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Posts posted by MaasterK

  1. Yes, I already said it looks unnatural. But I wouldn't mind having that hair.

    There are comments on this forum saying that "they have bad review everywhere" but I tried to found a bad review and didn't found one.

    I found a guy that said that it looks kinda unnatural but he was still happy because he went from bald to having full head of hair.

    Do they have bad results?? They are really cheap, and, if you know that you will have a unnatural result and don't mind, seems to be worth it.

    I can be totally wrong but then, considering the amount of patients they have. Why they don't have any negative review???

    Even Dr. Bicer who is forum recommended, had some results with really low density (basically, bad result), they are very few, but they exist. And I wasn't able to find any negative review about that hairmill.

    We are not going to hate on a clinic without linking negative reviews, aren't we?

    (I still think I'll go with Dr. Bicer, because if I have a bad result with now hairtime I will probably have my donor area f**d up and I don't want that.

  2. 3 hours ago, Ryan Daniel said:

    @drawdownfxYou don't need to read reviews. All you have to do is look at the work they do. Ridiculous hairlines designs and thick doubles all over the hairline 


    Those results look amazing for me, nobody outside of the HT Community will think anything is wrong regarding those hairlines, and I had a chat with the first guy and he its extremely happy with his result.

    I also want to know: Where are the bad results of this clinic? I never found one. I know you say it's a hairmill but I tried to found a bad result of them and I wasn't able to find one.

    I am debating myself about going with Dr. Bicer or going to this "hairmill" Now Hair Time. I like much more the results of Now Hairtime even if they look unnatural. I'm just scared about going there because if the operation goes wrong I would lost much more grafts than with Dr. Bicer.

    Thoughts??? How are you so sure that Now Hair Time produces bad results if they operate like 3 patients a day and there is not a single bad review online ??

    • Haha 1
  3. I think that letting your hair grow a little longer will give a fuller appearance, maybe starting at month 10 you should stop the haircuts so when you get to the year after the transplant you can do a before/after with same length of hair you had on your before pictures 💪! You definitely improved your hair a lot comparing it to the before, I'm curious about the final result!

    • Like 3
  4. All the worrying that you are doing because of that "multiple hair" grafts makes no sense.

    Nobody that didn't research about hair transplant would say something related to that. It wasn't going to look bad at all. You are overthinking it SOOOO much.

    The idea was to not be bald not to have the most perfect hair. But if you are "happy" removing that, you do you.

    (I don't care that the Dr say that 'it needed a repair', multiple hair grafts shouldn't be there naturally, but it doesn't look bad at all...)

    • Like 1
  5. Bro your last pictures are looking AMAZING.

    I really think that you are overthinking it so much. I don't think you will need another procedure to fix anything. Wait until month 9 and you will see!

    Also, thank you for the detailed report! I am really considering going to Yaman or Cinik to have a HT. Your post makes me want to go with Yaman.

  6. Believe me my man that finasteride side effects are totally inflated. It's all on their minds (placebo).

    And also PFS it's a complete lie, if you stop using finasteride, your DHT levels will return to normal, so it has no permanent effect. Worst thing that can happen is you having to stop it.

    I took finasteride my first time being scared about sides, and that same day I had problem getting it up with a girl. It was impossible for it to be finasteride at that point, it was me fearing that happen. Kept taking it and on a weekend I got a little drunk and ended up having no problems. (because I wasn't even thinking about that just wanted to have fun)

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