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Posts posted by ccrook

  1. I was informed of this before and it was totally my call to undertake the op, clearly the results speak for themselves. I am now 5 months in taking finasteride with no side effects whats soever. I had taken finasteride when i was 19-21 and had no issue. When i did this, it did help initially and i saw results but i knew it wasn't a permanent fix so that's why i stopped. After further hair loss, over the following years I realised i needed to act and do something about it and now i am very pleased that i am back on it as finasteride is helping

  2. I'm 24 years old and recently had a 2087 hair transplant at the Private Clinic on Harley Street, London. I am now 12 weeks post-op(operation on the 25/26th of November) and I am over the moon with my results already. Below is me on the day of the op 😭 my hair was not good at all :(. I knew I had to do something and Dr Raja was extremely reassuring and professional with the initial consultation so I booked myself in pretty much immediately.


    As you can see my hair loss was very extensive and progressive across the entire top of my head/crown. Please note I had been taking finasteride and using topical minoxidil for over a month prior to the operation. Dr Raja and his team were very professional and very comforting throughout the whole process and it was clear from the start how careful they were when extracting the grafts from the donor area. Below is me the day after the operation. I must say from my research prior to the op, i was very surprised how clean and well kept my head looked immediately after, with minimal redness and no bleeding etc.


    I was very careful for 2/3 weeks after, barely touching the area and spraying it regularly. Below is myself 2 weeks after. I was very careful with removing the scabs so as you can see there were still some scabs left as i didn't want to force it.


    Perhaps I was a good candidate but I experienced very little shedding around the week 3/4 mark and the newly transplanted hairs have continued to grow. I also thought id mention that I have had 3 PRP sessions following the procedure with the first being on the day of the operation, the second a month later and the third and final one at the 12-week mark. Below is me at 12weeks! i can't get over the results already and can't thank Dr Raja enough for his fine work and support throughout the whole process. I am very excited to see what will happen over the next few months as i wasn't even expecting this till the 6-month mark. 



    I have continued to use finasteride 1mg every day with no side effects and topical minoxidil. I hope this helps someone make the decision to do it as I am already realising the value in getting this done as my hair was all over the place before this. Feel free to ask any more questions and ill try to get back to you guys.

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