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Posts posted by Jd98H

  1. On 11/20/2022 at 3:03 PM, NARMAK said:

    Yeah, i don't quite know why, but i feel like it actually lost some density in that area from how it looked from Months 4 and 5ish, to now. Perhaps it could be late shedding which would be unusual but a possibility i guess and may regrow in and look more full again. 

    I was only focusing on the specific part of the front left hairline that's looking thinner and a bit more patchy. If you look to the parts left and right of that patch, that's all pretty much transplanted and has more density. I felt it was a pretty obvious disconnect between the two. I just don't know why though. Hopefully it'll catch up soon and fill in again to look better. 

    I'll be taking more photos to do a proper 6 months update soon. I'll also give different lighting. 

    Hey man, I had my transplant done at Eugenix approximately two weeks after you did with the same package. Interestingly I’ve got similar concerns around density on the front left of my hairline. It seems that the right thickened up a lot faster and the left appears more sparse. I’m hoping in the next few months it will catch up despite not being able to see any new hairs coming through.  

  2. Hi everyone,

    Ive been following this forum for a while now and finally decided to make my own post. 

    Im a 23yr old living in Melbourne and I’m considering getting my first hair transplant. I’ve always had a fairly bad hairline with a wide forehead, and for many years has been a source of insecurity for me. Over the past 4 years I haven’t noticed significant change to the hairline, although maybe some minor recession. Aside from my hairline the rest of my hair is very thick.

    Over the past year I’ve been looking at options within Australia, but like many others on here, I’ve come to the conclusion that if I want it done right I’ll need to go overseas. 

    Ive been taking finasteride 1mg every second day for around 2 months now. 

    After looking at a lot of options and posts on this forum, I really like the look of Eugenix. Ideally I’d just like to get some opinions and advice for my situation.



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