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Posts posted by Dish

  1. Hi community,

    So I finally after 2 years thinking and researching decided to go with hair transplant. I wanted to share with you the progress and have a question about my donor area.

    Not to give a false impression, I am actually 100% satisfied by my experience with the Dr and really happy that I did it with a legit surgeon and not a hair mill.

    My main questions/concern is:

    I am a bit concerned about the redness still existing after 20 days in donor area! Especially the sides:

    - Any advice on how to get rid of them? I started using Aloe Vera after day 8 and some Bepanthol lotion but they are not helping much.

    - Is it over harvested!? (I highly doubt though considering the professionality of the surgeon)

    Any other advice that worked for you and is it normal to be red like that after 3 weeks? The Dr did not give me any medication for them, just after two weeks told me I can use Bepanthol lotion if I want on them or Aloe Vera. But no cream like some other hospitals prescribe (for scaring, etc).

    I am worried about the scars not being healing well or pigmentation issues. I took the photos in direct sunlight to show it more clearly.

    Below the summary and some shots:

    - Technique: FUE

    - Process: Dr did the extraction and the incisions (100%), implantation the support team did most of it (I was sleeping half of the implantation time but I think the Dr did as well part, probably the frontline but not 100% sure :) ).

    - Clinic: Prof. Dr. Kayihan Sahinoglu

    - Cost: 1.5 EUR per graft (so ~ 4845 EUR) including only the surgery and post-op (no hotel or transportation but they got me a discounted rate at the hotel)

    - Norwood 5-6 assessment (thus not going with risking harvesting much the donor and covering the crown yet

    Below photos are for: Pre-op, Day 0 (surgery day), Day 10, Day 20 and zoomed in side donor area.



    Day 0 (Surgery day):



    Day 10 (after first wash):



    Day 20:


    Side donor zoomed in:


    Any thoughts about the surgery are welcomed, feedback appreciated. Do you think that when the hair grow actually the crown won't be that visible compared to pre-op pics? (I think my mid-scalp kind of merged with crown before that)

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