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Posts posted by tacale

  1. 2 hours ago, Westview said:

    FUT is also cheaper and takes less time to perform than FUE,

    Recovery time is a bit longer though, but its not really a big deal

    I thought the big deal with FUT is that in older years when all the hair goes, the scar will be visible and look bad.

    I guess also it can be harder to find the right doctor for it, and it needs to be one with experience performing FUT which not many do too much these days

  2. 23 hours ago, Davies said:

    What does the area look like which needs implants? Is it not best to go for another FUE and leave FUT option for a late time (if even needed?)

    Thanks for asking. I have posted 2 pictures (one unstyled in light, one styled) of the area which needs the implants below

    I guess doing FUE again first might also be an idea. Thanks for suggesting it. I had only read people suggest the FUT first then FUE combination to maximise grafts
    Why would FUE first rather than FUT be better?  To potentially be able to avoid the FUE scar? 

    I guess the disadvantage would be risking the doctor touching the FUT scar thereby ruining the potential to have the FUT in the future. 


  3. Hi All, 

    I did a FUE operation with Dr Saifi 2 years ago for 2400 grafts. I was a NW5 if not 6 so I knew going in the 2400 wouldn't solve everything and I would need more operations in the future.

    Interestingly Dr Saifi told me he would leave a strip on the back of my head in case I ever wanted to do FUT in the future. 

    I forgot about it and thought I would just do FUE again as I have been researching transplants this year. Until I came across the theory recently, that a way to maximize lifetime grafts is to do a FUT-FUE combo. FUT first and FUE second. 
    But in my case, if the Doctor left a strip, I hope it will work the same if I do the FUT second, after the FUE I already did, from the strip the doctor left hence maximizing lifetime grafts. 

    Is this a good idea?

    My worry is also if my donor has deteriorated over time that this might not be feasible. 

    Below is the picture of my donor area, with the strip, hopefully visible, I'm guessing the more dense bit across the middle.

    Is this a good idea? Can I get a few thousand grafts out of this and will the above hair be able to cover the scar?



  4. On 1/19/2024 at 3:16 PM, Hairwolf said:

    To echo the other posters, looks natural, but the hairline is lacking in density however a 2nd op with a few hundred will fix it. 

    Only a few hundred? Would have thought the full 2500 would be needed to add density?

  5. 3 hours ago, A_4_Archan said:

    Is there a specific reason you're hesitant to return to Dr. Saifi? With 2300 grafts, your results seemed satisfactory.

    Based on your previous posts, it seems like you're seeking a skilled yet cost-effective surgeon. You might want to consider Dr. Laorwong, HDC Clinic, or Dr. Nader, among others. There are many other reputable doctors as well, so it's hard to recommend just one or two.

    Since you're familiar with most of these surgeons, the best approach would be to review their past work throughly and than shortlist 4-5 doctors based on that. Then, consult with each of them to determine who best aligns with your expectations and goals.

    I hope this helps you. Good Luck.

    I'm still considering Saifi. He did a good job I think. The dilemma is between the conservative solution he offers -1500 grafts vs most others who are offering 3000. 

    Maybe there's wisdom in using only 1500 and saving for another transplant in case of further recession.

    However since I was largely bald and most of what I have on top now is transplanted hair, I hope there's not so much left to recede and I can go with someone who will transplant a few more grafts to get some more density. 


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  6. 15 hours ago, jjalay said:

    who was your first doctor and can you post some pictures? if the density of the hairline is good why go with another surgery? If you are using magnification and you are making the slits paralelle to the existing hair the risk of damage is preety low. But you have to now that in some cases going high with density may affect the growth rate of the second transplant, the new grafts are compiting each other for the blood supply. I thing both of these doctors are at the same level for such touch ups.

    Thanks for your help.

    My first doctor was Dr Marwan Saifi in Wroclaw Poland.
    I need a second surgery because I was almost entirely bald on top, but only had 2300 grafts for the whole area, knowing I would need more later. 

    The density is very weak obviously. A massive improvement over what I had but probably only half the journey. I don't expect top density - because I was too far gone, just want as much of an improvement as possible. 

    My fear is that some doctors will transplant over what's already there or risk transection, and with only maybe only 3000 grafts left over in the donor I'm hoping for someone who will really make the most out of every single graft, combining with what I have for the best result.

    If I may post pictures here, I have 1 from before surgery and 2 different angles from after. 




  7. 6 hours ago, jjalay said:


    If you are a higher NW and need crown work you should look at laorwong, maras and nader. Couto and bruno pinto in spain and portugal are also great options. They have a long waiting list and are a little bit expensive at 3 and 5 euros i think but its definitly worth it. If you ask my opinion i wouldnt go with the lower packages from eugenix- They have many failures. I havent  dived deep into the work of camacho because ive never considered him, i ve only seen the results posted in this forum from him.

    May I ask for your advice on the first two  -Laorwong and Maras, when it comes to doing second transplants/ top ups?

