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Posts posted by ReturnoftheCurls

  1. On 8/23/2022 at 4:05 AM, CurlymixedUK said:

    Hey @ReturnoftheCurls, not sure if you’re still on here, but I’m curious as to whether you had any consultations / went ahead with getting a transplant?

    I had consultations with a few of the people on my list, went with HLC Ankara as they were the soonest available. I'm actually here now, procedure starts tomorrow. I've also had decent progress with fin/min over the past year. I'll update

  2. Hey there, late 20s, started balding probably in teens early 20s. Used to have a full head of hair like a lion's mane, now I'm probably a Norwood 5, mostly go shaven. Been doing fin/min/intermittent microneedle/ketoconazole/RU for about 6-7 months, definitely noticeable (to me) results but in the broader scope I've gone from "Balding" to "Slightly less balding." (Pic timeline - 6 month progress, worst balding, shaved head directly before starting treatment, and before I lost my hair).

    I'd love to get back to growing out the curls. Specifically looking for recommendations for surgeons who have had good results on mixed race patients or others with similarly curly hair. I don't know the specifics of hair transplant but I would hate to get a transplant only for my follicles to be oriented in random directions or whatever happens and I end up with terribly frizzy, wild, unruly bushhead. Names and facilities I've heard with good reputations (but not specifically to curly hair) include:

    Dr. Keser 

    Dr. Pekiner

    Dr. Bicer 

    The Hairline Clinic

    Dr. Demirsoy / Armamed

    Dr. Zarev

    (no particular order) 

    My plan was to comb through this forum for curly / mixed patient's experiences but was hoping some users with similar research could give me their input as well. Let me know if there's any other info that would help with recommendations. 

    6 month progress:

    6 month prog birds eye.png

    6 month prog with crown.png

    6 months prog above.png

    Before all treatment:

    Before above.png

    before birds.png

    Shaved before treatment (low density)

    before shaved above.png

    before shaved birds eye.png

    This is a before sideview, got out of order in the upload

    Before side.png

    Crown, directly before treatment

    crown before.png

    Before hairloss. RIP

    old hair 1.png

    Old hair 2.png

    Old hair 3.png

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