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Posts posted by James98

  1. 9 hours ago, Balding Bad said:

    I would recommend going with the tried and true of Minoxidil and Finasteride. Obviously do your homework and weigh the pros and cons before you start on this journey because if you take well to either one or both then just know it's essentially a life-long commitment.  Once you stop, any and all benefits you received from them will go bye-bye!

    Also for the rest of the forum's benefit, what's your current age (I'm gonna take a guess and say you're 23) and is there any Male Pattern Baldness that runs in your family? How's your grandfather, father, and/or brothers holding up?

    This will give us a good baseline to make a more informed, and possibly more accurate, projection with any potential future hair loss.

    Yes I’m 23. My dad is 56 with a full, thick head of hair. His dad died in his 30s or 40s with a full head of hair. My half brother on my dads side is 33 and bald. I never met my maternal grandfather but I was told he went bald as well. 

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