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Posts posted by vc

  1. Hi Recession,


    thanks for the very detailed account of your consultation with dr. collins.

    There are now pre and post operation pictures on his new website (not the best quality pictures though)

    It seems that he is a great doctor but also too expensive.

    Could you please tell me what was the cost of the consultation and if the 1 year's supply of finasteride was included in the consultation fee?



  2. Thanks future_ht_ doc,


    I’ve read before that some companies are experimenting with stem cells as a hair loss treatment but didn’t know there was a company in the UK that was doing this. I share your concerns and to be honest it sounds to good to be true especially as there is no evidence at all to back their claims.

    That’s why I was looking for input from people that may had some experience with this kind of treatment.

  3. Hi,


    I was looking for new advances in hair loss treatments and I found an ad on youtube for recoverup hair regeneration company. They are based in Edinburgh and they use stem cells which -they claim- can stimulate the growth of new hair follicles. They also claim that the expected growth can last for at least five years and they offer a 30 days money back guarantee if there’s no hair growth (however you must not take any other hair loss medications at the same time to be eligible for that). There are no before and after photos or other evidence of success stories on their website though, which certainly raises many concerns.


    Has anyone heard of them before? Are there any people form the UK here that have used the treatment that this company offers?

  4. Hi. This is my first post.

    Been following the prp treatment with enthusiasm and I want to applaud the doctors who are willing to try this experimental procedure.

    Searching on the internet I found that there are a few patents on this concept filed by David R Knighton.

    Don't know if I'm allowed to post links to these patents so I won't, but you can find them on google.

    Though I don't know whether the procedure described in these patents is similar to the procedure performed today, what troubles me is that these patents are from the early nineties (one was filed on Jan 10 1989)

    If it was known 20 years ago that prp may promote hair growth and it could actually produce significant results, shouldn't it have become common practice by today?

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