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Posts posted by Hotwiskey

  1. 2 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    If you’re in the US, you can order topical fin, which is what I suggest you try first, if you’re worried about side effects. You can go to FUEclinic.com or xyonhealth.com. 

    Too aggressive, meaning you try and lower your hairline too much. You have to be realistic about your future loss. 

    Thats what I thought you meant and I agree I don't want it to look unnatural I'm not trying to remake my hairline from when I was 18. Is there a brand or what not you would recommend I order? and Mgs?

  2. 4 hours ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

    It’s funny I got vaccinated specifically to travel, but still got Covid and had to follow all the same quarantine guidelines, but that’s whole other discussion. I believe many countries are loosening their guidelines. Especially since you are required to do a PCR test within 24 hours regardless of vaccination status. Really, the PCR test is a better tool to prevent the spread. 

    As for surgery, have you considered medication? At 24 I’m worried you’re gonna be too aggressive with the hairline and continue to lose more hair. It’s possible you become Norwood 5/6 by 30. 

    What do you mean when you say you're worried about being too aggressive for the hairline? Too unrealistic? And what would be the next step if I wanted to get on fin do I need to go to a doctor, or can I order it online?

  3. 2 minutes ago, Hotwiskey said:

    To be 100 percent honest I haven't done much research on fin but I already struggle with diagnosed depression and have for maybe 10 years and in my experience my body usually reacts badly. I don't think I've ever taken a medication and not gotten most of the bad side effects which is why i try to stay on the natural remedies now (Vitamins, CBD, cannabis, keeping in shape). But from what I think I've heard at least fin min and such meds wont grow hair where you have total loss and I'm about at the point where its get a HT or shave it





  4. 10 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

    The UK has very few reputable clinics that people can recommend. Spain and Belgium usually seem to have more options like Dr Couto, De Freitas, Bisanga, Mwamba etc. based on the patient results around here. 

    Honestly, i get your friend had side affects, but that should not be a reason for you not to try yourself. I have a friend who also claimed he got sides on Finasteride but just because somebody else did, doesn't mean you will and usually the more people focus on getting side affects as a given, the Nocebo affect takes over imo and a lot of things that might get ignored elsewhere are then dumped as being the fault of medication. 

    It's up to you, but from personal experience i wish i had hopped on Finasteride 10+ years ago around 21.

    To be 100 percent honest I haven't done much research on fin but I already struggle with diagnosed depression and have for maybe 10 years and in my experience my body usually reacts badly. I don't think I've ever taken a medication and not gotten most of the bad side effects which is why i try to stay on the natural remedies now (Vitamins, CBD, cannabis, keeping in shape). But from what I think I've heard at least fin min and such meds wont grow hair where you have total loss and I'm about at the point where its get a HT or shave it


  5. 1 minute ago, NARMAK said:

    I'm not going to judge anybody that has chosen not to get vaccinated but the nail was hit on the head when you said how difficult they have made international travel if you didn't get it. 

    Your options potentially are to wait and see how countries choose to open up their rules in the next 12-24 months and save up. 

    You're also on the younger side and you haven't said whether you are on medication like Finasteride and shared any pics of your current hair loss and donor area. It makes it harder to see what clinics might be more suited to you. 

    If you are waiting things out, and save up whilst taking medication with stable hair loss  you could actually show yourself to be a better candidate to more clinics at only even 25.

    I know its more difficult to travel to many but there certainly has to be good clinics in countries that allow travelers without it (United Kingdom Ireland Mexico Poland Norway). I'm not on any medication I've had friends who have done fin but the possible side affects weren't something I'm willing to risk(one got ED and depression severely). I did PRP for a year while taking a supplement thats supposed to slow the testosterone from affecting your hair (forgive me I cant remember the name) but I had little results from that. I do have some pictures i will post on this thread shortly

  6. I'm a 24 year old male and I've been looking for a good place to have my procedure done for about 6 months and have made little to no headway. It seems the more i look the more lost i get trying to find a good place with all the rep/bot recommendations its hard to weed out the bs. I am also unvaccinated living in the US making it impossible to travel to some countries but definitely trying to get it done internationally with the costs here being more than double. I know you pay what you get for so I'm not necessarily looking on a budget but id like to keep it under 10k looking at about 2500-3k grafts. ANY points in the right direction of a doctor/clinic in a country that doesn't require a vaccine to enter that you would be confident in choosing would be so much appreciated!  

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  7. On 12/14/2021 at 1:03 PM, Hotwiskey said:

    Been looking for a reputable doctor outside of the US to get a ht but it seems the more I look the more uncertain I become. Been looking at Turkey I’ve heard good but some bad depending on doctor. Main reason I want to do outside US is price. I’m willing to spend 10k probably need about 2500-3k grafts but of great quality. I know 10k is on the higher side for somehwere like Turkey but I’m willing to spend it on quality without having to spend 20k back home.



    I should also add I am not vaccinated and do not plan to be. I’m not making this political you may do what you please so please leave all of that. I just know it’s required to travel to some countries.

  8. Been looking for a reputable doctor outside of the US to get a ht but it seems the more I look the more uncertain I become. Been looking at Turkey I’ve heard good but some bad depending on doctor. Main reason I want to do outside US is price. I’m willing to spend 10k probably need about 2500-3k grafts but of great quality. I know 10k is on the higher side for somehwere like Turkey but I’m willing to spend it on quality without having to spend 20k back home.



  9. Ive been looking for a reputable doctor outside of the US to get a ht but it seems the more I look the more uncertain I become. Been looking at Turkey I’ve heard good but some bad depending on doctor. Main reason I want to do outside US is price. I’m willing to spend 10k probably need about 2500-3k grafts but of great quality. I know 10k is on the higher side for somehwere like Turkey but I’m willing to spend it on quality without having to spend 20k back home.

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