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Posts posted by Rafyht

  1. Yes I know turkey has the most hair mills but I know people who had good results. I had to do my research and I even posted here before and I got a lot of mixed reactions. My older post was deleted

    About 1 month ago, on the 26th of January I got a hair transplant. It was done at a hospital. I was balding so I decided to go for it. 

    anyway here is the progress so far


    so the pictures are in order.


    The first pictures are before the hair transplant so January 25th. The following pictures after the transplant are in order. My donor area and my recipient area are up to date with how they currently look on day 35 so 5 weeks.












  2. 11 minutes ago, SadMan2021 said:

    Yep I've had 3. And for all 3 I've been anxious and worried post-op about dislodging the grafts. It would be weird to spend so much money, time, and stress and NOT be overly concerned about the status of your grafts lol. But after Day 10 they are completely secure. 

    In terms of dislodging the grafts, you are completely secure. 

    The issue post 10 days with working out is it can affect wound healing. And if you got a FUT procedure, idk the specifics, but specifically with FUT you need to delay heavy workouts cautious  for a short time afterwards. 

    You should ask your clinic I'm sure they've gotten this question hundreds of times before. 

    I’ve gotten dhi and it’s been like a few weeks already. For some reason they’re overly cautious even when it came to sleeping on my side it wasn’t until like day 16 


    i think like I’m going back already it’s killing me tbh

  3. 1 minute ago, SadMan2021 said:

    after 10 days the grafts are secure and the only way to dislodge a graft is through surgical extraction. Idk who would give you sh*t as you can't pull out a graft on Day 19.

    Real answer thanks man. I respect your aggressiveness in your truth


    Did you do a hair transplant g? 

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  4. Hey guys i know I shouldn’t of have pulled a hair 19 days after my hair transplant so I don’t want to hear the same shit.


    basically 19 days after my transplant all went fine, scabs were washed off I was doing my daily routine of washing my hair transplanted area… donor area was healing. However one day i noticed a yellow hair which was odd since my hairs are all black. I pulled it and it came out effortlessly and there was a hair within a yellow thingy and it seemed like it was attached to a root.


    this happened 19 days so almost 3 weeks after my hair transplant and my hair was in the shedding phase


    did I lose a graft?

    i attached that “hair” I plucked


    thank you


  5. 16 minutes ago, AB2000 said:

    Hopefully you picked one of the better clinics in Turkey and not a hair mill.  Let's see how this plays out.  If the transplant doesn't meet your expectations a year from now the cost was not $2,000, it was the 2,600 grafts that would be wasted.  Donor is finite, money is not.

    Eh I still got a lot of donor area left but I agree however. 

  6. 21 hours ago, Hayden87 said:

    What is the name of the clinic? Are you taking any medication (topical or oral) to stabilise your hair loss?

    Was any reason given for the random sprinkling of grafts over your scalp, behind the main recipient area?

    Clinic express and planning on taking finestiride

  7. 13 hours ago, SadMan2021 said:

    -You are 25 and seem to be a NW 4 if not worse. WAY too young to start this journey

    -The random sprinkling of grafts in the rest of the scalp implies your doctor does not know what he/she is doing

    -there appears to be somewhat small but still visually significant gaps in between the new hairline and mid-scalp. This could be a big issue

    -I don't see anything wrong at face value with the new hairline. Density seems to be there and positioned appropriately....

    -However, given all the other issues, I really wouldn't be surprised at all if other issues will reveal themselves, such as badly angled grafts, lack of growth, or other weirdness. These issues would require a repair procedure, which is way more drama than operating on virgin scalp alone.


    There is literally nothing you can do in the short-term except get more educated on this industry and the procedure itself. By 5-6 months if it becomes obvious you will be unhappy with the end-result, start making consults with elite doctors, and perhaps 1 year from today you can be having a repair surgery....


    Thanks for the input. I hope it turns out good. I guess I had some balding in the middle which is why they sprinkled some hair grafts 

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