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Posts posted by wolfy

  1. On 10/13/2022 at 10:47 AM, Gokuhairline said:

    great to see another great HMR post , looks clean and sounds a lot like my experience, good luck its all in the waiting game now. 

    I know, I read your whole post and was very impressed with the results. This is what tipped me over into using HMR and feeling confident with my choice. I will be grateful if I get results half as good as yours.

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  2. Here we are at one month post op. There is less hair than before the procedure. My hair loss was so gradual that I never noticed hair fall before the procedure, just a very gradual thinning over time. But now the shock-loss from the procedure has it falling out at such a rapid rate that I notice lots of hair on my pillow and during shower time. I am balder now than before. Or at least it seems that way to me. I know it's temporary and will grow back, so I'm just rolling with it and seeing how it goes. So far, I feel satisfied, and everything looks normal according to what I have read. My doctor says that everything is normal and progressing as it should, so I am just being patient.

    How does it look? Anyone notice any issues or troubling .signs in donor or recipient areas that I am missing? The donor area looks a little thin to me, but I wonder if this is shock-loss too. I guess I had assumed it only effected the recipient area, not sure why. I think it is shock loss because going back to look at the day 8 and two week mark, there is no thinness here and it looks fine. Not worried about it, just curious. Thanks in advance for any insights and observations.













  3. On 10/19/2022 at 8:22 AM, GoliGoliGoli said:

    How many grafts? Please show pre-op pictures

    I don't know the exact number, in the consultation they said around 2400-2600. see below for pre-op pics. I offer one from the side, one from the top, and two from the front, one in natural sunlight and one in inside, office space light.





  4. Hello friends,

    Just wanted to ask a few "when can I..." questions.

    1. When can I scratch my head?

    2. When can I go swimming?

    3. When can I begin to do light exercise? Heavy and intense exercise? Yoga with inversions?

    4. When can I begin to wear a hat?

    5. When can I touch my head?

    6. when can I get a haircut?

    7. I live in a tropical environment, when can I stop worrying about sweat and sun?

    8. I am supposed to go skiing in about a month. When can I wear a beanie, or something similar?

    9. When can I travel?

    10. When is it okay to go back to a stressful and physically demanding job?

    11. when can I headbutt someone (they deserve it)?

    12. When can I nuzzle my lover with my new hairline?

    13. When can I do headstands?

    14. When will my head be healed to the point where I can do all the things I used to without worrying about upsetting the grafts?

    15. When will I reach the point where I don't have to worry about this anymore?

    My doctor gave me post op instructions not to do any of these things, but never said for how long. I am now 14 days post op and I feel ready to move on, but I'm not sure how cautious I should be. I read many conflicting suggestions online.

    Also bonus question, I have bumped my head a time or two, and on day 9 (or maybe it was 8?) a friend who hadn't seen me with a shaved head before and didn't know I had done a procedure got really excited and she rubbed her hands all over my recipient area, very roughly. She was doing it with love and affection and excitement, but it hurt (moderately, nothing intense, and no blood). There has also been some accidental touching of the scalp, and when I removed the scabs on day 8, I may have been rougher than I should have been. Do I have anything to worry about? have I damaged any grafts? am I going to lose my hair again? 

    Here is a photo of what it looks like, anything look out of the ordinary, or any of you experienced pros see something I should consider? Is it normal for the scalp to be so flakey with so much dandruff? I never had dandruff before, so it's a bit odd to me.



  5. Here's day 14 update. Really happy so far. Starting to get some flakey scalp as you can see in the first picture. Not sure if that is normal or a sign of something wrong, or if I am not doing something right. On day 9 a friend saw me for the first time and not knowing i had done a procedure, got really excited at my shaved head and rubbed her hands through my scalp pretty roughly. I'm hoping that won't kill any grafts or damage anything, a little concerned about it, but I don't actually know. I've gotten a lot of compliments on my hairline, which is strange, because I had never been complimented on it before, even when I was young and had a very strong one. From people not knowing I had an HT, it seems strange. Or maybe it just looks really good and HMR is awesome.  Appreciate any comments, advice, or feedback. how's it look? is it obvious I had one done?




  6. This site has been so instrumental in my research and journey. Big gratitude for everyone here. I am 8 days post procedure from HMR, and I am going to document my recovery here for anyone who may learn from my mistakes and experiences. 


    These guys were great. Professional, clean, helpful, deferential, and a little playful. I was on the fence about using them, because even though I have seen some great results from them, I have also seen some issues with overharvesting. I was looking at some clinics in brazil when HMR reached out to me telling me they had a cancellation and wanted to know if I wanted the spot, which was less than 2 weeks away. It coincided with a 2 week break I had from work, and I had the money from a recent bonus. I felt everything was aligned just right, so I went with it, and so far I am glad I did. Everything was smooth, easy, and successful. 

    I had wanted my new hairline where it was before I started receding. But Dr. Cortez said he recommended it be higher, because I have a natural medium density, and that while he could do it, and would do it if I wanted, he was worried about taking so many from the donor area, and that it may look overharvested in the back. He said he would do whatever I wanted, and I said I would just leave it in his capable hands. The staff were engaging, and playful while remaining professional at all times. I felt like a person and not just a customer or patient. The team worked really well together during the procedure. They did the whole thing in spanish, and teased each other and talked about soccer and other things in between what needed to be said about the procedure, yet never lost focus. I want to wait to see how the hair grows before giving my full recommendation, but based on my experience so far, I would recommend these guys.

    The only negative, and this is my only experience with a procedure like this, so I'm not sure if this is right, but one thing I am cautious about with HMR is that their post operation guidelines are a bit shorter/not as strict from what I have found other clinics suggest online. For example, they advise to begin washing on Day 1, where many other clinics I have seen online recommend waiting at least 48 hours or more before the first wash. Or they say no exercising for 2 weeks, while other clinics say online to wait at least a month. They also told me I would be fine to fly home the next day. But I wish I had stayed in the hotel 48 hours post procedure. The airport was loud and stressful, and I bumped my head in the plane. And there were a lot of Californians, which I didn't know this before, but at least the ones I saw in the airport talk with their whole body. So there were hands flying everywhere in wild gesticulations as dude bro had to use his entire body to explain about the monster wave he was going to catch in Puerto Escondido. Usually wouldn't bother me, but when you're paranoid about losing a graft in your delicate scalp, the airport in south California isn't the best place to be. Anyway, there are a couple more like this example, and this feels like nit-picking from me, because I don't actually know.

    below are pictures day of the procedure





  7. The doctor I talked to said they take a blood sample, centrifuge it, and inject the plasma directly back into the scalp; it helps to keep the graft nourished, prevent hair loss, and help grafts grow. The doctor recommended 6 post transplant sessions, one every two months for a year.

    My question, is this an up-sell for after the transplant? I can't seem to find anything solid about it online, and it seems maybe dubious, or at least unverified/untested. Has anyone done this? Any experience? Is it worth it?



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