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Posts posted by Hairything

  1. 28 minutes ago, duckling said:

    5500 is a lot of grafts. I dont think you need that much. You can use 2000-2500 grafts max. I cant see your hairline so i am not including any grafts for hairline. 

    From pics I see your hair loss didnt progress and you got little regrowth . But that is also great as you didnt get sides and hair loss stabilized. Think positively.

    thanks for your support bro, but I think especially for covering my crown there will be more than 2500 grafts necessary, I guess. But maybe we have some more opinions. Happily I didnt  noticed decrease in the hairline.

  2. Hello folks,


    After now almost 2 years I am applying topically Minoxidil, taking Finasteride and doing regular Derma- rolling.

    You will find attached photos, with the plaid shirt was from 2021 next to today's hair status. I would say I have not had much success from the medications, I think the success is more in stabilizing my hair loss. What is to be noted is that certainly through finasteride small hairs have grown to cover, but this does not satisfy me.

    I am thinking about a hair transplant, how would you assess the situation, what can I expect and how should I proceed and what would you estimate approximately how many grafts are needed.

    I would greatly appreciate your valued advice.

    Thank you!





  3. Hello guys,


    I have a question regarding applying Minoxidil.

    I apply Minoxidil for about 2 years now, I have read that the effect wears off after a certain time. How do I deal with the decreasing effect of Minoxidil? I have not had a hair transplant yet, I plan to have one in the next 2 years.

    What is the evidence, what is the best way to proceed? Is it advisable to discontinue minoxidil ever? I think if I let it go now, I will lose a lot of hair, or what is your experience?

    Besides minoxidil, I take finasteride and use the dermaroller and apply some vitamnins. I would argue that my hair loss has stabilized.

    Thanks for your help!

  4. Very interesting, I have a pretty similar hair status. There is often a debate about starting with the front zone(hairline) first, even in such a status. Does that make sense?

    Furthermore, I would be interested in how old you are? Because I currently find it difficult to assess whether the hair loss will continue, even in my status.


    Thanks helping guys.  



  5. Hey guys, I suffer classically from AGA. Losing density starting from the crown over the vertex. I try to stabilize it with 

    - Derma Roller every second day

    - Minoxidil twice a day

    - Finasteride one pill daily 

    - Biotin one pill daily 

    To be updated is there more I can do to get more density and coverage?


    I am 27 and actually I try to figure out, when the best timing for a surgery is.


    Thank you guys for helping 

  6. Hey guys, hope y'all doing good. Actually I plan to transplant a few hears on crown and midscalp in a few months.

    Currently I'm on Minoxidil and Finasteride and two or three times a week I do microneedling.

    To get the best possible result, I am asking myself, if its necessary to stop with Minoxidil before surgery consultion, that the doctor can see the real situation, and plan correctly on this base.

    Do you have some advise for me, or a time shedule to handle this thing clearly with a good plan? Or maybe this topic is already discussed, but I didn't found so far.

    Would be great, thanks guys!

  7. Hey guys,

    actually I am 27 years old and I'm very unhappy with my hair situation. I started noticing that my hair at crown starts diffusing at the age of 23,24.

    The last years I noticed that the diffusion process move forward in direction to mid scalp. Since over a year every morning i take Biotin, further i started since 6-7 months with Minoxidil. I heared and read a lot of other drugs, but I decided for me that i don't want to take one of them, like for example Fina. Also i started since a month with microneedling.

    I think of a Hairtransplantation, in hope with a better hair situation. My following steps are that I hopefully get here some help/ honest feedback, the next step would be to seek advice from some transplant clinics.

    Should I do a Hairtransplant? If yes, what would you say, when would be the best timing?

    I feel like my case is not a normal one, I don't know whicht NW scale this is, because my hair line is still there, it's more that diffusing thing, that make my decisions so complicated.. but maybe you can help!

    Thanks you guys!







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