    Laorwong or Maras are my preferred choices for my second op, but most of the results I see from them, or from any doctor, are naturally of first transplants, creating a new hairline.

    In my case I have the hairline and hair already transplanted by a doctor previously, and am looking for someone who can add density in between the transplanted grafts without damaging them.  I don't think any doctor really specializes in this so much but am struggling to verify if they or any doctor is the right one for this.   

  8. I think the best approach is to read reviews every day. Even if its just 5 minutes or you look at a handful of reviews. The more you read the more youll learn. Ideally you aren't trying to rush it so can follow this process for weeks/ months. 

    When you see a doctor you like for their work/ price/ logistics etc reach out to them. Some of them have long waiting lists so get that process started. And search the internet for all reviews you can find from them. 

    But also don't fall in love with the first doctor you like. Keep reading reviews.  Try and get to a shortlist of at least a few before you commit. Even if you like one doctor, the review of a doctor that suits you even better could be right around the corner. 

  9. 8 hours ago, Bucky O Hair said:

    Lots of people do surgeries in two straight years.  

    I think it's moreso about making sure you don't deplete the donor, and that you have enough hairs there for a sizable second HT (but this is best determined by your surgeon).

    The only disadvantage would be if you end up transplanting a bunch of hairs that are likely to fall out in the future anyway. 


    What do you mean by hairs that are likely to fall out in the future anyway? Mean ones close to balding areas which are probably next to fall out? Or just if someone has aggresive balding all hairs are expected to fall out at some point?

  10. Thank you for the advice both of you. 

    On 7/18/2023 at 2:46 PM, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


    All that to say I’m not really clear on what your question is. Whether or not to proceed with a second heart transplant now or in another couple of years, what do you see as being the big difference?

    In my opinion, if you are willing and able to travel and pay to undergo a larger hair transplant procedure with a surgeon you are highly impressed with with a proven track record of producing outstanding results, then I don’t really see the purpose of waiting a couple more years since you’ve already started down the surgical hair restoration route. Also, 16 months is long enough to wait between procedures if that’s your concern.

    if your concern is that you don’t have the money yet to pay for the best so to speak, then I would suggest waiting until you can.

    Obviously you could continue going to the surgeon you’ve initially selected who seems to have done a decent job on you from what I can tell. But if you’re looking for larger sessions and this particular surgeon limits session sizes as a general rule rather than strictly based on your situation, then you may want to look into surgeons who don’t create those types of general limits.

    if you are interested in an information session with Dr. Rahal Who has an outstanding reputation on this community and amongst his patients and peers, feel free to send me a private message and I’ll be happy to set this up for you. The session would be online and there’s no obligation. But it might give you a frame of reference and what you can expect moving forward if you do proceed with surgery now versus later in the hands of an outstanding surgeon. 

    I hope this helps.

    Rahal Hair Transplant 


    My question is basically- what to those on this site who probably know a lot more than me or have had or seen similar experiences, see as the potential cons of doing an operation 2 straight years.

    I don't see a big disadvantage to doing it now rather than in a few years but wanted to check if there's something I am overlooking. 

    You say I may consider larger sessions, but if I already have had 2300 or so and now go for a large session say 4000 wouldn't that leave me with nothing left for the future?

    I'm hoping 2000-2500 will be enough to add some good density leaving me with a little bit potentially to still work with in the future if necessary. 

  11. HI all. 

    Wanted to ask for advice on how to proceed. I had an operation 16 months ago and would like to go and do another one, but want to be sure I'm making the right decision and not rushing in. 

    My (33 years old) case is a little different to most. Prior to my first OP  I was about a NW 5 and in a position where i needed around 4000 - 5000 grafts for a good result (pic from before the Op)



    However, I was unsure with all the travel restrictions at the time so decided to go for a local doctor who would only do around 2500  (in the end closer to 2000) who was available without too big a waiting list.  My logic was rather than wait and keep researching for the right doctor to do the whole operation, which knowing myself could have taken a long time to decide, I'd just pull the trigger  get at least some of the work done, look better and potentially be able to do more down the line.  

    Well here we are now. 

    I am quite happy with the result I got, considering I had almost no hair on the front 2 years ago and didn't use many grafts. I no longer look mostly bald and if there isn't a light right above me it looks like I do have hair. 

    However, my hair is still obviously very thin, its pretty much just the 2000 grafts that cover the entire front where there was almost nothing. When I cut it short it looks like I have none but of course at longer lengths the illusion works as intended (eg below)



    So getting more done would be desirable and I would like to get one in the fall/ winter. Perhaps another 2000 to cover some gaps 

    The reason I am unsure though is because I have tried Fin a few times and had sideeffects, despite pushing through for months thinking theyd go away.  So I realize that unfortunately I won't be able to rely on a DHT blocker for the next 20 years like most transplant patients do. 

    Therefore I would be limited to hair transplants as my sole way of combatting hairloss moving forward. My fear is that if I rush in to get another 2000 grafts done, I'm left very thin for the future as DHT perhaps continues to erode my hairline.

