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Posts posted by that1guyy

  1. 21 hours ago, MachoVato said:

    No, not at all, not even close. There are a few excellent options in Turkey, but the vast majority of clinics may not even have doctors involved at all. Most of the names on your list are 100% technician performed. Cheap (although HOI isn't that cheap) but not on par with top US doctors.

    Doing the math, you are looking at the 1.5 euro/graft range. That's the danger zone in Turkey. The only one I could recommend is FueCapilar (Dr. Turan or Dr. Gur). 

    But really, just go to HMR in Tijuana. They have excellent service (they pick you up on the US side) and pretty good results. You'll save money on flights, too. 


    20 hours ago, digi23 said:

    I know that this is some bro science thats spreading over the internet, "just go to Turkey bro". 

    HOI, Asmed, Vera and Cinik you can erase from your mind if you are looking for a good natural result. Yes you will find good outcomes from these clinics, but they are way to inconsistent.

    For my case, I went with a budget option yes. It should not be the norm. I am probably looking to do another procedure with either Pinto or Bruno Ferreira.

    Thanks, both. Sounds like in Turkey the shortlist is Dr. Bicer, Fuecapilar, or Dr. Demirsoy. I'll do more research into those and likely do consults. 

    Still going to look into Spain and Portugal options you mentioned. 

    I did do a consult with HMR very recently. They quoted me about $5.7k which is more reasonable than the US prices but still not exactly affordable. I'm still considering them an option because it's so close and seems to be well reviewed. 

  2. 54 minutes ago, MachoVato said:

    What's your budget?

    I don't have an exact number but definitely can't afford the $20k + the American doctors are quoting me. 

    I was hoping for something between $3-5$k but do not want to compromise on quality either. Basically looking for the best cost to quality ratio.

    43 minutes ago, digi23 said:

    With the turkish prices being so high I dont think its worth it if you are not opting for FueCapilar or Dr Erkan Demirsoy.

    I mean Dr Bicer is now 2 euro per graft, then I think its better to stay in Europe and go to Dr Bruno Pinto in Portugal for 2.5 euro per graft or Dr Ximena Villa in Spain for the same price.

    Interesting. I am only considering Turkey because my research indicated Turkey has really good, board certified doctors equaling the skill of top Western doctors but a fraction of the price due to extreme competition. Isn't it supposed to be the HT capital of the world? Surprised you're not recommending Turkey since you got your FUE procedure there, based on your posts. I'll check out FUEcapilar and Dr. Demirsoy thanks. I never really looked into Portugal or Spain but I guess those are options too now?


    Appreciate all the answers. Keep 'em coming.

  3. I am finally getting serious about getting a hair transplant and due to pricing, having to look at foreign options (Turkey or possibly Tijuana, since I'm based in CA). 

    What are the top surgeons in Turkey I should be looking at? Anyone have personal experiences? 

    Here are a few I have looked up but still need to research them more. Looking for FUE, most likely a Norwood 3 or 3.5. I've done a few consults from local places and one virtual one in TJ, and they all say I need about 2500 grafts, mostly on hairline and top. 

    Hair of Istanbul
    Vera Clinic
    ASMED - Koray Erdogan
    Dr. Ozlem Bicer,
    Emrah Clinik

    Any help is appreciated.

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