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Posts posted by Evan42

  1. I did return the device, but I don't think it is worthless.  

    For me, the results were not visually noticeable after 1 year.  I just got a reduction in hair fall. 

    After stopping and returning the device, I noticed that my hair fall in the shower increased back to what it was before starting. That made me question if returning the device was the right choice.

    My thoughts on this:

    I don't think it is a miracle device or a scam device.

    If the cost of the device does not hurt you financially and you are willing to commit to using it 3-4 days a week for a small or medium size reduction of hair fall then this may be for you.

    You can try it out for at least 12 months.  Customer service might let you keep it for 18 months as they did for me.

    iRestore customer service is easy to work with.  They do charge a return processing fee though.  My fee was 18% of the cost I think.

    There is an 'Essential' and 'Pro' model available.  I've heard conflicting info on which one you should get.  

    I would maybe consider purchasing another iRestore helmet sometime in the future.

  2. It's a good question.  I've used dry shampoo for a few years now and I really like it.  If your hair is oily and you don't have time for a shower it is really handy. 

    It sounds like it's just best to use it on occasion. 

    This is from an article written by Hairclub:

    However, dry shampoos are not meant to replace regular shampooing, and overuse could result in hair loss and inhibit hair growth. When used several times a week, the ingredients in dry shampoo can build up on the hair follicle. This build-up weakens the follicle and may cause inflammation, which can also increase hair shedding. The other downside of dry shampoo is that the powders they contain can cause hair follicles to stick together, so when a normal hair sheds, it may take a few extra strands with it.

  3. On 7/31/2023 at 6:40 AM, Pelange said:

    Hi to our great community,

    I talked to several doctors and I have been taking oral minoxidil 2.5mg for 3 months. No side effect but I did not see much growth either. All the doctors told me that I might need to take it for the rest of my life. I found there is test for topical minoxidil https://www.danielalain.com/products/minoxidil-response-test-men

    Is there any test to see if we are candidates for Oral ones?  Thanks. 

    Even there is no side effect, but if this medicine does not help, why we need to take it for the rest of life, right?

    Thanks so much.


    I found this on the Daniel Alain website: 

    As oral Minoxidil is not prevalently used or FDA-approved for hair loss, our marketing focus has been on topical Minoxidil, however our MRT test can be used to determine the likelihood of response or non-response for either topical or oral Minoxidil.

  4. On 8/26/2022 at 6:29 AM, GoliGoliGoli said:

    TBH I have a large mass developing on my left testicle but I'm pretty sure it's just psychosomatic. I've learned from hair loss forums that pretty much everything is nocebo 

    Did you get it checked out?  I had a large mass developing on my left testicle also in 2018.  It turned out to be testicular cancer.  Luckily this type of cancer can be cured if you don't wait too long.

  5. On 6/10/2023 at 3:20 PM, mr_peanutbutter said:

    id lower the dose either way


    many people do not recommend to quit cold turkey but to slowly tamper it out


    go down to 3mg a week (1mg monday, wednesday, friday)


    then if it doesnt get better after 6 weeks go down to 1,5mg a week (0,5mg monday, wednesday, friday) 


    then if that doesnt work switch topical finasteride (0,025%), 1ml a day


    Did you have a similar experience with sides and reducing your dose?  How long did it take for the sides to improve or go away?

  6. Hi,

    I've been taking Propecia for about 9 months now.  

    I've started to notice lately that the side effects have gone above the level I am willing to tolerate.  

    I do plan to continue trying finasteride though.  I would like to see if I can find a dose to keep me below that level of side effects.

    I'm wondering if I should take a break from finasteride (maybe 2-4 weeks) first and then try again at a lower dose.  Or if I should not take a break and just start taking the lower amount right now.  If you have had a similar experience with adjusting your dose, can you share your story?  Thanks,

  7. On 4/16/2023 at 5:16 AM, Xanadu said:

    I got sides until I really put aside the fear. And that is super hard with all the scare campaigns. Once I managed to really get rid of the fear I had no sides and I have had no sides since, but it is really hard to truly ditch those fears. It took me about 6 weeks.

    That is true about the fear.  I was getting brain fog and memory issues after the first few months of finasteride.  Mainly I would just keep thinking about these issues, and then the issues would reoccur.  Once I took time to process things internally, I then stopped thinking about it, which made the issues go away.  At least the issues went away to the point where I don't really notice it or it's not causing problems in my life.

  8. Hi,

    Does anyone have experience using Extina or ketoconazole foam?  I can't really find much info as far as results or usage goes.

    I got a bottle (only $5 with insurance) to try prescribed by a dermatologist for my seborrheic dermatitis.

