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Posts posted by Jenova

  1. 3 hours ago, shadowcast said:

    t's up to you to tell your doctor which areas you want to tackle in the first surgery. Did you tell Freitas you want your crown done?

    I'm a little surprised that Pinto doesn't want to implant into your midscalp. He implanted into my forelock, which is probably about as thick as your midscalp, and I didn't lose any native hair there as far as I can tell. Did you send him dark or flattering photos? Maybe he can't really see your hair loss. Of course he could easily be seeing something that me or your average forum poster can't. I would trust his opinion 100%, as long as you sent him clear photos.

    I put the hairline and crown as my main concern to both doctors and sendt them the pictures that are in my folder. Based on what I've seen and read about them they seem great, so I found it a little odd they had differing opinions. Hopefully any "too dense areas" will get picked up on during design and preparation no matter who I choose. Just trying to do this right the first time so it's great to have input on here. Thanks for the reply 🙂

  2. Hi 🙂

    I got guidance from the community on how to choose a clinic and I narrowed my list down to two, Bruno Pinto and Rafael De Freitas. Both seem ethical with good reputation and lots of patient reviews on the spanish forum. Freitas has been around for longer, is more known and has more reviews but Pinto is up and coming. I sendt them my case and they both replied and have given me an offer to book the arrangement. My dilemma is that they have quite a different approach as to what they want to do. I was hoping their evaluation of my case would match better as that would have given me the confirmation I felt I needed before making a decision.

    De Freitas wants to do the following:
    Repopulate the frontal area, the mid scalp and the receding hairline, with 2.800 follicles (5.600 hairs approx.).

    Pinto wants to do the following:
    Restore the hairline and crown with a total of 3000 grafts (1200 for the hairline and 1800 for the crown). I was told my frontal third and mid scalp has too much density to perform a hair transplant without damaging the native hair.

    I have attached the picture of myself I got back from Pinto showing the suggestion on how they want to restore my hairline with 1200 grafts.

    Personally I was under the impression that I would need two surgeries since they both operate with a maximum of around 3500 grafts over two days. But since De Freitas does not mention my crown at all in the reply I got, and Pinto thinks my frontal third and mid scalp is too dense then I’m not sure what to do.

    Going with Pinto would be nice since the area they want to repair (hairline and crown) is what bothers me the most. But then again my frontal third and mid scalp is thin and I thought it would be safe to transplant there.

    What would you do in this situation?

    I have been on Finasteride for years and my hairloss has stabilized.

    I have pictures and videos on my google drive here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UCuCUzA22lsyMpNlRXDmciTLVo1NC1f8?usp=sharing
    Especially the video 7 and 8 shows the frontal third and midscalp.

    It is greatly appreciated if someone has the time to take a look and give input on safety regards to transplanting in my frontal third and mid and what they would have chosen to do in this situation 🙂


  3. Thanks for the good explanation NARMAK 🙂


    4 hours ago, BaldV said:

    My question is where is the glabela?

    Is it the middle point of the middle of the brows or the middle point of the top of the brows?

    I found this about glabella
    The glabella is the smooth midline bony prominence between the supraciliary arches of the frontal bone, representing the most anterior part of the forehead when standing erect and looking straight ahead. The 
    metopic suture traverses the glabella, between the two frontal bones. Just below it is the bony depression, the nasion.
    It is usually more pronounced in males.
    It is one of the 
    skull landmarks, craniometric points for radiological or anthropological skull measurement.

    And this about the nasion:
    The nasion (also known as bridge of the nose) is the midline bony depression between the eyes where the 
    frontal and two nasal bones meet, just below the glabella. It is one of the skull landmarks: craniometric points for radiological or anthropological skull measurement.

  4. Hi 🙂

    I’m wondering if anyone knows what is the correct way to measure the height from your glabella to your hairline. I’ve seen two approaches to doing this and they give very different results. Some measurer straight up to get a «visual» measurement while others use a measuring tape and let it follow the contour of the forehead up to the hairline.

    I drew on a license free stock photo I found to visualize what I mean. 




  5. Hi 🙂

    This is my first post here.  I’m happy that I found this place with so many people and information. I'm looking to get my first FUE hair transplant, but I find it very hard to navigate in this jungle of HT-clinics and doctors. I was hoping someone here could give me some advice based on my situation and what doctors/clinics they think I should contact. I have attached pictures and also a short video from Youtube that showcases my hairloss. It should only be available for people on here. My hair is 5-6 cm on top in the pictures and video.

    My story. Im 39 years old from Norway. I’ve been on 0,5mg Finasteride for a couple of years now. My hairloss seems to have stopped/stabilized by using Fin.

    My problem areas:
    Crown area
    Weak mid scalp section
    Weak frontal region
    High temples

    Based on the pictures/video, how many grafts do you think I need to fill in the crown area, do some work in the front and strengthen the mid scalp a little? Any estimate of what it would cost at a decent clinic?

    I had almost decided to contact HLC in Turkey after reading some positive reviews on here. Then I read in another post that Turkish clinics are better suited for people with very very minimal hair loss so I guess this is not for me?

    Now I'm considering Ferreira, Feriduni and Freitas that I’ve also read some good reviews about on this forum. Do you think I’m onto something with these? Are there other clinics I should consider?

    I’m also curious how a consultation works since I’ve never done that. Is it usually done by video calls? How many consultations is it recommended to do before choosing a clinic?

    Thanks a lot for any help 🙂

    Link to video:



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