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Posts posted by Jan22transplant2500

  1. 6 hours ago, NARMAK said:

    Do you want to dye it personally or have to do so for a job etc.? 

    I'd personally try to avoid using bleach/dye for the full 12 months but i know others on here will probably say its safe after X duration of time. 

     Thank you for replying.

    I want to dye it Personally. I'm 31 and have gone nearly 65% grey. Have been dying it for 10 years already and have never been out showing the whites yet. For the last 2 weeks I've been wearing a hat to cover the whites. I would love to wait the full 12 months but that'll be quite difficult to do.

  2. Hello everyone,

    I'm at 37 days post-op. Planning to dye my hair at 6 weeks post-op. (2500 grafts NW 2)

    1. Is that too early to dye the transplanted hair? If so when is it safe to do so?


    2. Almost every dye I'm finding either has PPD in it or peroxide (no ammonia though) Are dyes with PPD or peroxide okay to use on transplanted hair?

    (No allergy to either, have used such dyes before.)


    Thank you for your insight

  3. 3 minutes ago, Rahal Hair Transplant said:


    I honestly wouldn’t be concerned given that you were already 11 days postop when you saw this   By that time, the transplanted hair and the follicle underneath the surface of a scalp is tightly secured.  What you are likely seeing is some shedding of the Transplant hair. Even though that typically occurs between 4 to 6 weeks, it can happen a little early.  Also, I’m assuming you didn’t see any blood? If you lost an actual graft with the follicle intact, you would’ve seen blood and felt pain.  so unless this happened, I don’t believe you have anything to worry about.

    Best wishes,

    Rahal Hair Transplant

    Thank you for your detailed response. You're right, no blood and no pain. Was mainly concerned seeing the bulb at the tip and the white going halfway up the length of the hair. However, definitely more at ease after reading these replies.

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