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Posts posted by lunch_owl

  1. I was planning to take this route as well but as a nw 6/7 with a donor area that slowly seems to thin as time passes by, and not willing to mess with my hormones and cardiovascular system, i am getting my first ever hair system tomorrow as i dont consider myself a candidate anymore unfortunately.

    Check out how realistic you can make them look : https://www.instagram.com/vinni_protesecapilar?igsh=NDQ4d3FidTc4NGlw

  2. On 7/30/2022 at 3:21 PM, Britanium said:

    Interestingly as expected the 2 leaving the poor reviews also gave everyone else 1 star ️ Well one of them in particular ! But with absolutely no pics or real context these type of reviews are just not something we can ever rely on. Some so called 5 ️ Clinics just have 100s of very similar reviews, so heavily shilled, others might get less as competitors will leave false ones, it’s a minefield ! 

    Yup, imagine what AI will do in terms of marketing. It will create AI generated people with the best before and after. They dont even need real patient pics anymore. Its getting murkier and murkier...

  3. 11 minutes ago, jjalay said:

    Can you give me an example of these highly regarded doctors who are struggling to get new patients? Most of these doctors you are reffering to have started doing some good work and after they became popular they have switched from quality to quantity. The bad results came and their reputation has gone down the toilet. Now they are struggling to find new patients.

    Everyone wants to make profit yes, but there are doctors who are doing only one patient every day so that they wont have to lower their quality stanfdards. And they are still able to make profit out of it. Others are hiring technisians or unqualified doctors to perform up to 5-6 surgeries per day. In the long run they wont be able to retain this kinf of business though.

    I listened to the bald truth podcast and they mentioned this. I can not remember the names at the top of my head. Yes but it has also become the other way around. Clinics that used to produce below average results are now producing decent results. So the industry is very organic if you will.


  4. 37 minutes ago, jjalay said:

    We are not talking about companies and costumers here, that is exactly the problem. We are talking about patients and a surgical procedure. Most of the hairmills in Turkey and around the world are seeing this exactly as you say, as business. They are aiming at the anawareness of the most people and trying to deceive people with this aggresive marketing, instagram stories, advertising in football matches, fake youtubers and the list goes on and on.

    Reputable doctors dont need this kind of advertisement, they speak through their work. Doctors like couto dont advertise at all and he is booked for the next two years.


    Some doctors who are considered reputable and highly regarded are struggling getting customers. Believe it or not, but all companies except non-profit companies number one objective is to make a profit. That is a business. You can not get around that. All hair clinics inlcuding the elite are treating it as a business. After all, they dont work for free. Every industry that has high revenue where there is potential to make alot of money will attract every kind of people. Im not defending it but it is the way it is.

  5. 19 hours ago, jjalay said:

    Vera clinic adverises in a football team in England too. This is the typical hairmill marketing approach. If you get bad results you cannot blame the team that you love and the clinic that supports them i guess.

    I dont understand what the phrase "hair mill marketing" means. Every profit driven company in the world wants to be visible to costumers. How many clinics are there in the world today? 5 digits? 6 digits? They got to be seen somehow. Its a huge competition between the clinics. There are relatively few clinics that can live on their reputation alone imo, at least on the internet. If i remember correctly, reputable doctors have been dancing on instagram etc to attract costumers and they are not a hair mill.

  6. From my experience talking to a few turkish clinics and some other clinics in other countries i have noticed that only Turkish clinics wants you to bring money in cash instead of wiring it via a bank transfer so they wont need to pay tax on it.  

    Im curious to know abput other peoples experiences and thoughts. Those of you who went to Turkey, did you pay in cash? Did you refuse? Were you able to wire it instead? Cant be so  comfortable carrying around a large amount of cash.

  7. On 8/29/2023 at 10:34 PM, Heisenberg said:

    Thanks, Melvin. Can't find that on the UK site, so thinking of this:


    I take it you definitely can't sleep on your side for at least two weeks after the procedure?

    i read a post on reddit where somebody bought this pillow. They were very pleased with it.

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  8. On 1/17/2023 at 1:08 PM, mr_peanutbutter said:

    if i understand op correctly he wants a very sparse ht, just add a bit of a 3d effect to the smp. i think that should be possibly no?


    or he could just transplant the hairline and get smp for the rest (the hairline looks the most „fake“ with smp imho)



    he could still get a ht and go for the buzzed look in my opinion by using some scalp and beard grafts on the recipient area and refill the donor area with hair from chest or some other area that is suitable. Imo a smp without any hair on top looks like dry paint from up close.

  9. On 7/16/2023 at 2:32 PM, mustang said:

    Overharvesting and homogenous depletion are entirely different things.

    You want to do the second if this is your approach.

    Fit Farming is not the same as donor restocking, fit farming is done in one step. They take out a graft from your donor, take a graft from your body, implant the scalp graft on your recipient and implant the body graft where they extracted the scalp graft. It's an expensive and slow procedure but essentially you can replace everything you take out with body grafts.

    Donor restocking is adding BHT grafts to your donor after it has healed or been overharvested or depleted from HT

    Yes, that was what i meant. Was everything worth it for you in the end?

  10. Welcome dear fellow nw6/7 brother! We have a similar pattern. In our situation we cant afford to do any slipups. Save money and maximise your chances to get it right the first time. It it messed up the first time, it will be more expensive in the longrun. Also i dont wanna think about the potential mental consequenses of trying to save a buck and get slaughtered. Best of luck brother. 

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  11. So if you get beard grafts transplanted to your scalp, and you choose to be on oral min+fin,  how does that work with the beard hair?

    From a logical perspective fin can weaken beard however im not aware of any case were it has been proven to do so. But it would make sense. Does oral min counteract that result of weakening the beard grafts that fin could possibly induce? Does anybody know?

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