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Posts posted by Cschil12

  1. Thanks everyone! I found dr dayno in Atlanta charging about $7 for shave-less feu. I already spend $100 on a consultation. I didn’t know if I can find much cheaper with out using a hair mill. I have just been using hims topical solution. I took finastra a few years ago but stoped because I felt like it was effecting my sec drive. Has anyone had experience with dr dayno. The total cost would be about 18K which is very pricey. Any suggestions on drs in turkey or other parts of Europe? Also are there any legit hair mills I know Nashville has some cheaper prices. I’d like to stay under 10k. I’m not opposed to going to Europe I’m just nervous about getting ripped off. I tried stem cell injections without any prp or anything and it cost me about 2K and I didn’t see any results. If I would have done more research before hand I wouldn’t have done them. 




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