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Posts posted by nleese123

  1. On 4/21/2022 at 4:26 AM, finasted said:

    Hello Everyone

    After my first hair transplant in May I decided to take a 2 month vacation in Europe.

    Do you think is irresponsible to walk the camino de Santiago one month after the surgery even if I will take the right precautions like buy a good anti UV hat, sunscreen and maybe start walking really early in the morning 😁

    What do you think?

    I'd really like to do it but I don't want to ruin the surgery


    I highly recommend not doing that. Many doctors recommend 3-4 months no sun exposure. Some 6 months. I guess you can wear a hat but what if you forget one day or you still get burned? You will regret it if you get poor growth. It is not worth it. You hair is more important than a holiday. You have a limited amount of donor hair, you can always go on holiday another time. I would say wait 6 months. Or even more. Use a hat if you are in the sun for more than a few mins until you are fully healed. The dermis takes longer to heal and that's where grafts are getting blood supply from. Until the recipient area heals in a few months the skin loses the ability to protect its self from UV. You get burned much easier and this can damage the grafts if the sunburn is enough.

  2. On 4/9/2022 at 2:46 AM, Patro1995 said:

    everybody writes topical, I did homemade, I mixed minoxidil with finasteride in tablets, I used it for a month but I stopped, I don't know if it works, but a lot of people do it, it's hard to buy topical in my country, there is one called "polaris" there is finasteride and monoxidil 12 percent and very expensive and lasts for a month. What do you think about saw palmetto, I eat tablets and I have a shampoo supposedly to block dht?

    Hey man I would STRONGLY suggest you not to take any finasteride or saw palmetto even WITHOUT depression. Since you do, you are even more at risk of having permanent side effects. 

    I replied to another guy who wanted to take it on this forum you can see my reply via my profile I believe. I only created this account to reply to you and a couple of others so I probably won't see any DMs for awhile sorry. I'll try and  remember though. Long story short I've seen multiple people who used it who have been permanently destroyed by it. It's not a myth side effects happen much often than we are told and  are permanent much more often. Damage can be extensive thorough the whole body including damage to penile tissues. There are MULTIPLE reports of Saw Palmetto doing the same and  wrecking the endocrine system and  causing severe permanent depression. Do not take it. The effect it will have if any is not even close to worth the risk. Best of luck

    If anyone doesn't believe me or has taken it and  they are fine I'm not interested in hearing it respectfully. I only came to this forum to help these guys and  I've seen too many victims of finasteride that are still suffering five years later for anyone to tell me it's not real. Everything I know has been scientifically proven as well as verified by my own experiences seeing bloodwork tests and  symptoms of these men. It's real. I wish it wasn't. Even topical, even quarter dosing. One pill has been enough in some cases. Go on propeciahelp.com if you don't believe me. All the symptoms on there, every single one I've seen in real life. If you can't see my longer more detailed reply on the other post DM me

    Best of luck I truly do mean that :)

  3. On 2/19/2022 at 3:24 AM, follically challenged said:

    - not the most important announcement you'll hear all week I'm sure, lol, but i figure why not write a post about it, and maybe i can hear from you guys too...

    I was out last night and heard another 'jokey' comment from a friend about my hair again, *sigh* and i just thought....'screw it, it may be time to give it a go.'

    I have always held off from trying Fin for two reasons: 1. The fear of sides and 2. If i jump on it, I'm on it for life...which is something of a commitment even without sides...

    But now I'm kind of coming around to the thought of 'Well, if i try it and it thickens up my hair / stabilises it, then maybe i at least won't worry about it so much and get just be able to get on with my life knowing I'm doing what i can to preserve it'

    So, some questions if you guys would be so kind:

    1. How should i go about getting it here in the UK? Must i visit the doctor for it...? 
    2. What brand should i go for? I often hear of people cutting Proscar up into quarters...which i guess is because it is cheaper?
    3. How did you guys do on it? Did any of you who are currently on it notice sides and push through, or quit? Looking back...how bad were the sides?...could it have just been the nocebo thing?
    4. Did any of you guys stop taking it a few years after being on it? How bad was the shed?

    Thanks dudes, appreciate it!

    Hey man I know people will not agree with what I'm about to say but just know I mean well. You should NOT be touching finasteride in any form topical, low dose, half dose etc. People have been affected from topical too. Despite what bro science tells you it is still absorbed systemcially through the skin. It's impossible for it not to. It has been confirmed.

    The side effect profile is factually much higher than Merk claimed. They are being sued for a reason. This is all facts now. I personally know multiple people who have had permanent side effects. It is without exaggeration life ruining. They are shells of men. Yes maybe 85% of people can take it safely. What if you are the 15%? 


    The devastation I've seen it do is a fate worse than death. Penile scarring (confirmed medically on ultrasound where they had none before Fin) , zero libido, inability to feel any good emotion, ever. Inability to feel love. Inability to get an erection, severe depression, testosterone at a level that a transgender athlete can compete at in the female league. Completely numb penis, no feeling on ejaculation IF they can even ejaculate. The list goes on.

    Again I'm not some crazy dude on the internet, I went to Medical School and I have seen friends lives destroyed even after 5 years and  counting. 

    Before anyone goes crazy on me and  replies to this calling bullshit I won't reply back I don't come on this forum and I have no interest. I've heard it all before from people and low and behold permanent sides happen anyway. I simply don't have the energy to argue what is a sad medically proven reality. I am simply just stating what I've seen with my own eyes, reading the medical reports seeing the scarring on ultrasound etc. It's real and it's permanent. Don't ever let any convince you otherwise.

    You can take it for years and  not notice any sides then it could suddenly happen 10 years later (I've seen this) or you could one day come off it and  it could happen. What I am trying to say is you can't even experiment to see how it will make you feel. Not even with a pill. If you are unlucky once is enough and the damage to the endocrine system could be done. 

    The choice is ultimately up to you but knowing that people have all the info first which my friends never did will take the burden off my shoulders.

    I recommend having a consult with Dr Goldstein who specializes in treating guys with Post Finasteride Syndrome. He will run you through a 20 min slideshow and  show you what Fin does to the body, all medically proven, not some guy on the forums saying he took it and  it's safe. You won't take it after that. Including anyone on this forum that doesn't believe in PFS. It is terrifying that this drug is legal. At the very least do that and then after the consult if you really want to gamble your life for hair do what you want.

    One last thing, Fin doesn't always work, definitely doesn't always grow hair either in some cases. So you will be gambling possibly for nothing. I've never seen anything worse from a drug than Post Finasteride Syndrome. Propeciahelp.com should educate anyone thinking about taking it on all the darkness the guys who are suffering from it are going through. One of my friends took it for a few weeks and  has never recovered after half a decade. You can take a couple of pills and  it will be enough in predisposed people. Also don't think that just because you have an outstanding libido and  erections it can't happen to you. Remember when we all had full heads of hair as kids and  never thought we would go bald?


    I'm going to cut and paste this as a reply to another post on this forum to try and help someone else. If you have any questions you can DM me but I specifically created this account to warn you. That's how strongly I feel about it. So i probably wont log back in for a long time. I wish you the best of luck no matter your choice :)

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