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Posts posted by Hopefulandhelpful

  1. Hi guys

    Just wanted to tell everyone that I found this forum pretty helpful in identifying what is a hair mill and who is a reputable doctor. However my search was limited to doctors in Turkey and while I have seen reputable doctors in Istanbul, namely Dr Bicer and Dr Demirsoy, I was wondering if anyone here could help expand my search given my geographic location.

    I currently reside in Karachi, Pakistan and am alright with the idea of traveling for a transplant but am unsure of where I should be looking other than Turkey perhaps. I am somewhere between a 5 or 6 on the Norwood scale so would likely need upwards of 3000 grafts.

    Does anyone have any good reputable doctors or clinics in mind that are not too far? Also would like to point out Eugenix is another clinic I hear about pretty often but unfortunately traveling to India is difficult where I live. Please let me know whatever recommendations you have. Also while price is still a concern I feel 2 euros a graft will be affordable but am flexible if a better option is available for not a lot more.

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