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Posts posted by k.fareed

  1. 3 minutes ago, Zoomster said:

    I think you might possibly have DUPA..worth having a proper assessment to rule it in or out ..I'd echo what the previous poster suggested ..shave it and forget about HT...orrr full SMP restoration..you seem to have the right head Shape and skin tone for one of those knockout results we see from time to time  ...Gooduck with it .

    Thank you, I already do shave it completely I only let it grow so I can get a proper assessment for an HT which seems to be unlikely, I'll take a look at the SMP, sounds like a good alternative. Any specific advice concerning that? 

  2. 19 minutes ago, BurnieBurns said:

    If I were you I’d look into oral minoxidil because that will also thicken for donor.

    I you have demonstrate 6 months of stability, it may be worth proceeding.

    THEN I would go to a clinic specialising in body hair transplantation like Dr U or Eugenix. IF they can get enough scalp hair for the hairline then mix the rest with beard and body hair it’ll make a pretty bit difference.

    That sounds like a good idea, do you think the oral minoxidil is better than the topical one and approximately how long would I need to use it for to get decent results? 

  3. 3 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

    Firstly, i am no expert so take it as simple another person's opinion like you, but your pictures objectively looking are not indicating a great situation. You have thinning all over your scalp including your donor area. That's probably going to be the biggest hurdle for any reputable clinic to even want to deal with 

    The "just shave it bro(!)" advice isn't to everybody a good idea, but also suggesting a hair system might not be what the person wants. And it will 100% mess the area up at the top. 

    Have you actually taken any medication or Minoxidil etc.?

    Maybe starting some treatments might help and get you to a stage where the thinning looks vastly improved. 

    I totally agree with what you're saying, I used to take minoxidil but I I didn't really see much of an improvement, so I thought a HT would be a better solution but now I'm starting to find out that I might not be able to do that either and I totally can't stand having a hair system either, so if all hope is lost, then shaving it is.. 

  4. Hey everyone.

    So I've done a few consultations with different clinics and they all told me that I won't be able to get a surgery because my donor area is too weak.

    Only one clinic was willing to do the work, they said I'll need 4400 grafts and will have to do two sessions, with some grafts extracted from the beard area, but other that that no one else thinks I can get it done.

    What do you think?






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