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Posts posted by D-1234

  1. I am 9 days post-op. This is actually my second HT procedure. I remember reading about a year ago that at 9 days post op, the graphs are secure and regardless of the itching and other strenuous things you can do, the graphs are secure, and will not come out.


    So like I said I am 9 days post op, and started gently rubbing off some scabs, but NOT in the shower. Rubbing it off this way stings just a little bit because the scab is formed around some hairs in the area, and since they are not wet, they don't release as easily. But with a little gentle massaging the scabs come loose.


    So my question is, am I right in thinking that I am safe? Seems like every post says 8 days to 2 weeks before touching and removing scabs. Is this just being over cautious?


    Also, at 9 days post op, wouldn't you have to really do something dramatic to lose graphs, not just pick off the scabs? Seems like at this point if I really lost a graph I would experience some kind of bleeding.



  2. I had HT surgery around 2 weeks ago. I was very nervous about showering at first due to the risk of dislodging some grafts. I think this allowed some of the scabs to develop more than is recommended. Anyways, I let all the scabs be (not touching them at all) until day 13. Then I could not take it anymore and started being fairly aggressive.


    I would rub and push the scabs pretty hard until they would loosen. Sometimes there was pain (and alot of pulling of the surrounding hairs). But never any blood. I always did this 'picking' when the scabs were dry and hard.


    Now it is day 16 and I loosened them all in the shower and now i am scab free.


    My question is, could this approach have ripped some grafts out or am I safe because I waited till day 13?


    Also, could this approach have increased shedding or shock loss? I have seen a noticeable reduction in hair density where the grafts were placed (they were placed on the top of the head where i am thinning, but still have ok coverage).



  3. I had a HT 2 weeks ago. The scabs on my head are starting to flake off. But I have a very hard time letting this happen naturally because it has been very itchy. I don't pick the scabs off, but kindof push them around until they loosen. There is no blood, but sometimes pain (i think partially because the scabs are pulling on nearby hairs). Anyway, is there a possibility that I could be doing damage, and permanently pulling out my implants? How long until the grafts can't be pulled out anymore?

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