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Posts posted by 3101

  1. 'Sup.

    31 years old. My dermatologist told me I have androgenic alopecia, but I'm starting to think otherwise because:
    1) I've been on oral minoxidil for 8 months now with no results other than increased body hair (started with 2.5, increased dose to 5.0)
    2) the most evident place where I suffer from hairloss is on the back of my head (down to my donor area), and far as I can tell, this doesn't follow an MPB pattern)

    Is it possible that this is actually traction alopecia that I inflicted on myself after many years of long hair?
    And if it's something irreversible as traction alopecia, and I'm not suffering from other forms of hairloss, can this be fixed with a hair transplant? (and any guess how many grafts this area alone would require?)


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