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Posts posted by JowBr

  1. Just updating: i went to a dermatologist and she said that yes, there are a minor receding on the sides, but this can or cannot be MPB (too early to say for sure and apparently my receding is following my father's, he's not bald, maybe norwood 2), although she prescribed me this topical compound to try regrow some hair:

    Minoxidil 5% (topical)

    Finasteride 0,1% (topical)

    Auxina tricogena 3% (topical) 

    Trichosol 50 ml (topical vehicle)

    Instructions: apply 20 drops on whole hair once a day for 3 months

    *As i live in Brazil, some terms may vary from Portuguese to English, don't know. 


    Also, i did some research and Creatine somehow increases DHT levels, so i stopped taking it (unfortunately, because i really liked it's effects on workouts, but i don't want to take any chances). 

  2. 1 hour ago, ciaus said:

    Your top still looks pretty strong, but the frontal sides and top corners look like they've receded quite a bit. From these pics it looks like your barber is probably shaving off what little remains of the temple point areas. Do you have pics of your front temple areas when you were younger? 




    Thanks for the drawing! I will try to grow the temple point with minoxidil and stop shaving that area. 

    I think he really is shaving what remains of my temple point, because i can see clearly some hair follicles which were shaved. I will try switching barbers on the next cut and let those temple point grow further. About the younger photo, i have this one, which doesn't have a high res but i think it does the job about showing the younger temple point (i had 16 to 17 years on the photo): 


  3. 14 hours ago, Gatsby said:

    At 21 I would think about minoxidil and/or finasteride if it concerns you. Your hair looks great.

    Thanks for the advice! I will try minoxidil first without finasteride (because of the side effects


    13 hours ago, Fight-hair-loss said:

    Hey mate,very honestly since i have been researching on MPB since the last 14 years and been to dozens of doctors,yes you have started to thin and receding,don't listen to your mother,my mother said the same thing when i was 23 and i wish i had started medical therapy sooner.

    Parents see us everyday and hence get used to our looks.

    You don't need to worry too much but if i was you i would see a dermatologist and get him to see my scalp to check for thinning and start me on minoxidil at least if not DHT blockers.In a case like yours even PRP might work,but to thicken but i have never got one and i have no idea about it but have heard both positive and negative reviews about it,do some research about your hairloss,hair once lost won't come back,i wish i was as careful as you when i was 21-23 and i might never be needing a transplant today to get back my lost hair.

    Thank you very much! I will see a dermatologist later this month, and yes, family are impartial when those things are on topic. About PRP, never heard about it, i will take a further research, thanks! 


    2 hours ago, JDEE0 said:

    As others have said, your hair looks good. You do have some very minor thinning/recession in the corners of your hairline, yes, but this could very well just be your hairline 'maturing' and as such may barely move much from this point in the coming decades. Keep a close eye on it, if it continues on, then finasteride will sort you out.

    Have your temple points (triangular peaks that slope down from the corner of each hairline towards the eye) always been like that? You have a skin fade so its hard to tell, but they look to have completely recessed.

    Yeah, i'm keeping some photos of the evolution of the hairline (top-view and side-view). About the temple, i think they have recessed a little on the last two years, but recently i really think that my barber is messing up, because it can grow further if he doesn't shave that much. Appreciate your advice! 

    • Thanks 1
  4. Guys, i just turned 21 years old and, on a random day, somebody took a picture of me when i was looking down and the photo took the top-view of my head. Since then, i'm freaking out because the sides of my hairline appears to be receding (although, my family members said that i always had these receding hairline, as my father and my grandfather had too, and they never became bald). Though, my grandfather from my mother's side is bald, but he's like 70 years old and i don't know since what age he's bald because i don't get any contact with him and neither my mother. I will go to the doctor on 26th october, but since i'm really worried, i would like some opinion about the situation of my hairline... I will leave some photos here of all angles and, based on those, am i becoming bald or is it just a mature hairline?


    Thank you very much!

    WhatsApp Image 2021-10-10 at 23.41.52.jpeg

    WhatsApp Image 2021-10-11 at 22.11.20 (1).jpeg

    WhatsApp Image 2021-10-11 at 22.11.20 (3).jpeg

    WhatsApp Image 2021-10-11 at 22.11.20.jpeg

    WhatsApp Image 2021-10-11 at 22.11.19 (2).jpeg

    WhatsApp Image 2021-10-11 at 22.11.19 (1).jpeg

    WhatsApp Image 2021-10-11 at 22.11.19.jpeg

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