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Posts posted by Tundra

  1. Hi Dr. Lindsey


    Since I have been following your hair transplant results for a few years now, I thought I'd ask you a question about a cosmetic issue that I have, if you don't mind. I have what I think is a hanging columella.


    As far as I know this resulted from some trauma when I was young. The problem originates from skin becoming detatched inside my right nostril and hanging down, exposing the inside of the nostril on the right side and giving the tip of my nose a more bulbous appearance. The left nostril is normal


    I can push everything back up into place, however I notice that this raises my lip slightly on the right hand side


    I was hoping you could tell me if the correction of such an issue is difficult and what it would entail. I read on a few forums that it could be a straightforward procedure involving stitching the skin back into place. Does the fact that my lip gets raised as I mentioned above mean that if the problem was corrected then the lip would be affected in this way?




  2. I've written it on HTN on more than one occasion, based on the results presented by the clinic I think Dr. Keser is one of the best (if not the best) FUE surgeons out there. The work looks so clean, and results seem great.


    I am based in Europe so I'm particularly interested in his work. However I could not commit to a surgery yet, not until we see more results posted by patients and not those selected by the clinic. Hopefully the recommendation of Dr. Keser will lead to an increase in the number of his patients posting their results here

  3. Hi GTDL, I think Dr. Collins is around a while now, at least he was around when I visited Kiely. I was going to visit him at that time but I knew I couldn't afford a procedure with him so I did not see him. He could do with some more competition!, as far as I recall he charges for consultations and his procedure prices are astronomical.I think Pat or Bill visited him before but could not recommend him due to his high prices (I am open to correction on this, I didn't search). I think Kiely, DHI and Collins are the only options in Ireland. If there was a quality surgeon with more affordable prices on the scene, I would imagine they would make quite a lot of money

  4. Originally posted by DCORK:

    It is difficult to believe something like this could go on. I met Doc. Kiely several months ago and now I know my intuition was spot on. I cant believe you people are not in Court, if not for the money for the principle and for others. Iwould never allow such a cowboy get away with such a thing. Legally or otherwise. Irish people will accept anything - look at our governmnet -it more the catolic thing than our blood i think Legally your positions are much stronger than you think! Fake photos are an extremely serious matter, almost fraud. We must not allow him to damage other peoples lives This forum has helped me as I was reconsidering this guy.


    Not a day goes by that I thank God that I left his office without scheduling a 'surgery'. I was 22 years old, and at that point I had only thinning behind the forelock, which Kiely was intending to fill in. My hairloss has progressed a bit since then,but who knows what state I would be in if he laid his hands on me.

    I was desperate, but something, some feeling made me not go ahead with the transplant and to wait. I found no negative information on the web about his practice at that time


    Recently I found a brochure for his clinic that he gave me during that visit years ago (2002), and in the brochure there is a picture of a hairline that is incredibly!! icon_smile.gif like Shanes, the old rep from Armani

  5. Based on result photos posted here and other forums, his work is as good if not better than any other FUE doctor I've seen.


    However he has been performing FUE for many years, yet there are only a small amount of results out there so it is difficult to form a stronger opinion about his work


    It would be great if we could hear from patients of his directly concerning their experiences, maybe if he becomes recommended here that would become more of a possibility

  6. Hi Balboa, since you are trying to gather more information about Bisanga I thought I'd mention that there is an Italian forum run by Bola (you might recognize the username from HLH) which has a very good gallery section. I can't read Italian so I just check the gallery regularly and there are a lof of FUE results from Bisanga, Keser, HDC


    I am in no way affiliated with that forum, it's just that it's the other forum that I check regularly along with this one.


    Perhaps you are already aware of it.


    I am hesitant to provide a link for fear of violating forum rules, even though I don't think it would be considered a competitor since it is Italian.


    If you google 'bola' 'forumfree' you should find it. I hope Bill doesn't mind me posting this

  7. Originally posted by radioh:

    Hi guys,

    I am thinking seriously of using DHI. I went to the Beacon Clinic in Dublin the other week and met with the DHI doctor. I think he was from greece but I was quite impressed with him. He said i needed to procedures (done in the same) day at a cost of 6k in Dublin and 5k in Athens. He seemed to be pushing the Athens route. Im still not 100% sure if im going to do this and some of the mails here are worrying.

    I met with that Dr Kiely before and was totally unimpressed. On consulting a hair professional subsequently he told me some horror stories about his work so my advice would be to avoid him.

    DHI seems to be the best but i think i need a bit more reassurance!!!


    Radioh, I'm from Ireland, 28 years old and have been researching hair transplants for around 6 years .I still have not decided on what to do. I have a good idea of the doctors that I would use, but I'm still not sure that a transplant is for me.


    Anyway what I am saying is please research for at least 1 year, reading all the online forums before even thinking about the pulling the trigger. There are a lot of butchers still out there, even one of the more illustrious names have fallen from grace in a big way recently.

    When I was younger and had no internet in my home to allow research, I travelled down to Cork to meet Dr. Kiely. I was so naive at the time, that after meeting him I considered allowing him to place 1000 grafts just behind may hairline. For some reason, I just got a bad feeling, I decided to bide my time and found out later about the terrible reputation he has.

    I still thank God today that I didn't let him near me.


    Please remember this: There are NO doctors in Ireland (and none in the UK) that you should allow perform a transplant on you. NONE. You will need to travel, probably to the US or Canada. You need to research and travel.

    In your research on online forums bear in mind every poster could have an agenda so keep your eyes open. Just look in this thread for example, new posters joining and posting to defend a clinic (I realise the irony, this is my first post too, but was is my agenda? icon_smile.gif ) You will see it written over and over, pictures can be deceptive - learn to distinguish between a honest photo and a deceptive photo, better still meet actual patients.

    Finally you mention prices in your post, do not let the cost of a procedure be a deciding factor. You should find the best surgeon and then save the money required to get a procedure with him.


    In all my years reading forums, I have posted only once or twice but I just had to join here and hopefully stop you from making a terrible rushed decision

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