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Posts posted by abracadabra

  1. From the photo's below Dr. Erdogan from Asmed came to conclusion I did not have enough donor hair.  He "regrettably" (his words) informed me that I did not meet their requirements.  What he didn't know is that he was doing me a favour by helping me narrow down this list of clinics. 

    I am taking a long term approach to take back what has been lost. My theory is start with 3500 graphs around the hairline and the following year do another 3000 graphs and repeat the process through out the crown using chest and beard hair.  I'm thinking realistically 3 or 4 procedures over the next 3 to 4 years.  Who knows I might have a solid hairline by 2025 but we will never know if I don't try and worst comes to worst I'm down 10's of thousands get additional SMP over any FUE extraction scars and go back to the chrome dome. 

    I have reached out to several clinics most have been on board. I am leaning towards Thailand.  Dr Pathomnavanich and Dr. Kongkiat Laorwong had no hesitation in doing the procedure.

    I think Asmed rejected me as they feel its likely going to fail or produce poor results and they don't want to risk a bad review or unhappy customer causing them problems. They probably make enough money and have enough straight forward clients that they don't need to bother with cases like this.  

    Can anyone offer insight into why Asmed knocked me back but the majority of other clinics don't have an issue. Also if you know anything about Doctors in Thailand would you share your preference. Lastly if you have any warnings/criticism/advice feel free to share. 

    I usually shave thus the shading around the hairline is SMP

    Thanks in advance,

    back of head far.jpg

    hair line 2.jpg


    side profile left.jpg

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