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Posts posted by Stevensen

  1. 16 hours ago, asterix0 said:

    The pictures aren't really clear in terms of what your exact state was pre transplant. Was your surgeon implanting amongst existing hairs, or lowering your hairline unto entirely bald areas?

    The reason I ask is, maybe shock loss amongst your native hairs happened and that caused your appearance to thin out a bit. It would be very, very unlikely that some grafts were transected during extraction, but in theory anything is possible. 

    No, he was implanting into bald areas. I'm sure it was my fault, I just need to find out why....

  2. Thanks Mike and everyone for the insight. Dr. B said that he doesn't think it is a scalp condition because I would have know about it before, but more likely something with the grafts. Below is a photo of the immediate postop.

    I also had a consult with Dr. Dorin. He was nice and polite and I did not feel rushed whatsoever with him. (Dr. B didn't rush me either to be fair.) Dorin said that I should see a dermatologist first because the same growth problem I had this time might happen again and he would not want me to be disappointed. I may have to use a topical steroid in the weeks before FUE. He thinks a 1,200 FUE is enough to fill in the area and 400 for the scar. But he said that he does not recommend doing the scar at the same time because he would have to shave the back as well as the sides and I would look pretty barren. Later I could do a smaller FUE for the scar that will not be noticeable will long hair.

    Do you think that is a better option? Obviously, two procedures will cost way more but if the success is better I would do it that way.

    I will now add that in my experience Dr. B is kind and is rare in his direct relationship corresponding with patients, and I am sure he intends the best for them. Which makes it hard to say that Dr. Dorin said the scar was not good at all. He said it is placed at a strange angle and the scar is twice as thick as it should be for such a small procedure and that is one reason why he does not do trichophytic closures for his patients (which have included his own father) but straight sewing. The problem with trichophytic is that if the hairs do not grow through the skin it looks twice as bad as it would normally be, according to him.

    With my hair he said there will be singles in the front edges but afterwards a mix of doubles and triples because it would look too stalk-like with all singles. When I asked him about PRP (he did not suggest it first, a good sign), he said that it will help the growth/healing rate of the hairs but in the long run will not make any difference unless you do it every year. He would give me it half off with the procedure. If money is not a concern, would it be worth it?

    Last, when I asked about applying the consult fee ($175) to the surgery, I was told that I will be given instead some free liposomal ATP. I read that there is some benefit to ATP spray but is it overkill to have both it and the PRP? Some part of me feels that the spray is not worth so much money but I will use it if it could help. I tried searching the forum for this but it is me or the search doesn't work that great?


  3. Yes, JC71...

    JDEE0, I can't find the photos right after post-op but I could look if it really is important. Here are two from about 13 months post-op. So maybe 1,500 was too small given my density to begin with? Thanks. By the way, he said my scar healed very well, which probably doesn't make a difference since the next FUT would cut around it anyway...

    Yes, the color is more noticeable on these photos. Maybe inflammation? I did have severe pain in the graft areas the night of surgery.



  4. I had about 1,500 FUT 18 months ago by a surgeon who is recommended on this forum in the NY area. At this point he said that I am not going to see any further improvement and recommended a second FUT of the same number of grafts for another pass through. He said that it happens with patients from time to time and there was nothing I could have done since I did everything right. As he is highly respected here I do not doubt anything he said but I wanted to see what others thought. I would prefer a FUE the second round but he said that given my lower success rate a second FUT would maximize the best outcome. I am disappointed but I guess it is just the genes.


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