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Posts posted by sciatic

  1. I am MBBS final year student. Preparing & re-searching for my HT.


    Saw some of the blogs here and I am not happy with the way it was portrayed here. Not sure if you are using this to improve your business (or) to share your experiences and help the blog members genuinely. Please do not misguide the members by airing your personal/business tactics here.


    A genuine blog writer will never take this chance to write all dirty about a doctor. If your self respect is hurt then better go back to your basics and learn how to behave with doctors, but do not critisize the doctors here.


    Mysore venkatraman could be good HT surgeon, but it does'nt mean that all other famous HT surgeons in India are fit for nothing ? I have been to Mysore Venkatraman earlier. I agree that he receives his patients very sweatly. But did not had good experience after talking to some of his old customers who visited their clinic at the same time when I went there. But I do not want to use this space to malign his reputation. We are here to select the best doctor and check his work , but not to select who is bad. I have no business in such activity and no time too. Who has time to award the worst HT surgeon in India. Will that help in getting a girl for bald person ?


    These blogs which critisize a particular doctor and try to portray a differnt doctor will give a impression that these persons who write such blogs are fake and they use these forums to spoil names of people who do good work to fill up their own pockets. Dirty marketting strategies !!! I do not beleive such comments.


    My senior (now hou-srgn) got his HT done at Dr. Sreedhar Reddy's clinic and he referred me. He got it done at Rs. 20/- per graft last year and I was happy with the quality of work done by Pioneer Hair Clinic.


    I am not here to support anyone, but I have been to Dr. Sreedhar Reddy's pioneer clinic very recently and the setup he has is too good compared to all other HT surgeons in Bangalore. I have been to all other HT surgeons clinic's last year. He (Dr. Sreedhar) received me very respectfully and answered all my queries very patiently. He quoted my Rs. 25/- per graft which is OK. He is a tech-savvy. Each and every system he has is imported and he operate from a super speciality hospital and the ambeince and cleanliness is too good/very posh. I also heard that he does 20 to 25 transplants every month and 1 of them is free of cost for poor family background people. This could have been striked the software corner in me. But, frankly speaking, all these things really does'nt matter when it comes to choosing the best HT surgeon for my own hair and future life. Quality matters and how I look after HT will be my top priority.


    Unfortunately, I could not get a HT done at Dr. Sreedhar Reddy's Pioneer Hair Care clinic as my parents apposed it. They are more concerned about the surgery/studies now than my hair. It will take some more time to convince them. Probably another 6 months or a year. I will get this done in 2010 mid. In one way, its good for me too. I will get more time to research on this and check if I can get a better doc outside Bangalore.


    My sincere request to the blog writers here is to write your honest and genuine experiences here and compare the work done by each HT surgeons and not on how the HT surgeon scolded you when you wear shoes inside his cabbin. And dont put the comparisions in 2000/- or 3000/- difference. This is not a fish market to compare on 1 or 2K rupees. When it comes to your actual hair these 1 or 2 or 5K really dont matter. All you need is good hair so that you can get a good girl and marry and spend your life happily. But I agree that if there is a wide difference of about 20k or 30k, then this difference of amount really matters for a common man.


    I agree with forest_dump and hair_care bloggers here. I have to do more re-search on HT surgeons and their work from other parts of India. My options are still open. before I make a decision, i would like to know the genuine experiences from you all. Please do let me know if you have any such information on the HT docs who are not from Bangalore. I have done my part for Bangalore already. As of now, I am considering Dr. Sreedhar Reddy as my option 1 ( if I have to get it done only from BLR then I will choose option 1 , else Option 2 is always open till mid 2010 ).


    I will check with my senior and see if I can share his snaps here. If you find a better quality than those pics, then please do not hesitate to drop an email to me. Your inputs will help me a lot.



    thanks & regards



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