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Posts posted by baldmangetspaid

  1. Hi! I'm a male age 38 years old who has been slowly losing his hair for a long time, with a significantly acceleration in loss over the past 3 years. I've gone from a Norwood 3 in 2019 to a Norwood 5 today. I've been using Rogaine for the past 10 years and started finasteride 0.5mg in April 2021 and just upped it to 1mg/day a few weeks ago. I also bought a Derminator and have started using that once a week along with a shampoo w/ KZ. My dad and every male is his family is essentially a Norwood 7 so I am worried about going down that path. Now my confusion comes following my most recent consultation with Dr. Wesley. He said to me that he would not recommend FUT for me because if I do end up being completely bald I won't be able to shave my head. I was surprised at this response because I thought most doctors (Konior included) suggested to me that I go with FUT first to maximize the number of lifetime grafts I can have so I was really confused when Dr. Wesley was so adamant against me getting FUT and pushing FUE. Obviously I would prefer FUE given it is less invasive, but I want to do what is best for me long-term.


    Curious to hear from others - thanks!

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