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Posts posted by mo23

  1. 7 minutes ago, Xanadu said:

    Your update looks good.

    ".  I recently upped my Min application to twice a day and finally had the cajones to try Fin (MWF) for the past 3 weeks (I tried to stay clear all these years because of sides)

    Because you had sides, or because of people scaring you with itt? And are you now on fin?

    Dude I tried with fin man but my body was not having it. I was on oral fin for 2 months then sexual sides hit(low libido , numbness, weak orgasms). I stopped and then it took me 3 months to get back to normal. Then I attempted to try topical and unfortunately started getting sides two weeks in. Same sides effects. Before you say this is all in my head , I had absolutely zero worries about side effects when I started Fin and it never crossed my mind. Its just not for me :(

  2. 50 minutes ago, Eran said:

    Awesome! Looks good! Your hair is thin so IMO, would be hard to fill completely the crown. But let’s see…(:

    Yeah I completely agree. I have realistic expectations going into this. I am not going to get a full head of hair and I am totally OK with that. Honestly I am happy with the results I have now , its all about expectations and I new results would be limited to my average donor.

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  3. Month 7 peeps , hairline is perfectooo at this point loving it. Crown is filling in as well. Donor is looking better ( going to attempt to grow it out to see how it looks , this is two weeks out from a fade). Dr bicer thinks we can do a second surgery to fix the mid scalp and crown by supplementing with beard. I booked my second surgery ! Let me know what you guys think ! 










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  4. Latest updates 2 weeks shy of 5 months happy with the progress so far. Hairline looks great, crown starting to fill in and finally has some hair ! My crown was completely wiped out before the surgery.  Donor looks better but due to retrograde nape looks a bit thin , though I just had skin fade cut and even before surgery that area always took a while to fill in after a cut. Let me know what you guys think ! 










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  5. On 3/25/2022 at 6:47 AM, mark2137 said:

    Could you elaborate on this? What are your donor restrictions? Do you know how many grafts from your head you can use for the second surgery?

    Yeah my donor was not that thick in density. This first came up when I did a consultation with FUECAPILAR (Dr. Turan). They mentioned I would need to do a scalp trichoscopic analysis to determine my donor density and if they would move forward. Bicer thought my donor was good  which I think primarily due to the fact that I had initially sent Turan pictures of my donor two weeks out of a bad low fade haircut lol. Turan came back and said I was good to go , but didn't have dates until Sept and I already booked with Bicer and was comfortable moving forward given the stellar results here. She mentioned around 1k-1.5k from my head is available for the second surgery 

  6. Hi Everyone ,

    So I have been dealing with Hairloss for quite a while now (33 , started at 19). I have been using minoxidil for the past 8 years(once a day). Hairloss was slow but wasnt getting better for sure until now ofcourse where I wish I had done something about it earlier.  I recently upped my Min application to twice a day and finally had the cajones to try Fin (MWF) for the past 3 weeks (I tried to stay clear all these years because of sides). 

    I finally went ahead with my transplant with Dr. Bicer On March 15th. I was initially considering FUCAP , Camacho , and Bicer. Decided to go with Bicer since I saw some pretty good results on this forum for folks with average donor hair (Appreciate everyone's reviews!)

    When I booked , the plan was initially to tackle my hairline and midscalp and then do the crown (if my donor permits) during my second procedure. When I got there , Dr. Bicer switched it up by focusing on the hairline and crown to achieve consistency between the crown and midscalp. Second surgery she would shoot to increase density in the midscalp and crown (leveraging beard and chest hair). I went into this with the expecation that I am not going to achieve full coverage given my donor restrictions. Hopefully though I can fix my hairline and gain some coverage for the rest. Bicer implanted 3750 grafts in total. I dont remember the breakdown but she did mention I had more singles than usual. 

    The experience itself was great . Ozen and Bicer make a great team and really helped me overcome some of my anxiety going into this. I would definitely recommend her based on the experience so far , hopefully the results match up :) !!

    A couple of pointers though to highlight. They dont provide free transportation and Hotel. I had my wife accompany me for the trip and got there a bit earlier to enjoy Istanbul (Amazing city btw). They had qouted me 500 euros for hotel 4 nights adding my wife to the room. 100 euros for transportation from Istanbul airport (Not sabiha). I ended booking on my own . Park Inn by radisson  (179 US dollars 4 nights). It was literally 10 minutes from the clinic and took an uber for 4 dollars each way. Hope this helps out some you cheapskates out there lol. 

    I"ll Keep you guys posted on progress !












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