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Posts posted by Rafowens

  1. On 9/11/2021 at 8:57 PM, aKaWonderKid said:

    I have started that, The front of my hair is going rapidly now along with the temple so I am just looking forward to the consultation in London now.

    I thought about seeing a trichologist for 200 pound but might aswell wait the extra week to see Dr Bisanga!


    Hey ! Did you have your consultation with Dr Bisanga ? What is his opinion about your donor area ? And his opinion about your final Norwood ? Curious.

    Thanks ! 

  2. Hi all, 

    Just taken a last set of pics just to be sure. 

    Flash is activated on all pics. Last pic is with wet hair.

    Do you still think it’s nothing to worry about and that it’s not related to mpb ?

    And what do you think about the density of the back of my head ? 












  3. 8 minutes ago, Briguy said:

    Because of your hair length, texture and its wavy it's very hard to tell especially from pics.

    If you really want to know if your experiencing even any minor loss in the crown would be to get a  buzz cut.

    I always had long hair so I am really insecure at the idea to cut them. 

    Here other pics when my hair were a bit shorter after haircut (last month). 

    And the last with very long hair. 

    edit : i have seen the Dr Lupanzula (belgium) in february. He looks my hair rapidly and say my crown was ok and were positive about the future. But he was so fast and expiditive that it makes me doubt…









  4. Thank you for your responses and sorry if I could seem pushy, it’s a side effect of my anxious situation about this… 

    I always wanted to control everything in my life and the unpredictability of hairloss i a great stressor on a daily basis to the point where I constantly analyzed my hair from all angles… 

    Do you think I need a medication like finasteride ? Or it’s ok for the moment ?


  5. 2 minutes ago, hairthere said:

    Looks totally normal to me. Might have some minor signs of thinning but nowhere near enough to waste time on this forum. Go enjoy life and that nice head of hair.

    Thank you for your reponse and your reassurance. So you think that this spot isn’t necessarly related to a high Norwood in the future? 

  6. 8 minutes ago, LaserCaps said:

    It seems you are very self conscious.  You do remind me of the many patients that come in and say, (I want hair in that particular area to prevent sun-burn). Most people do not realize a bit of hair is really not going to provide the necessary coverage to prevent this from happening. 

    I recall a math teacher a few years ago.  His head was always back to the kids.  I did agree with him it was important for him to have some coverage.  For most, however, when you're dealing with an advanced pattern and donor limitation, it is typically best - particularly at the beginning - to address the front.  Once happy with the density there, you can them move farther back so as to minimize the size of the crown.

    Now let's talk about your case.  If you want things to look even fuller, why not some SMP? This would help you minimize the contrast and give you a FULL looking set of hair.  


    I am not against SMP but I am afraid that the bald spot is really mpb and growing (and that makes SMP useless) . What is your personal point of view about this ? Do you think it’s balding or it’s normal for a man of 28 years to have this ? Because the fact you propose me SMP make me think it’s really a hairloss (and probably mpb related) problem. :(

    Thank you in advance ! 

  7. Ps : I forgot to mention it but sometimes I feel like I can feel more the cold or the rain in this area. Same thing when I put the back of my head against a surface (headrest, pillow…)


    I don’t know if it’s a sign or if it’s just normal to be more sensitive to contact on the crown area. Perhaps I am just focusing on it and I am over obsessive… 

    Is somebody here has observed the same thing ? Or somebody with a perfect thick crown can share his impression about that feeling ? 

    Many thanks. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, LaserCaps said:

    You have very dark hair and light scalp and lots of contrast.  Wherever you part it, you will see a partline. Seems like hair loss, but it isn't.  

    We all share a whirl.  It is the point where the hair starts.  Hair grows outward from the point. That is, there is no hair coming into the area.  For this reason it is the weakest point we all share. Again, you are showing a high degree of contrast, but no apparent loss.  People will kill to have hair like yours.

    Do you have family history of hair loss?


    Thank for your response. The color of my hair is not so dark (I am dark blond) but probably accentuated by the flash of my phone because pics were taken in a dark room. 

    The only serious case in all my family (both sides) is my father who is probably NW5 at 60 years old. He starts balding at my age a bit more on the hairline but I don’t have any pic of him at my age where we can see the crown. 

  9. Hi all, 

    I am 28 and I realized that my crown was a bit thinner about two years ago. 

    I got used to the idea that I will lose slowly my hair in the years to come but I was convinced at the start that I wasn’t a serious case. 

    With shorter hair, I discovered something that who freaking me : the thinning of my crown seems to go down low, in nw5 or nw6 territory. 

    I don’t know if this is real and if I am doomed to have a high Norwood in next years. I have different pics (with hair combed) and other where we can see that strange bald spot very low in the crown. 

    On the top of my head I think I don’t really have thinning and I think I am a NW2, not more. 

    What do you think of the potential evolution of my mpb ? Really nead reassurance, I am so stressed with that. 

    For information the last pic was 2 years ago. 










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