    So should I be more conservative and wait a few years for a top up - be happy with what I have now, or is there no risk to getting the grafts I should have in the beginning (say 2000 for 4000 total) and then in 7 years deal with whatever the situation is?



    14 hours ago, arthurSam said:


    I personally tried topical fin at 0,025% 3x a week as M Mwamba recommend to start. For 3 months all was ok just little tied... so I tried 4x a week at got some side effect (penil disorder) and my doctor diagnosed a balanitis.

    Now I stopped and I will try again 3x a week but I will never go more !


    Recent scientific paper said that it work great between 0,7 and 2,8 mg a week so no need to take a lot ... for me my ideal dosage seems to be 0,75mg a week


    Thanks for the advice. 

    Surprises me because I thought with small amounts of the topical solution one would take it every day twice a day. 

    May I ask how do you calculate the 0.75mg? Is there a recommended drop ammount that gets the equivalent of 0.25mg and since you do it 3 times a week its 0.75? 

    Do you order multiple bottles to save on the transport charge?

  13. Hey all,

    I wanted to ask about the Topical Fin options in the UK. 

    From my research I have found 4 UK sellers. Forhims, Sons, Manual and The Hair Doctor. Probably there are others I have not found.

    My main criteria to decide is the firstly the strength of the fin and secondly the application. 
    The dosages offered from what I saw are :
    Manual: 0.1% fin 10% min
    The Hair Doctor: 0.2% fin 5% min.

    Forhims: 0.3% fin 6% min,
    Sons:  0.1% fin 5% min

    Forhims seems to be the most popular and perhaps I should have saved myself a lot of time by just ordering it straight away.

    However reading reviews. I was alerted to the strength. Some saying this is too much and I have seen calculations that this is the equivalent of 3 mg in tablet form.

    Scared off a little, my preference now would be for the less potent alternatives, particularly Sons as it has 0.1% fin and 5 % minox (which I already use seperately)

    Is this the right analysis? I guess the stronger solutions could simply be used less to reach a smaller dosage, (eg 2 sprays instead of 6) but that would risk not getting enough minoxidil.

    I noticed also that Minoxidil Max has (amongst other versions) 0.05% fin (5% min), smaller yet and Dr Mwamba who’s product I learned about on this forum from the moderator has a 0.025% fin version (no minox) a tiny fraction of what is in Forhims. So is 0.3% too much? is 0.1% also very high?
    Of course these products being international carry a high transportation cost so my preference would be for the UK options if they are good.

    Finally, regarding application I am not sure which of the products uses a dropper. This would be my preference as I heard with longer hair (my transplanted hair is only passable when long) spray doesn’t reach the scalp that well. Or is that overthinking it?

    Thanks for any help

  14. 11 hours ago, H.K said:

    minoxidil and finasteride works through different mechanism . 

    so if you intend to use both , why do you plan to switch from topical  minoxidil/fin mix to only topical fin .  ? you shall continue using minoxidil . 

    there's finasteride gel sold i heard .. people may use the mix of finasteride/fin for convivence of applying  

    1 mixed solution ..  

    I would plan to switch from topical min/fin under the assumption that the min would start to wear off at some point. At least I have heard minoxidil loses effectiveness.

  15. Hi all,

    I have a couple of  questions about fin and min, I think a little different to the usual ones. 

    I am having a transplant in 5 weeks, NW5 and realize I should also start on some treatments to tackle the problem from both angles. 

    I am considering, min, fin and potentially a laser thing. 

    With the minoxidil the doctor said to pause min just before and a for a few weeks after the surgery. So might as well wait till after to start. 

    With the finasteride I have a preference for topical fin though the first question would also apply to oral.

    My first question is,  is there a risk of starting fin so close to a surgery.

    I’m thinking specifically about the shedding that takes place in the first months of fin. If I start so close to surgery that I'm in the shedding faze at the time of operation, can that affect my donor hair? Or alternatively can that mess up my look in the front so it looks even worse on the day, offsetting the analysis, grafts going in the wrong places?

    And then with topical fin, would the advise to pause for the surgery  - especially when the wounds are fresh, also apply? 


    Secondly I would like to ask about the theory behind products combing minoxidil and finasteride into one topical solution.  How to tackle the future problem that one of the two stops working.

    If  I understand correctly, minoxidil might not work as long term as fin (it could lose its effect after a few years). So taking both in one, I might not notice when it stops having an effect, and potentially continue taking something that isn't working any longer?

    Would it be a good strategy to use a topical min/fin solution only for two years and then switch to just topical fin? 

    And then touching on that, is there a transition period  between different fin products.  Would my body respond to topical fin as a different chemical than the topical min/fin combo and therefore lose some of the gains - a renewed 3 month shedding faze before it restarts working? Or even transitioning from topical to or from oral fin, would the body treat that as a different product, again gain loss, renewed shedding etc before it starts working? 

    Thanks for any thoughts. 

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