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Posts posted by Patienthair01

  1. I am not concerned about the scarring but the un-evenness. If the lower part of the donor is not extracted and the middle area is if i was to get my hair cut to 3 guard wouldn't it be obvious that the middle area in the back of my donor is a lot thinner and then there is an odd thicker band near the lower part where nothing was extracted? Or is this not true? 

  2. With FUE the donor harvesting leaves the lower areas as well as the frontal area on the sides untouched. Doesn't this look odd in the future when cutting the hair short as the donor in the middle part will be thinner and then lower part will be more dense. How short can your hair be cut without it looking odd? I attached an image of where hair is harvested from  as youi can see the lower portion is not harvested so it would remain thicker. I would assume if someone cuts their hair to a size 1-3 it would be easily noticeable. Looking for advice.



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