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Posts posted by DavidH

  1. Hi, I recently coloured my hair 8 months post-op of my FUE transplant. This was a big mistake as it was too dark (almost black) and looked very unnatural. I used a colour stripper to lighten the hair, which worked but 2 weeks on I have noticed that my hair is not as full as it was at the 6 month post-op stage. Especially on the top and around the crown area. I think I’ve caused some hair damage. But what I’m querying is if this is temporary or permanent? I am still using finasteride and minoxidil on a daily basis. Any constructive thoughts or experiences would be appreciated? Can damaged hair from hair stripper be repaired?

  2. 11 hours ago, Buck Naked said:

    I recommend paying with a credit card. You never know if they mess up or scam you. You can open a dispute through your credit card. Better to be safe than sorry, especially in Turkey. 

    I’d agree generally but an additional 18% is not an insignificant amount of money on several thousands of pounds. Still to decide what to do. Thank you for your response.

  3. 12 hours ago, sl said:

    Not sure where you are travelling from but for the UK you can take any amount but you have to declare more than 10k pounds in cash. I would just say be careful travelling with a lot of money in terms of security. I used to live overseas and would take the limit with me regularly to facilitate that but never left the money in a check-in bag and always kept it on me with no problems. If you can check how much the clinic will charge more on a card. We do not ourselves charge more and most pay on card traditionally. 

    You may also be able to pay by a bank transfer as an option so worth asking if they charge the same as cash for that. I would guess there should not be an issue and if so pay most that way before going and a balance in cash for at most a few k for any graft fluctuation, so you have got most paid and carry a far lighter amount. 

    You will have a lot on your mind with surgery and possibly a new country and language and if you can avoid risks that can be reduced in other ways.

    All the best!




    Thank you, I am travelling from the UK and I definitely won’t be taking anywhere near 10K. I’ve asked the clinic again regarding card payment and they charge an additional 18% which is a substantial uplift. My query about a bank transfer was side stepped but I’ve asked again. I don’t fully understand why they do not accept say a debit card or bank transfer because as a business they must surely pay tax anyway.

    Thanks again for your response.

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  4. Hello, I have an HT booked in for October in Istanbul. The clinic has advised that they would prefer cash or if I pay with a card there will be an additional fee applied. This is all very normal I understand. Before I make the decision whether to take cash or use my card, can anyone share their experiences of paying for their surgery? The cost of a HT (less a nominal deposit) is a substantial amount to take through customs and I’m apprehensive about doing so. But an additional percentage is lot on top of the HT cost. Comments of experiences welcome?

  5. Thank you to all for some really great advice, I completely agree that there are some elite world leading HT surgeons outside Turkey, but financially they are out of my reach. I simply don’t have the financial resources of a celebrity / movie star. Therefore, given my advanced Norwood stage I’m setting realistic expectations for myself. As a 47 year old it would be naive to think I can achieve the hair of my 21 year old self, nor would I want this as it needs to look natural for my age.

    I will definitely check out Eugenix and the others mentioned, but Bicer is the front runner for me at the moment, maybe Demisroy. I’ve seen Bicer’s work on this forum with guys with as little hair as myself and I’m impressed.

    Dr Gur was a serious contender, but my recent proposed offer received suggested that I’d need 4000 grafts for full coverage. 3000 grafts could be done for the first procedure, and the remaining 1000 grafts for the crown for the second procedure. This doesn’t sound right to me, as previous offers received suggest between 3500 - 4000 grafts for first procedure, and second procedure as much as my donor area can facilitate without over harvesting. I need to enquire further about this.

    Bicer stated that I would have to leave my donor areas between 2 - 3 cm long, and couldn’t be shaved following the procedure, which I need to enquire about further (I’ve had a number 3 around the back and side since being 21 years old).

    Gatsby, will put some more photos up when I get back home in a couple of days.

    My expectations are; a natural hairline (for my age) i.e. single grafts. No over harvesting as that would look weird, good volume and density that I can reasonably achieve from my donor areas.

    As recommended with some really useful comments, I will enquire with surgeons outside Turkey as well, and hope they are within my budget.

    Thank you guys, and I’ll keep you updated!

  6. Thank you Gatsby, great advice.

    Ultimately my goal is total coverage (albeit the front part and hairline is most important to me) and the feedback reports from all three doctors have said that this would take 2 procedures at least 12 months apart., which is fine. First procedure 3500 - 4000 grafts, and second procedure 2500 - 3000.

    Given the yield period of 12 months I’m more inclined to have the first procedure done this year. No doubt that Dr Bicer is fantastic (as is Asmed clinic) and if she had availability this year id be booking in ASAP. But I understand that there are also a handful of other very good Dr’s in Turkey, as above. Will definitely check out Eugenix as well.

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  7. Hi Guys,

    I’m 47 years old and I’ve been losing my hair gradually for about 15 years, and have finally decided to go with a HT after thinking about it for a long time.

    Ive rested on Turkey because the expertise there is probably the best in the world (of course there are exceptions) at a cost that is affordable to the average person (James Nesbit and Rooney HT doctors are too rich for my blood). I’m in the UK so the flight is only a few hours too.

    After reading a number of posts on here, and the recommended Drs often posted, my shortlist is Dr Gur, Dr Demisroy, and Dr Bicer. I need between 3500 - 4000 grafts and have had an offer from all after sending in my photos. Bicer is cited time and time again on here and probably for good reason, but seems on the expensive side in comparison to Dr Demisroy and Dr Gur. My question, is Dr Bicer worth the extra 2000 Euros in comparison to Dr Demisroy who also undertakes extremely good work with a natural hairline I’m looking for?





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