    My SD is not very bad and usually shampooing my scalp once weekly resolves any flare ups.  So, I mostly wanted to use the foam for any hair loss benefits.  I've read a post on here by a doctor that said the foam would theoretically be the best delivery mechanism for ketoconazole.

    Mainly I'm wondering:

    How often do you apply it?

    How long do you leave it in before washing it out?

    Is it worth the effort?

    Any side effects?

    Any tips?

    Any results?



  9. I've heard from the "Hair Loss Show" that they recommend using or starting finasteride at 1 mg, 3x/week.  

    They say that finasteride has a "half-life" of 6-8 hours in the blood.  What really matters for hair loss though is how long the drug stays in the tissue where the hair follicle is. Finasteride "half-life" in the tissue is 30 days.  So therefore they think having to take finasteride every day for hair loss is not necessary.

    Seems like the doctor might have a good point as he has been prescribing finasteride to patients for over 20 years. 

    The YouTube video is called "Customized Dosing of FInasteride."

  10. Okay thanks for the reply.

    Yes, it's Rogain 5% foam. I think I just have a sensitive scalp as I have occasional flare-ups of seborrheic dermatitis.

    So I used the foam at once/day for about 3 weeks.  Then after about 1 week of using the foam twice/day the rash/irritation developed.

    Also, I think I might have been applying more foam than needed to each area of the scalp.  I will try applying a reduction of foam next after the rash resolves.

    So if I end up using the minoxidil for a while only to find out eventually my scalp can't tolerate it, would I be left with nothing but extra hair fall due to the inflamation? Or would the extra hair loss grow back because it has not fallen due to DHT?

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  11. I have one of these iRestore helmets also.  I have been using it for a little over 3 months.

    It's hard to really judge accurately how much it works or doesn't work.  There are just so many different factors that can affect your hair loss.

    I don't think you can really expect to see a bunch of hair growth from these. Probably at best they will just help you to maintain or have a little less hair fall.  That is a good thing though.  It's up to you whether it is worth the cost.  I have a 12 month return window so I still have not decided whether to keep it or not.  We'll see.

    I know there are a lot of good reviews on amazon but it's hard to take these reviews too seriously.  One of the only decent reviews I found on YouTube from people that are using the helmet while not taking finasteride or have had a bunch of hair transplants etc, was "Reviewed by Phil."  I contacted him and asked how well he thought it worked and if he had used any other treatments or medicines alongside the helmet.  Phil said he had used the helmet alone without anything else and it pretty much just helped maintain the hair he had and saw less hair fall for about two years.  After two years the helmet benefits hit a plateau and he decided to move on and use minoxidil until a better product comes out.  He said as far as other people he knows who have used the helmet it has been a mixed bag of results.

    One other benefit or at least the concept of the benefit I like about these LLLT helmets is they can help with scalp inflammation. I get occasional flare-ups of seborrheic dermatitis.  So the lasers are supposed to be beneficial for this issue.

    I will provide an update later as to whether I end up returning the helmet or keeping it.

  12. Hi,


    Started Rogaine foam 5% about a month ago.  After increasing from once/day to twice/day my scalp now has an itchy rash similar to a sunburn.

    Can't decide if I should continue or not.  On one hand I get the idea of sticking with it.  The side effects can lessen after the body gets used to the medicine.  On the other hand I'm not sure if my scalp will be able to tolerate it.  I do also get occasional flare ups (without minoxidil) of seborrheic dermatitis.  Nothing too extreme though.  I do have prescription 2% Nizoral from a dermatologist.

    So should I continue using minoxidil and hope my scalp will eventually get used to the medicine?

    Should I try using less minoxidil foam and only once/day?

    Or am I wasting time and a bunch of unnecessary shedding for something that I will eventually just have to quit?

    Anyone had an issue with extreme scalp irritation using minoxidil foam that eventually got better?  What did you do after the irritation developed?



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  13. This is what a representative at Rogaine responded with when asked this question:

    Additionally, our products are intended and tested to be used on how it is directed on the label for best results. We do not have a specific time on how long you need to massage the scalp, but a gentle massage is necessary to help the product be absorbed into the skin. However, for off-the-label use of the product, we highly recommend consulting your family dermatologist first for further assistance.

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  14. Hi,


    New to the forum.  This is a really great website with so much value!

    I'm 42 with thinning hair but not bald.  I'm considering a transplant in the future.  

    I'm wondering if anyone has put together an instructional document or guide on planning and getting a transplant.  

    Some topics I would like more info on:

    Finding a doctor and consultations.

    What kind of outcomes to expect with current hair loss situation.

    Results without the use of finasteride.

    Tips to help not waste time and money.

    Thank you!


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