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Posts posted by mksnvn

  1. Thank you first for your answers.

    I don't want to take finasteride because the side effects put me off. I considered it at the beginning, but ultimately decided against it.

    Yes, I understand, I shouldn't choose a doctor because of the budget.

    • If the budget wasn't a factor, would it make sense to do an HT now or should I definitely wait? because the hair loss is still slowly going on.
    • That means I should definitely need 4000+ grafts? Or are the pictures perhaps too badly photographed?

    The pictures are all made with flashlight. in the coming days i will maybe upload new photos that were taken during the day.

    I wouldn't have rated my donor area so badly, as it looks pretty dense - to me.

    • Does my donation area look that bad?

    Thank you very much for the contributions. the forum here is really helpful.

  2. Hello, everyone,

    I wanted to ask your advice here about my hair situation. I am considering doing a hair transplant and am currently reading up on everything and getting an opinion on this.


    Some information about me:

    I am currently 30 (in a few months 31) years old and have been suffering from hair loss since I was around 22-23 years old. it has been a gradual process over the years. Actually I am living in germany. The hair loss has not stopped. Hair loss continues to progress (slowly as I would guess)

    My grandparents never lost their hair when they were younger. My parents are in their late 60s. My mother has a little thinner hair at the front but not much and my father generally has thinner hair at the top, which is normal for his age because he is 70.



    I have been taking monoxidil for about 6 years (since I am ~24y), but only once every day and it often happens that i don't take it at all (1 or 2 days a week that I dont take it).


    Hair loss process:

    Initially, the hair loss began in the front area when the hair was thinned out. Over the years the hair has thinned out more and more towards the back. But my hairline is still there. In the rear area everything seems to be tight and I do not notice any problems. The crown of hair is a bit thinned as you can see. The crown of hair currently bothers me the least or not at all. If it gets more over the years, then it will definitely bother me more but currently it's more about the upper / front area.

    • So far, I have been able to conceal the hair well with stray hair, but it is slowly becoming more difficult at the front.


    Doctors contacted:

    I have not yet contacted a doctor but I'll contact a few doctors soon. Dr. Demirsoy sounds good because I found his results good and I've read a lot of positive things about him. Of course I will contact several doctors.

    • My budget is a bit limited, around 5000€.


    My questions:

    • How do you rate my hair situation?
    • Am I well suited for HT or rather bad?
    • How many grafts do you think I would need to get a nice result?
    • Can you particularly recommend certain doctors for my budget?
    • I am happy for any further information / advice from you


    In some photos I let in extra light, but in real life the rear area looks pretty dense. The first photo is my actually hair with some stray hair which i use.











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