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Posts posted by milito_22

  1. Thank you for your answers. Yeah i have been using dutasteride and minoxidil for quite some time now. I went to see the dermatologist and she mentioned there was no thinning in that area. She blamed the harvest of the hair. I feel it’s accurate as I haven’t had any thinning there for like 15 years keeping the situation stable with medications as you can see in the pre op pic. Then after the surgery it looks like that, with empty spaces. But anyway I have booked a FUE test in October with Dr. Feriduni. Before the test he will check the donor area and will tell me more about what it is

  2. Hi everyone, thank you for the answers. Gonna try to reply to everyone with one message.

    First of all let me add that when I asked why FUT this time, Dr. Wong told me "is less stress on the grafts and is trying to rule out any reason why you didn't have 100 regrowth." Don't really get what he means with "trying to rule out any reason why you didn't have 100 regrowth."

    Also, my dermatologist told me to get the 50% refund and don't have an other transplant at all, as my donor area is not "abundant." But H&W told me in their evaluation that I have less than average hair on the sides, and average hair in the back. So I guess I need to clarify this with my dermatologist first.

    Before having a new surgery anyway, I agree that I need to understand if there's anything on my scalp. What kind of test should I ask for my dermatologist to do?

    As someone has mention, yeah I am not definitively happy with this result. I hope I could solve this hair issue once and for all, since I have been fighting with hair loss since I was 16. Pretty much 16 years of minoxidil. It's kind of exhausting, above all when you don't see the result.

    I see majority of you are saying to look for a new doctor instead of going again with Dr. Wong. Maybe that's what I should do as I am also located in Europe, so not easy financially and in terms of time to go to Vancouver. Also I am scared that I get a FUT, a scar but again no result.

    Also if it was not clear from my previous message, just want to clarify that I will not be charged for the 1500 grafts

  3. 1 hour ago, Spidey said:

    To be frank, 2000 grafts wasn't going to solve your issue long term especially if your medical treatments didn't cease further hairloss. Your hairloss seems like it'll proceed to a high Norwood level sooner than later and although I agree the cost is a lot, you would have had to get another 1 or 2 additional procedures in the next 10 years or so. I'm sorry you're going through and although I'm sure Hasson and Wong will do what they can to make things right, even with this particular ht being successful, I think you still need to work on your mental health in general. 

    no, it's the opposite, medical treatment helped me to keep the hair I have so far. 2000 is not enough but this is what Dr. Wong quoted. How much should have been enough for the hairline only?

    I don't think you can judge on what to do with my mental health honestly. You don't even know me. You don't even know whether I already see a psychologist or not. The comment is not related to the result of the hair transplant at all

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, BackFromTheBrink said:

    It really can be a debilitating situation and I really do feel for you.

    All that you can really do is continue to communicate with your surgeon and wait for the deadline they have set for a result - 12 months.

    At that point I would schedule a follow up assessment and discuss what is next. I have confidence that your choice in surgeon will mean he responds ethically and gives you the best route to the outcome you desire.

    yes that's what I will do. And as you said I hope he will respond ethically

  5. On 7/16/2023 at 8:18 AM, BackFromTheBrink said:

    I'd certainly say anxious, possibly pessimistic and like many of us, desperate for a good result. 

    It's amazing how much hair impacts mental health, so I try to look at posts with that in mind.

    I was the opposite - (some would say overly) optimistic and calling success at 4-5 months. I guess we all have our own ways of handling the tortuous wait.

    yes! thank you again. This is not definitely related to my expectations. I have been struggle with this since I was 16. Now I am 32. 16 years of minoxidil and then fina/dutasteride. Of course I am exhausted. I literally saved every cents, I starved in order to save money, to go to Canada for H&W. I cannot accept this as a final result

  6. On 7/16/2023 at 7:52 AM, Rawkerboi said:

    Try to post the picture without Hair Band. By wearing hair band, the illusion of Hair transplant is gone. 

    The results may not be 100% perfect but there is definitely some growth if you compare it with previous month.


