3 hours ago, Antlor said:

    Recently, I received my XYON. At 2.5%, it is powerful stuff. I don't think I experienced sides. Note that I am taking both oral finasteride and dutasteride.

    I wonder why Dr Hasson has this topical finasteride as gel form vehicle. This gel seems to get on the hair first before it gets on the scalp. If XYON is less viscous and more like a liquid, then I would imagine it would be easier to spread it all over the scalp. But what do I know, Dr Hasson knows best.

    Well, the whole point of Xyon's topical Finasteride is the gel. According to Dr. Hasson, they have experimented with different kinds of liquid solutions that other companies use like Propylene Glycol but all of these solvents went systemic which led to adverse side effects. The gel they came up with should theoretically limit the absorption of Finasteride into the bloodstream making it less likely to result in unwanted side effects. The downside is, it's a bit more difficult to apply properly to your scalp.

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  2. 2 hours ago, hockeyman said:

    Thanks very much for providing that information. I need to make a decision about the oral/topical route. Are you planning to apply to your entire scalp?  Do you have any concerns regarding getting it on to your actual scalp as opposed to wasting a bunch coating your existing hair?

    No problem. I'll be applying it to my temples and hairline as those are the only areas affected by hair loss at least for now. 
    I do wonder how applying it to my scalp without wasting too much on my hair will play out, but I guess we'll just have to see how it goes.

    This gel is fairly expensive and considerably more fiddly than just popping a pill so I think most people who are giving it a shot have already tried oral Fin and experienced adverse side effects. You could try microdosing oral Fin and see how your body reacts or if you're really concerned then just try this gel first and go from there. 
    For me, the lower I went with the dose and frequency of taking oral Fin the less side effects I experienced. Unfortunately, even on 0.25mcg MWF I wasn't happy with how I felt so eventually I decided to stop. I'm hoping that the amount of Fin that will go systemic on this topical will be so low that I won't actually have any sides while still enjoy the benefits. 

  3. 1 hour ago, hockeyman said:

    Thanks for the reply. I'm really undecided about oral or topical but I need to make a decision. A few other questions if you don't mind.

    1. If you apply in the morning is it okay to shower later in the evening?

    2. Do you apply to the whole scalp? To me it would seem difficult to make sure you were hitting every spot. Obviously with the oral, the entire scalp is receiving the fin. In the email from xyon, instructions said that if a person wants to cover a large area, they could use 2 pumps worth every 2nd day instead of one pump everyday.  

    To answer your questions based on the information found in the instruction booklet that came with the product:
    1. "Apply in the morning. Do not wash your hair until later in the day after applying the gel. Do not wash your hair immediately after applying the gel. If you need to wash your hair, wait until the afternoon or evening."
    2. You have the answer for this one already. "For larger areas of hair loss: Every second morning, dispense 2 full pumps (2 ml) onto your fingertips..."

    I've been told by the pharmacist that although it's recommended to apply the gel in the morning, it's mainly for practical reasons and I could be applying it later on during the day if I wanted to. They don't recommend evening applications to avoid getting it on your pillow.

    I just received the product today and haven't used it yet. I'll be creating a post within a few days and share my experience with the gel.

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