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Status Updates posted by SouthernYankee

  1. I recently had a hair transplant procedure with Dr. Taleb Barghouti in Amman, and I couldn't be happier with the results. The procedure took place over three days and involved transplanting about 5,000 hairs, with almost 2,000 of them coming from the beard below the chin, mainly for the crown area.

    Despite not using Verteporfin, the procedure was a success, and I have seen great progress so far. I am looking forward to sharing my journey and continued progress with everyone.

    I had consultations with over five surgeons before deciding on Dr. Taleb Barghouti, and I knew from the beginning that he and his team were special. They made me feel incredibly comfortable and confident in their abilities.

    Amman itself was an amazing city, and my experience has turned into a great vacation. I am particularly looking forward to visiting Petra and Wadi Rum next week.

    I highly recommend Dr. Taleb Barghouti and his team for anyone considering a hair transplant procedure. I am thrilled with my results and can't thank them enough for their expertise and care. I am looking forward to sharing more pictures of my progress in the future.






    1. SouthernYankee


      some before pics from 6 months back





  2. Hey Melvin- Love what you created here in this network. Without this network I don’t think I would have moved forward with this decision. I would love your personal opinion. I’m a 45 yr old who has currently been on finasteride and rogaine for several years. I’ve see a little improvement on my crown. I don’t know what my hair would classify as on the Norwood Scale. I was thinking about 4. Due to the vetting of this site I have a procedure scheduled with Dr Taleb B. in Jordan in December. I discussed with him but wanted your advice. I was thinking of having him use beard hair in areas 4 & 5. I believe I have enough other donor hair to fill in 1, 2, & 3 pretty well. I plan on keeping my hair on the short side. I guess my question is I plan on doing 3 days totaling 6,000 FUE’s including the beard hair. I don’t want to have to go back to Jordan for some time so I want to get as many done at once as I can. Would you suggest him just going for a Norwood 2 or do you think go for the Norwood 1? Of course I will discuss and go with what he feels comfortable with. I currently use Toppik and have everyday for about 10 years to do my best to create it to appear as a Norwood 2 (very short buzz). I attached the ones with Toppik so you can see how I currently do it everyday.  Anyway any insight would be valuable. 








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