    Taking pictures with a hair band because this is how it was done by the clinic pre op. So it is to show an "apple to apple" comparison. I can say surely something has regrown but I don't think those are 2000 graft growth. Not even close to that. And I have spent tons of money for this. I can settle for this. I could have just gone to a cheap clinic then

  7. On 7/16/2023 at 7:22 AM, BackFromTheBrink said:

    That entirely depends on the expectations that were set by the surgeon. If he went to his consultation and asked for a few more years of slightly thicker hair then I agree, he's been unrealistic. 

    If he asked for the same hairline but full coverage then he hasn't got what he asked for.

    The surgeon is the expert, saw his head under magnification and understands what hair transplants can deliver.

    If he needed 3500 grafts because the miniaturised hairs wouldn't survive the surgery surely that is what should have been quoted?

    The patient could have them decided whether he continued with 2000, saved more money for 3500 or used a different clinic?

    I've seen top clinics perform miracles with small numbers of grafts and hair mills use twice as many. Since he paid for a top surgeon I think its realistic to expect the former rather than the latter?

    Thank you. This is exactly how it is. Why would I spend $15k for a few more hair on my head that doesn't make any real difference in my hair style? I still have to comb my hair same way as before. That means, cover the empty spots. They quoted me 2000 grafts to have a full coverage of my hairline. I don't really think 100% of 2000 graft have regrown honestly

  8. I mean, ok there's been a slightly improvement compared to pre op, but I can't consider this as a satisfying result. it's mediocre, at the best. What's the point for me to get a hair transplant, spend $15K, if this is the result? I still have to comb my hair same way as pre op to cover the empty spots. And 2000 grafts it is what they quoted to cover that area of my scalp. We didn't even lower the hairline to give more coverage to the existing one.

    • Like 2
  9. 5 hours ago, mister_25 said:

    Did Dr Wong reply and give an explanation to the lack of yield?

    This is quite concerning and hopefully you can find a answer and have a path moving forward.

    He said hair has started to grow in but it is still baby fine, when I was at 6 months. And that the final growth happens between 9 and 12 months. Pretty much he sai I need to wait 12 months post op to judge. But there’s actually nothing growing on my scalp. I am like as I was pre op

  10. 15 hours ago, Maballack said:

    Hi, did sprayed the ATP saline solution on your head during the first 7 days after surgery ? Have you started minoxidil after surgery.

    Have you seen any growth during the first month when transplant still not fallen.


    Hi, they didn’t spray anything on my scalp. I started minoxidil way before my surgery. Like 10+ years before. Haven’t seen any growth the first month. Not even now that I am at almost 8 month post op actually…

  11. 22 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    6 months is too soon to judge a result. That’s not invalidating your concerns, but there is certainly plenty of time for more growth. Remember, we all grow at different times. The timeline is 12 months for a reason.

    Look at this thread, he was 6.5 months with no growth. 

    In a week he went from this9CF8F9DE-81D6-4745-A612-A3F1AEB6A9DD.png

    To this 


    This is exactly why you should never judge results halfway. 

    Yes, I mean I will wait until month 12 and see. The thing is that I feel the above case is more of an exception than a rule

  12. On 4/9/2023 at 11:18 AM, duckling said:

    To be brutally honest , you are completely right to be dissapointed considering the name of clinic. They are not cheap and you should expect better than turkey clinics as the price paid is pretty big.

    But at this point hope and patience are the only things you can have. Follow the regime and wait for results. Once the time frame is done and results don't come then surely they will help you considering their reputation. (they should in my opinion atleast examine if new growth is coming which isn't visible to naked eyes for now but will get better in coming months , so this way you would have got more hope).

    I do wish you get results , not just for money used but for the end result you had in mind when you thought of saving up for it.

    they did say that the final result will be between month 9 and 12 but I have rarely seen cases of people having almost all the growth after month 6.

    Exactly as you said it's not only about the money. I have been struggling with alopecia since I was 16. Now I am 32. 16 years of minoxidil and later on finasteride/dutasteride. It has not been mentally easy. In the end I wanted to get my deserved "award." I can just keep hoping until month 12 and see

  13. yes, I don't think the result is gonna be any different in other 6 months. I don't understand why it didn't grow. I followed all the steps and have been so cautious during these 6 months. I had to save up for years before affording this hair transpalnt with H&W. It was basically all I had in my bank account. I could have just gone to one of these cheap Turkey clinics and have a better result. Huge disappointment 

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